The Legacy System

665 Chapter 665

665 Chapter 665

She picked up a kitchen knife, and slowly brought it to her throat, but she wasn't able to take that last step.

She wasn't able to kill herself, she pitied herself too much for that!

Since she couldn't kill herself, and since she couldn't bear the current situation where she would have to live with a vegetable for the rest of her life, she decided on something else.

Why should she be the one to suffer!?

Since they had no compassion for her then she didn't need to have any compassion for them either, so she decided to put an end to the Cao Family.

As if heaven was about to help her out, she raised the voice to look at the fleeting image of a hooded covered man, who left behind just a piece of paper.

No one knew what was written on that piece of paper, but for sure it brought a devilish smile onto the woman's face.

Just like that another day passed by, and another one started as the Cao Family and especially it's Patriarch started their solidification of their new gained power and strength.

It wasn't just the Cao Family though, all the other families that had their own gains and losses were in the same situation.

After having taken one step they could do nothing but get into seclusion and lick their wounds or count their victories.

The whole planet was too unstable at the moment, and the more they got involved in it without preparations the worse it would be for them.

This was just the start as people who had lived their lives normally until now had received uncontrollable strength, and they were all dangerous.

Going from 0 to 100 was certainly a lot of fun and ecstasy so whoever it was would feel the adrenaline rush and think he was king of the world, not remembering his place.

Things got even more terrifying when it was everyone going on the same speed, collision were bound to happen, and while those guys had nothing to lose, the big families had.

It wasn't only in this country, everywhere across the globe, the big powers and families tried to take advantage of the chaos that appeared from their sudden appearance, and then closed their gates.

Like this, if someone didn't come hitting on their gate and tried to break through they wouldn't proactively mess with the world.

Of course, this didn't mean that they would be fully isolated towards the outside world, it just meant that they wouldn't do so directly.

After all, which of these powers didn't have a few outside forces that they had trained for difficult times, or to have a safe base to run to in case things went south for them!?

The same was true for Eric as well, while he had intentions of gathering a lot of talents and great figures in his city, he didn't want to get directly involved.

After all, he had no intention of becoming a hero and getting in the centre of attention. That would just make him an easy target.

Furthermore, one had to understand that his enemies weren't living only in this planet, but way outside of it as well.

Still, even though his main body didn't came outside of the underground city, his two clones were already becoming a part of the turmoil outside.

Just like that, another day passed away, another week, another month, another year, and finally another 10 years went by like nothing.

In these 10 years Earth had turned into a battlefield too many time for different reasons. The population had gone down by more than 10 times.josei

If at the start of the S-day this planet had around 8 billion people there were only around 800 million people left now, and that was at the best estimation.

While a great number of people had died while fighting, or being killed from others for whatever reasons, the rest had died due to hunger, thirst, or just due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Just like that the current Earth had turned into a barren land where most of the cities were only but left buildings with no trace of life in them.

If years ago people would be fighting for land and properties now there was so much of those that there weren't enough people to claim them.

Of course, there were landlords, and all sorts of people claiming cities for themselves, but even those places were only ghosts of what they were in the past.

As expected the part of the population that had suffered the most were women and children. Even though they had the same conditions as everyone else, their mentality had been a huge drawback.

Looking at the remaining 800 million of people now, only about 20% of the population were women and only 10% of them were children of all ages.

The only positive approach, if one could call it like that, was that out of the children population more than 70% of them were girls.

But even that positive thought was just the tip of a negative iceberg because the only reason of this fact was due to the value these young girls had.

After all, with the fall of world order all sorts of psychopaths and perverts had appeared all over the world, without having any sorts of impediments any longer.

The current earth was same as the iron era with the only difference being the current technology and abilities of its residents.

It was only in the recent 2 year period that once again a sort of hierarchy had been set up and everything started getting a bit quieter.

Of course, all sorts of evil continued to happen without a change as long as one had the strength and position, but now everything was happening inside a community.

There were signs of order being set up even if it was dictatorship, it was still some form of order, and people would be able to have a nice life as long as they had enough strength or worked enough.

At this point in time there were no longer countries, or superpowers only city-states. Just like it was in the feudal period, everyone with enough strength had created their own ruling heaven.

There was one City Lord controlling everything, and setting up their own rules, ruling their own kingdoms.

Of course, the rulers of these city-states were mostly the old and big superfamilies of the past which had shown themselves after a 5-year period.

The moment that half of population had either died due to the extreme conditions, or due to killing each other and reached a point of saturation on their strength, they immediately came out of seclusion.

With their strength and resources it wasn't difficult for them to make a path of blood and corpses as they seized power once again.

Some fell for their promises, some fell for their riches, and some fell to their blades. Either way, the people in their area only had to options surrender or die!

Even those guys that had reached higher levels compared to others didn't dare to make a stand. After all, they were alone, while these families had armies.

Like this, slowly a new world order was being created, but this by no means was the end of the fighting and killing.

The only thing that changed was the scale of the wars not the fact whether there was war or not.

Meanwhile in Eric's personal underground city things seemed to be heating up one more time, as people had started thinking of their rights and democracy one more time…

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