The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 82 Ch 80

Chapter 82 Ch 80: The Tag Game [Pt1]


Desperation lined Anya's every move as she pressed her body against Yohan's. He could feel Anya's lips moving against his own and it sent a sign of relief through his body.

Anya's high body temperature felt like relief against Yohan and he pulled Anya closer to his body. Anya gasped in surprise and Yohan did not miss the opportunity to plunge his tongue into her mouth.

The female responded to Yohan, her mouth now moving desperately against his own to seek relief.

What had been a burning flame before now felt like an inferno of desire for his touch. And Anya felt her senses lose to that feeling.

Even when her body demanded Anya to pull back and breathe, she did not want to follow that command. She wanted to keep her lips connected to Yohan for as long as possible.

Her tongue felt numb with pleasure as it rubbed against Yohan and the lack of oxygen was causing her head to spin now.

It was not until Yohan pulled her head back that Anya even realized she had not been breathing. Oxygen rushed into Anya's burning lungs as she gasped in pain.

"Take it easy for me. We don't want you dying with your familiar, right?"

Yohan looked back at Anya with an amused expression. She was panting hard with a pale complexion and red face.

"S-Shut up and help me out. You will save A-Ana if I do this, right?"

And the amusement vanished from Yohan's face. He did not want Anya to make such comments, even if they were true.

Anya's scalp flared up in pain as Yohan pulled her off himself. Fear sparked in Anya's heart as Yohan stood up and started to walk away from her and her familiar.

"W-What are you doing? You need to save Ana for me."

Anya yelled, no longer able to keep her desperation inside. But Yohan looked like he did not even want to look at her right now.

She could see his eyes looking at her and judging her. She felt frozen as her core was laid bare in front of Yohan. And she swallowed nervously as she faced the only person who had accepted her without any questions.

"I do not mind helping you, Anya. But someone who is not mine cannot tell me what to do."

"B-But I am yours. You claimed me, right?"

"Physically, yes. But you have to surrender to me mentally and give your everything over to me. Only then will I be satisfied and you will get what you want. I don't want any half-hearted affection from you."

The more Yohan spoke, the more Anya understood that he had managed to look into her soul and gather knowledge that even Anya was not privy to.

She had thought that she was giving herself over, but it was coupled with a sense of sacrifice for her. And she had not even realized that she had been thinking like this.

"I… want to surrender to you. I know what I want to do in my mind and even my body understands it. But something inside me is protesting to give you control and trust. My demon says you are a strong mate but it wants proof."

Yohan looked at the troubled half-human in front of him. He had thought that he had Anya under his control after he had fucked her silly.

But clearly, that was a misunderstanding and he had been too gentle on Anya. He needed to be a lot more strict with Anya if he wanted to have her obedience.

Yohan wanted to laugh out loud at this realization. He could not believe that things were going even better than he had envisioned them to go before.

He had realized that he might be able to get Anya to be under him but he would have to exert some pressure to get her trust. However, it would be far better if Anya actively tried to assist him in this matter.

And that would only be possible if she believed that she wanted this as well.

Was it scummy for Yohan to use her emotions in such a manipulative way? Sure it was.

"Anya, I can feel that you want to give in to me but something is stopping you. In that case, would you mind me taking full control over you? I promise I will be gentle."

Now was the time to purpose this deal. Anya was emotionally unstable and her familiar was also almost dead. A decent deed from Yohan would solidify Anya's loyalty to him and him alone.

"I…Please help Ana first. I beg you to help Ana and I will give you my everything."

Finally, Anya had given in to him. The more Yohan saw her, the more he felt the read operation in Anya's voice.

She had been utterly defeated and the binding tattoo Yohan had left on Anya during their last copulation was pulsing around her navel. Her magic also mixed with Yohan, giving him a boost in strength.

"Don't worry Anya. Everything will be alright now. All you need to do is to believe in me. And since you are trying too hard, I guess I can give you a gift as well."

Yohan rested his hand on Ana the Griffin and stopped the last of her life force from fading away. He was going to use advanced necromancy skills to create a living zombie for Anya.

Not that she would know of a difference since only Yohan could notice the dead aura right away. And even if Anya did, it was her only choice to keep her familiar by her side.

“Watch me use the ultimate power, Anya. in the future, you will be glad to see that you made the right choice today. Those who caused you grief and those who abandoned you, we will erase them all.”

Yohan assured Anya as he released his power. The Griffin gave a lowly whine before his eyes opened in a flash of light and Yohan felt the Griffin resist his powers.

The pain-filled cry made Anya winch and she tried to help her familiar but Yohan stopped her before she could. He gestured for Anya to stand back and used his magic to subdue the Griffin.

When the Griffin finally fell under Yohan’s control, he knew it was time to finally claim his prize. Anya would not be able to escape him now and she will fall under Yohan’s palm of her own accord.

“Ana! Is Ana alright?”

Anya’s concern was written all over her scaly face. The worry had caused her fading half-demonic form to reemerge and Yohan could see that the fusion was getting more and more stable by the second.

This half-dragon form Anya was in made her look bigger everywhere.

Anya had been somewhat flat before but now her breasts were plump and striking. They looked too big to hold in Yohan’s hands but that was not all.

Her skin had scales all over it and Yohan even noticed a reptilian tail behind her back. It was currently moving left and right in worry.

The easy motion made Yohan wonder how easy it would be to hold Anya by her tail and make her move above his cock. Would it be as sensitive as the other demonic half-breeds had?

“I took care of your familiar. As you can see, Ana is no longer in any life-threatening danger so I kept my word. Now, it is time for you to keep yours as well. But don’t worry. I will train your body so that it would no longer resist me.”

Yohan walked toward Anya in a predatory manner. Anya shrunk as Yohan came closer to her.

Fear and excitement mixed in Anya’s eyes but she was also no longer in her demon’s control. Her human mind felt odd at having such attention placed on her.

“D-Don’t! Can we t-talk about it?”

Anya tried to negotiate but Yohan had her word. He could also smell Anya’s arousal and he had promised her that he would take care of everything.

Even if Anya said ‘no’ now, she had consented to him. And that promise was what Yohan would be banking on now.

“Anya, you promised me something and I am just here to collect. Now, be a good girl and give me what I want.”

The sharp smell of arousal that came out of Anya at Yohan’s harsh words was too strong. His own body showed interest in smelling such an alluring smell.

Yohan could have held back more if he wanted to. But there was no point for him to hold back anymore. Not when he knew that Anya was just going to run if he gave her a chance to.

And Yohan was not foolish enough to let his repayment go undone. He was going to catch Anya and show her where she should be.

Anya also heard Yohan’s words and her eyes narrowed in determination. The fire in her eyes that had attracted Yohan and that wild flicker was finally back.

“Fine, you bastard. If you want me, then come and get me. But you’ll have to catch me first.”

Like a startled cat, Anya took off chasing into the forest. But it was a play of hers as well because she left her familiar behind with Yohan.

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