The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 62 Ch 60

Chapter 62 Ch 60: Why Are You Here? [Pt1]

“Zadkiel, are you there? How many times do I need to tell you that I do not like tricks as these played on me?”

The little goddess complained as she looked around in the darkness. As far as her eyes saw, there was only black and nothing else. It should not have been possible since her goddess's vision allowed her to see past the darkness.

Only darkness made of magic by a divine being or a demon could not be seen through easily. So the little goddess was convinced that this was a place made by a divine being.

And the only one who was in direct contact with her chambers was Zadkiel. The archangel of mercy was the only one who was allowed access to her now.

After the death (murder) of the demon king, the little goddess had been promoted to a proper council member. And she had been relocated into a nicer palace as well.

She had been offered servants but she had declined. Slavery was not a good practice and it was something the little goddess frowned upon. Many of her fellow gods and goddesses might have fallen to the ‘demon level’ and started to keep slaves but the little goddess was different.

The little goddess was pure and a keeper of all things holy.

“Zadkiel, I said that it is not funny. Are you listening to me?”

The little goddess was getting pissed. Her subordinate was not answering her when he could be the only one to reach her. This was not helping the little goddess feel any better.

Her small and slim body pushed against the ground, the hardness bringing her attention to the floor she had been lying on.

The little goddess could feel the surface but she could not see it. It could only mean that someone had not interfered with the surroundings but her vision. But how could a goddess be rendered blind so easily?

All the little goddess could do was listen and feel her surroundings. Now that her vision was compromised, her other senses had picked up in sensitivity and she could hear someone stalking her.

The sound of footsteps was going around her current position but they were too light to belong to Zadkiel. Someone else had managed to sneak into her palace. But the little goddess had no idea how.

“H-How are you? Show yourself.”

Now that the little goddess had understood the situation she was in, she quickly reacted. She threw bolts made of lightning where she thought the intruder was.

“Y-You will die if you underestimate me.”

The little goddess was terrified of this person but she did not show it on her face. Rather, she could not show it on her face because her intruder was still walking around her.

A few more thunderbolts were fired by the little goddess but all she heard was the sound of expensive stuff breaking. She would like to think that she had hit the intruder at least one time during all this commotion but she was sure it was wishful thinking.

The little goddess was not a good combination and her aim was not the best even when she could see. So how could you expect her to make a move in this situation?

It was asking for the impossible.

“S-Stay away. Zadkiel HELP-”

A hand muffled the little goddess before she could make any more noise. She was convinced that the person who was stalking her was a man since his chest felt smooth behind the little goddess’s back.

She was terrified to know what would happen next to her but some part of her brain also found her situation to be arousing.

“Who are you and what do you want from me? What did I ever do to you?”

The little goddess’s voice was strong as she tried to keep her confidence up. The second she showed that she was uncomfortable, she would have lost.

Besides, there was a huge chance that the little goddess could solve her current problem by talking. There was no need for her to get violent so openly.

“Look, whatever you want from me, I am sure we can negotiate an equal price for the same. There is no need for you to get this aggressive.”

The little goddess tried to be cooperative when she purposed that deal. She was offering such a big thing to this other person.

A goddess could not lie or make empty promises. If the little goddess was saying she would offer this person something of value equal to letting her go then she would do it.

And the person who was holding the little goddess captive also seemed to have paused, he seemed to be considering her words carefully before making a decision.

“I-I am a high goddess, one of the few ones who can even influence the divine council. I am sure I will be able to help you out in whatever way you want me to.”

The more she spoke, the more the little goddess was sure that she had an advantage. Young body or not, all male creatures lusted after the female ones except angels. So the little goddess was taking a gamble here.

But she was sure that no angel would have a reason to harm her. Those who had shown hospitality had been disposed of already.

“You are willing to do anything if I let you go?”

The voice of that man asked as she was let go. This was all the little goddess wanted from this man. As soon as she was let go, she was going to show this creature to not mess with a goddess.

But before that, the little goddess needed to get free. She safely needed access to her magic.

“Of course, I will do anything I can if you let me go. Isn't this a fantastic deal for you?”josei

The little goddess promised as she waited to be let go of. It would happen any second now so she needed to be ready to retaliate anytime. This human would ask the little goddess to stop or slow down.

And that would count as the human’s wish.

Once that was granted, the little goddess could finally finish him off and begin her search anew. There was something she was missing right now but the little goddess could not put his finger on it.

And speaking of fingers, she could still feel that mysterious man’s grip on her wrist he was not letting go and the little goddess was getting annoyed.

“Hey, if you are done then let me go right now. I have work to be-”

Pain flashed across the little goddess’s face as her stomache was pierced by a sword. She looked up to see familiar black pupils look back at her.

It was the face of that kid she had accidentally cursed and then had gotten killed. It was Yohan, the demon king she had authorized.

“If you want to do something for me, then die. I want to see you suffer in pain and agony for a long time.”

There was a maniac smile on Yohan’s face but the little goddess knew that things did not make sense.

Yohan was currently dead and had been for some time now. His life had ended up in Zadkiel’s hands and his soul should have disappeared from this earth.

But here he was, the demon king. He was standing in front of the little goddess safe and sound.

“What is wrong? You look like you have seen a ghost just now.”

Yohan asked the question in his familiar voice. His hair faded from that black shade to a blinding white while the black of his eyes faded to a sinister red.

He was the spitting image of the previous demon king and it made the little goddess take a step back. Even when her chest was hurting, she knew she had to keep her distance from Yohan.

“Y-You! How are you….standing…here?”

Breathing was really difficult for the little goddess to take. Her divine body had never been in pain before so she had no idea what she should do.

Meanwhile, Yohan stood in front of her relaxed. He seemed not concerned that the little goddess was dying. And why should he be when he was the one who had all but pierced the little goddess in her stomach?

“Don’t give me that look. This is just revenge from before but doesn’t think I will allow you to die this easily on my watch. You need to suffer a lot more before you can die peacefully.”

Yohan’s smile made the little goddess nervous. It sent shivers down her spine and she wanted to shut him up.

“Y-Y-You should die right now”

The little goddess tried to go after Yohan but her bleeding stomach was too much. The gods were not supposed to be injured so the little goddess had no idea what she should do.

How did one treat such a wound? And why was it not healing even when the little goddess was trying her best?

“Don’t think too much. For now, just wake up and live your life in terror. I will come to make this a reality pretty soon for you.”

The little goddess was pushed by Yohan and her breathing stopped. Her body lay in that hard and cold darkness, only being able to see the lead right looking down at her from above.

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