The Legacy System

Chapter 102 - 102

Chapter 102 - 102: More Information

Normally they would just laugh it off something like this, but Eric's expression showed that it was no laughing matter at all.

Furthermore, he didn't seem to care how they went about it, he was just warning them, not asking for their help. ​​

Just like before it was Uncle Satoru who made the important questions,

"How much time do we have? And what else can you tell us about it?"

Keeping his calm and solemn look Eric said in a carefree voice,

Eric:" You have around 3-4 years to prepare for it. As for what else I can tell you about it, is that the balance will be broken!"

These words made Uncle Satoru more confused, as he immediately asked,

"What do you mean?"

Seeing that he had been too mysterious in his words, and he needed to explain better, Eric looked towards them and said,

"The planet Earth we are all living now, is in some kind of balance in power, and with the truly powerful ones in the shadows.

But that is because most people don't have access to supernatural abilities, and manuals to get stronger.

According to our information, those people are thinking of giving everyone the possibility to become stronger, providing them with resources and manuals."

Hearing this Young Master Takeshiba felt a bit complicated, after all handing over extra resources to their enemies, weren't these guys afraid that people on Earth would become too powerful to handle?

Not to mention that those extra resources and manuals would be really handy, one he got a part of them in his hands.

Noticing his look, and line of thought Eric said with a disappointed voice,

"I thought you were smarter than this, but it seemed like I overestimated you!"

Looking at him with a complicated, Young Master Takeshiba Yuto said,

"What do you mean?"

Not caring at all about the way that Takeshiba Yuto was looking towards him, Eric just said,

"Do you think that those guys would be as stupid as to hand those as a bunch, and wait for people to receive them?

They are people who have far outlived you by some thousands of times, so of course, they would hand everything over to all the people.

While it may seem like too many, Earth is a small place compared to the outside World. So to them, it will be a walk in the park.

And if you think of receiving them from the people after they have received them, then you don't understand human nature at all.

Once those things are spread through the planet, you will understand how dark the human heart is, and to what kind of extent it can go."

Young Master Takeshiba Yuto seemed really unconvinced, but he could do nothing besides thinking more about Eric's words. He thought he was a genius, but Eric was calling him a fool.

While Eric was saying all these things, Uncle Satoru was looking at him carefully while processing his words. He was a sly old man, and clearly understood Eric's words.

What surprised him was that when he was speaking at the moment, Eric seemed more like an old fogey like himself, rather than a young man going to the university.

Looking at Eric directly in the eyes, he said in a solemn voice,

"I understand what you mean, and also your logic, but I am afraid that I can't take any decision upon this. You will have to talk to my superiors."

Looking at him as if he had just heard some kind of joke, Eric said with a light smile,

"Old man I don't think I was clear enough. I don't care what answer you or your superiors can give me. I am just warning you!

Furthermore, what makes you think that your side is totally clean? We were lucky to sniff the guy we caught, and not to mention he was extremely powerful, he didn't seem to be alone!

We don't know for how long, or how many people they have already sent here, or in what positions they have reached. Are you asking me to go out there and offer my life to them?"

Uncle Satoru was clearly shocked, as he had never thought about it. Clearly, he had jumped to earlier conclusions thinking that they had just arrived here, and were caught.

But this version of Eric was clearly more viable, the only question running through his mind at the moment was a big one though, as he asked Eric,

"If what you say it's true, then why are they bothering so much with a small planet like ours?"

Hearing that question, Eric seemed a bit unwilling to tell, but pretending like there was no other way for them to believe him, he said,

"According to the guy, they are here looking for a treasure, but the problem is that even they don't know what exactly that treasure is, or where it's found.

They are thinking of using the human population on this planet as rats to sniff it out."

Those words clearly shocked the old man, and the Young Master, as even their pride was hurt a bit. They were powerful and wealthy people, and yet someone was thinking of using them like rats.

That clearly made them angry and agitated. But Eric didn't seem to care in the least, and then as if remembering something, he said with a dark and solemn voice,

"Oh, and if any of you two tell someone else about my identity or the fact that I was the one to give out this information… I don't think I need to say anything more do I?"

When he said his last words, a small part of his killing intent leaked out, stuffing the private box, and making it really difficult to breathe.

The Old man and the Young Master were feeling as if they were in a dungeon, in front of an evil beast, that was about to devour them whole.

They were terrified, horrified, in front of that killing intent they could only shiver in fright. Something that clearly stupefied both of them.

They had never seen something like this, not to mention that Eric seemed almost the same age as Young Master Takeshiba Yuto, yet the difference was like Heaven and Earth.

This show, just made them even more certain about Eric's prowess, and the fact that he must be really part of a mysterious secret organization.

At that moment, they made an oath to themselves, that under any circumstance they would never make the mistake of messing with someone like Eric.

For a few moments, silence ruled over the place, as the duo was processing Eric's words, while Eric was carefully observing them both.

Then as if deciding something, Young Master Takeshiba Yuto asked with a wondering voice,

"There is something I don't understand, why did you decide to tell these things to us? Do you trust us that much?"

Eric was startled for a moment, and even looked a bit stunned, which soon turned into a laugh and said,

Eric:" Haha… Nothing of sorts, I just found you interesting, and also the best link to the big families. After all, if I did that myself, they would just treat me as a lunatic, and throw me away.

If you do it though, they might hear you out, and consider the possibility. While I don't expect them to react much, I would have completed my assignment, and warned them, the rest is in their hands.

As for the Old Man, well that is something that you aren't entitled to know!"

Young Master Takeshiba Yuto was clearly stunned by Eric's words, as he didn't know what to think for a few moments, he didn't have the thought of being angered at his last words.

At the same time, Uncle Satoru was going through a festival of thoughts and emotions. He could swear that he had seen Eric smirk at him when he was talking about him.

Even though it was impossible, for a moment he thought that Eric knew about his secret occupation and identity.

But that should be impossible since only the people with real power in the shadows had knowledge about it.

Not even his family knew about it, and he was extremely careful not to let anything out. There was no possible way for Eric to know about it.

But then again, that smirk was a clear signal. It was like a clap of thunder in a clear sky, there was no doubt about it. The more time passed, the more complicated thoughts appeared on his mind.

Looking at the duo, Eric felt satisfied at achieving his goal, as he left them like that for a few more minutes, and said,

"Well with this out of the way, Young Master Yuto, I think you should go and think some more about this information, and probably even discuss it with your father. josei

I am sure that he will have his own thoughts about this. As for the proof, tell him that he only has to wait for less than a month!

If you want to reach me, just give your message to Aika-chan, and I will find my way to answer you back!

As for the matters of tonight, you don't have to worry, as the kidnappers will be arrested by the police soon, and you will be clean and innocent soon.

As for the rest of them, Master Miura and his army are gone, but Master Miura's son and Master Ito were left alive to tell the tale. That is a warning to you too, don't stretch your legs too much!"

Young Master Yuto clearly understood that he was being sent off, as Eric would most probably talk much more with Uncle Satoru, and he didn't seem to oppose the idea either.

While he didn't like Eric, his attitude, and his words, he knew that at the moment he couldn't do anything against him.

Not without having clear information over the guy, so he just left while saying,

"You are right, I have to go and think more about all this. But I will make one thing clear, this doesn't mean that I owe you anything, and you better stay away from Gina!"

Eric didn't bother in the least about his words, as he turned towards Uncle Satoru and said,

"Well now that he is gone, we can finally talk seriously, Old Ghost, Director of the Supernatural Division of Japan…"

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