The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 77 Ch 75

Chapter 77 Ch 75: This Body Has Needs [Pt2]

‘Darn it, Darn it, Darn it. Why is my body feeling so hot? I cannot muster any strength in my arms. What kind of situation is this?’

Anya cursed inside her mind as she swung her arms around in an arch. Her Great Sword moved as she wanted it to in the air but she was still too slow to hit Yohan. Not only did he dodge it, but he also managed to knock Anya back.

Under normal circumstances, the blow he dealt Anya would not have even phased her a little. But her body was extremely sensitive today and Anya fell to her knees with that small bush against her.

‘W-What is going on?’

Her body burned and the only part of her that felt cool was the place where Yohan had touched her.

It was all because of her demonic magic, that much Anya knew. But her symptoms had never been this bad before. She was not sure what she should do now.

“You must be burning up because of all the magical energy inside your body. Don’t you want to let it all out? I can help you out.”

Yohan offered as he extended his hand to Anya. She was a virgin but she did understand what Yohan was purposing.

She did not want to take a half human’s hand in such a circumstance but her body was burning up from the inside. She felt like she would die if she did not cool down.

“Shut up. I don’t need your help.”

Anya yelled as she took that offered hand. But instead of pulling herself up, she pulled Yohan down. She knew she had no other choice but to allow Yohan to have sex with her.

But even then, Anya was going to make sure that it was on her demands that this relationship progressed. She wanted to be in control.

Meanwhile, Yohan was just amused to see Anya try her hardest to set up boundaries. She had pulled his lips to her own and was trying to dominate Yohan but it was a feeble attempt on her part.

The more she tried to eat Yohan out, the more he backed off. Anya had to lean forward to keep the kiss connected.josei

When Anya pulled back, she looked a little pissed off and annoyed with Yohan. Her lips were shining with saliva and swollen due to the force she had used in the kiss.

It suited her and finally made her face look a little feminine when coupled with her wide eyes and blushing face.

“Hey, you promised to help me out so sit still now and let me cool down.”

Yohan could have said a million things then and there but he decided to shut Anya up instead. He pulled her into a kiss and his tongue entered Anya’s mouth without hesitation.

Anya, who had been trying to gain an advantage until now, suddenly fell not only silent but also submitted unconsciously. The more Yohan pressed against Anya, the more she gave back.

But despite her words, her actions never tried to dominate Yohan in any way.

When he pulled back, Anya looked like her soul had been sucked out of her body. It was only Yohan’s hands on her face that kept her steady currently. Her legs were shaking and about to give out beneath her.

“What is wrong? I thought you wanted me to sit still. Can you not handle feeling a little pleasure?”

Yohan asked as his other hand reached toward Anya’s lips. They were wet and moist when he touched them. Anya’s mouth also seemed to do things without her input because it decided to take Anya’s finger inside its moist cavity and suck on it.

It took some time for Anya to come around but she looked flushed when she finally noticed what she was doing and she finally let Yohan’s finger go.

“I-It is not my fault. Y-You forced me into it, darn it.”

Anya denied having started the encounter. Her resistance was a little cute but futile in front of Yohan. Now when he had gotten aroused and needed release.

Besides, Anya’s demonic pheromones were exciting Yohan as well. And he also remembered how this hunter had tried to one-up him and escape him.

That needed to be punished. But not before Yohan had a little more control over her. Currently, Anya was resisting the temptation she was feeling as well as the signals her body was sending her to submit.

“Anya, I can stop if you do not want this. But you are the one who pulled me into the kiss first. So are you sure you want me to stop?”

Yohan could see the flash of resistance and panic in Anya’s eyes when he asked her this question. Even if she wanted to stop, her body would not allow her to.

Not only that, but Yohan was certain that his powers and scent were making things worse for Anya. her desire as well as Yohan’s external influence were weaving a web that Anya would not be able to leave.

“Anya, this is your last chance to escape. I think I have been more than generous enough given the circumstances.”

Yohan took Anya’s hand and places it on his hard cock. It was beginning to harden and it gave a twitch when Anya’s hand touched it on top of his clothes.

Anya looked a little fascinated as she gave Yohan’s cock a small squeeze. Yohan had to bite his lips from not moaning out loud at the action but he did give a shallow thrust into Anya’s hand which made her pull back.

“W-Well, it’s not like I want to help you out but I a-am responsible for landing you in this s-situation so I m-might as well help you out.”

Anya was unable to look Yohan in the eyes right now. Nor was she able to divert her eyes and attention away from that hard cock she had just been touching.

Her body had been burning with aimless desire before but now it wanted Yohan inside herself. Her demon half had recognized Yohan as a strong mate who could make her feel good and Anya felt her stomach roll with need and desire.

The worst thing for her was - Yohan was offering himself to her on a silver platter for taking. And it felt so much like Anya taking advantage of him that she could not help it.

Her demon part found it to be appealing and urged Anya to hurry up and hop on Yohan’s cock while her human half wanted to pull away.

“Don’t think too much. Look, if you want some encouragement from me, then I am willing to give it to bear the burden as well.”

Anya did not understand why nonsense Yohan was sprouting but the kiss she was pulled into made her forget everything that was going on in her mind. It was a searing kiss that left no room for any other thought

Yohan’s tongue felt like it was everywhere inside her mouth all at once. But Anya was unable to resist the temptation of sucking back on it.

The more contact she had with Yohan, the calmer her senses felt. But her inside also ached more to have Yohan inside her.

“Look at you, being all well-behaved like a satisfied cat after that kiss. You want me to put the fire out inside you, right? Then you will have to accept me and become mine.”

Anya’s brain could not muster enough reason to deny Yohan’s words. She knew she had said no before but she could not figure out why she had done that.

What reason was there to deny herself this pleasure and to continue and strive to please humans? It had never served her any good to be with them.

Yohan could see that he was getting to Anya. The pleasure she was feeling must be making her more moldable to Yohan’s ideas and he was not above taking advantage of that.

His hands managed to sneak beneath Anya’s shirt and reached for her chest. Her breasts were of moderate size but bound to make them flatter. Yohan could cup them easily and roll a nipple before pinching it.

Anya’s body jolted as she felt that sensation travel through her body and make her stomach feel weird. Her lower lips were beginning to get wet now due to the external stimulation she was feeling.

Yohan was slowly but surely, reducing all the defensed Anya had built around herself for protection. At this rate, he would end up seducing her and Anya would give in willingly.

‘I cannot deny it. I am attracted to Yohan and my body wants to submit to him.’

Anya finally gave in and let Yohan kiss her. It felt so good to empty her brain and to give into her lust. Her body was singing to be taken by Yohan and Anya let her demon out.

Yohan wanted to laugh once he watched that happen. He knew Anya would give in one way or the other and now she was going to get ruined and rebuilt by Yohan.

But before that happened, he would claim Anya and make her loyal to Yohan with a bond in place.

“You are perfect Anya. Now, we should get started for real.”

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