The Legacy System

648 Chapter 648

648 Chapter 648

It pained Master Long very much!

While they had never had a normal and warm relationship together, he certainly didn't expect it to be so bad.

He had never thought that that woman would actually betray him like this, going so far as to secure his death, and the destruction of the Long Family.

Did he truly do so much damage to her!? Was marrying him truly her greatest punishment, something that she couldn't forgive!?

Her target wasn't only him, but the whole Long Family. While it might look like a selfish and narcistic approach, the truth was that he was the link keeping the Long Family united and standing at the moment.

Once he was removed from his position, the Long Family would most probably crumble under the ambitions, and greed of those two bastards.

With these thoughts in his mind, he slowly got froze his heart, and started to accept the unescapable future, the one where he would have to heavily punish his wife.

In fact, as thoughts of punishment surfaced on his mind, he started to feel excited for some reason and look forward to it.

With this he would have all kinds of excuses to act against her however he wished. Neither his family, nor his 'beloved's' family would dare to voice even a word.

Like this he started to get calmer and clearer about his situation and the future, as he looked at the Alchemist, then at the servant, and finally acted.


Without wasting time and effort he immediately cut the head of the Alchemist, while he looked threateningly at the servant,

"Not a word outside about this!"

"…Y-ye-yes Master!"

The servant was shook to the bone, but he knew that if he didn't answer right then his head would be next, so despite the shock and fear he managed to voice his answer.

"Very well! Now, since you are quite a capable servant, I will give you an extremely important task! I want you to…"

No one heard what Master Long said to the servant, because he clearly passed whatever he needed to through mental transmission messages.

The death of an Alchemist was most certainly a scary matter, because this meant that there was some sort of assassin or spy still in the Long Mansion, and no one was able to spot and capture him.

If you added to that, the situation outside of the Mansion, it just made the people inside even more fearful of their present and lives.

None of them wanted to die, so they had to live with their fear and panic for quite some time. Unfortunately, these guys seemed destined to suffer, because that was just the beginning.

Taking an opportunity from the rumours that spread through the Mansion, someone took the opportunity to start clearing the Mansion.

It first started with servants, and slowly raised the ranks every night. The lowly outer servant, and the inner servant were both known existences to work for the Master himself.

For that reason the rumour became even more exaggerated, as they started saying that the ghosts of the Young Miss, and the unfairly killed servant were taking revenge.

No matter how stupid and impossible these rumours sounded they could only grow worse when the next day, were killed a core servant of the Young Master, and to direct descendants of Master Long's half-brother.

Rumours that it was the Young Master, and Second Master who set up the gardener spread like fire boosted by gasoline, and so did the crazy rumour of the ghosts revenge.

The third day the murders continued, but more importantly something peculiar happened that day, as the search for the thief and whatever he had stolen stopped.

That was because someone had sent an anonymous letter to Madam Yan Meng, with the following text,

"I have the plant, while I don't know it's precise value it must be extremely precious to you for causing such a ruckuss to look for it!

If you want it back, then you have to pay 100 thousand dollars cash!

I will be waiting for you at the southeast gate!"

The moment that Madam Yan Meng read that letter, her face got extremely ugly and bleak. It looked like she had turned from an angel to a demon, as she burned the piece of paper down.

Still, the next moment she immediately started squeezing her brains about the possible identity of the thief.

She had to find out who it was as soon as possible, because only like that would she be able to escape any possible trap, and also get her hands on what she wanted without leaving traces.

Buying to the blackmail, and paying the guy was the last possible way she had to take the herb, because that was the riskiest one.

She would be played by the nose from whoever was the guy that had actually taken that special herb, and that guy would most probably have a backup plan or left some trace in case of danger.

Only if he were an idiot would he not do something like that. For that reason she didn't like that possibility in the least.

She had to find the guy as quickly as possible and bring him down before he managed to create any possible trace or evidence behind.


With that word from her, immediately 13 females with different shapes and curves appeared around her, ready for their orders.

They stood just like proud swans with a cold and detached attitude towards life, while having a deep affection and revery for their Madam.

"Track him down and bring him to me! From the letter he just used, he must have been to that bastards office an hour ago, check all the footage!"

For someone of her skills and level it wasn't really difficult to remember some special details about different locations of the Mansion, and especially the office of that man.

"Yes Madam!"

As soon as they received the directions and their orders the Flowers disappeared from their location and went to check on every possible evidence, before appearing at the same spot 25 minutes later.

"We are done Madam, this is the identity, and the information on this servant!"

With that said, the Flower handed a file to Madam Yan Meng, whose face turned weird and complicated for a moment, before she coldly snorted, and said,

"Hmph~! A toad that doesn't know it's place! Capture him, and send him to the dungeons, I want information as soon as possible!"

"Yes Madam!"

Once again the Flowers acknowledged the orders before they disappeared while Madam Yan Meng seemed disturbed and unnatural for some reason.josei

She couldn't help but have a feeling that there was something wrong with this situation. Even though she was finally putting her hands on that thing, she still felt restless.

With these thoughts in mind, she immediately left the place and walked towards a particular direction, as she reached another room, and without even knocking entered inside.


The moment she entered she was faced with the loud moan of a woman who seemed to be expressing the pain she was getting, and the crying face of Miss Lu who seemed to feel betrayed by the side.

The one responsible for this situation was a young man who had some similar features to Madam Yan Meng, only that his facial expression resembled more to that of a psycho.

By getting a bit closer one could easily recognise the beauty in pain to be Miss Wei QingPing, whole Miss Lu was in tattered clothes, and covered in blood.

Both of their faces resembled more to demons rather than beautiful women, as they had cuts, scratches, and whips all over their faces.

Their bodies were in similar conditions, but their faces were much more important, especially for ladies who felt that their face was their most important point of beauty.

The young man who had done all this didn't seem to be bothered by the sudden intrusion, as he was happily looking at his work, while saying in a happy voice,

"Oh, mother you are here! What happened, do you have news on that thing!?"

Madam Yan Meng took a look at the scene in front of her, but she quickly regained control of herself, as she forcefully turned calmer and said,

"Yes, I have news! A servant just send me a blackmailing note…

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