The Legacy System

Chapter 112 - 112

Chapter 112 - 112: I Want The Senkaku Islands

On the other hand, Eric had a satisfied grin on his face looking at Uncle Satoru's expression, this increased his chances to get what he wanted.

The truth was that Eric was being so generous this time because what he wanted in return was a bit difficult to get. ​​

Looking towards Uncle Satoru, Eric had a calm expression as he said,

"I hope you are not disappointed by these little things Old Ghost."

Uncle Satoru was completely speechless, Eric was calling such treasures as little things how could he not get speechless.

To him, these things were vital to the growth of his division. Each one of these was a treasure worthy of making him beg for it.

But there was nothing he could do about it, this was how the world worked. What looked really precious to some people, held no value for others. josei

But now was not the time to think about that, as it was time to negotiate, as he said,

"Kid I can tell you that you got yourself a collaboration deal with the Council and the Government. Now tell me what you want in exchange for these!

I am sure you have already had something in your mind!"

Eric was already prepared for this as he directly said in a serious and domineering voice,

"I want the Senkaku Islands!"

But more than towards Uncle Satoru he seemed to be directed towards the old man behind him. Uncle Satoru was shocked and could do nothing but think and gasp.

The Senkaku Islands were a small group of islands located on the East China Sea, in between China, Japan, and Taiwan, and had always been a dispute between the three countries.

The little islands were currently on Japan's authority, even though that authority was contested by both China and Taiwan.

The Islands held no value themselves, it was only that their location was a strategic point through which passed a lot of trading routes.

Gasping once again from Eric's request, Uncle Satoru took a deep breath to relax, as he looked at Eric and said,

"While the exchange seems like a good one for us considering that we have a deal to use the trading routes free, I don't have the authority to decide on this!"

Eric could clearly understand his words, and if he had been here alone, he would have handed him 1 manual for the good-will deal, and then report back for furthering it.

But now there was someone with the authority to talk about this inside the room, as he looked towards the old man behind Uncle Satoru in a light smile and said,

"Then why don't we ask someone who has the authority to talk about this then? What do you think about it Old Five?"

The old man had been staying on horns from the moment that Eric had previously mentioned the council of 5 and looked in his direction.

Now he could finally rest assured that Eric truly knew his identity as the Old Five of the Council of Five. While he wasn't the chairman of the Council, he the second most important figure in there.

For Eric to know his identity and recognize him so easily it already showed that he knew much more than they thought until now.

They would have to take Eric much more seriously from now on because there existed the chance that he knew many other things that shouldn't be revealed.

From the moment he had arrived in here, seeing Eric argue with the Kirigaya's Clan young Patriarch, and then his calm, and carefree attitude, and up until now, he didn't know what to make of this guy.

Eric seemed like a really mysterious young man in front of him. But one thing was for sure, he held a lot of precious things in his hands that could benefit, or destroy the country.

Seeing that his cover had been blown up, he stretched his body a bit, as he got forward without caring about the surprised face of Uncle Satoru and said,

"Young Master Eric is a pleasure to meet you, just like you said, I am Old Five of the Council of Five! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

As soon as he finished his introduction Eric made his,

"Your Excellency this young one is Eric Jade of the Dark Hall, it's a pleasure to meet you too."

Eric's words were neither humble nor overbearing, he was just casual on his words. It seemed like even if the world crumbled in front of him, Eric would pay no attention to it.

The old man had come here with the intention of having a look at Eric but he had already been at a disadvantage from the beginning.

But he didn't have much time to think about it right now, as there was an even more pressing matter at hand.

Taking the list from Uncle Satoru's hand, the old man threw a look at what Eric was giving them, and he had to say that these were really qualitative and useful stuff.

But this was clearly just the head of the iceberg since Eric should have much more on his hands, especially if his background was real.

The old man wasn't the second in command of the council of 5 for nothing, as his slyness and wits far surpassed the normal people.

He knew the things in this list were just the start and that pretty soon much more exciting stuff would come from Eric's hands.

But giving those islands to Eric was a risky move, their government had bought those islands from an individual, and they had paid a hefty price for them.

Now that Eric was asking for them he didn't know what to say. Just like Uncle Satoru had said Eric's friendship and what he gave them was many more times more precious than those islands.

But giving those islands to Eric right now was like giving Eric independence over that place, and they could no longer interfere with what happened in there.

Looking a bit pensive he said,

"I truly have the authority to negotiate with you over this, but I think that you will have to offer more Young Master Eric. After all, you are asking to have your own country close to us."

Eric seemed to have expected this, as he didn't lose his calm and just said,

"It's good that you understand my intentions Old Five, but even though you are being a bit overboard I agree to give you more.

I promise to double the supply of the pills and potions in less than 3 months, and also give you the right to purchase first for any other product.

At the same time, I will hand over to you all the rights to the trading routes, as long as they stay 6 miles away from my place.

Of course, this will make you owe me one, I don't think that Old Five wants to profit from a little kid with no experience in negotiating!"

He had already expected things to be rough with the council, and these old fogies would not agree easily to his request.

It was his good luck that the person coming for him had been Old Five, had it been anyone else besides him, and the chairwoman, his chances of succeeding would be infinitely close to 0.

On the other hand, the old man was caught unprepared by Eric's magnanimity, as he expected him to be harder to negotiate, but the new conditions were truly good.

At the end of the day, all they were losing was a few worthless islands and a bit of seawater. Thinking like this he said in a satisfied tone,

"Very well Young Master Eric, I am truly pleased with the fact that we reached a deal so fast!"

Eric also placed a smile on his face, as looking at him he said in a laughing voice,

"And I am truly happy that the one to come here were you, and not one of those three! It was truly a lucky coincidence!"

The old man kept his smile, but inside he was glad that this monster had a deal with them, and would work against them for the time being.

He could understand Eric's words, and it seemed like Eric knew those three up close, or had a lot of information on them.

Satisfied that he had done the right choice, he looked towards Eric and said,

"Young Master Eric must be jesting. I am sure you already had a way to deal with them, and make them accept!"

He didn't know why but he truly believed that, and Eric didn't seem to reject that opinion, as he tried to change the topic and said,

"Well now that we have agreed on the important part, we can slowly discuss the details. As for the other stuff, you will be able to witness them at Kirigaya's Clan approaching wedding event."

Hearing that the old man's face went rigid and solemn as he said,

"Young Master Eric how sure are you of your words!?"

Eric looked him directly in the eyes, and said in a firm voice,

"I am 100% sure and confident that he is one of the people we are looking for. But we cannot act without proper caution, otherwise, the others will be more attentive.

For that reason, Kirigaya Kaito will take care of him, and prepare him for our interrogation."

The old man felt Eric's determination and confidence in his words, and as he released a long sigh, he said in a defeated voice,

"Sigh~! His grandfather was a great man who gave his life for this country, and yet his descendant has turned into a spy.

Nobody can understand how this world works, we can only live our lives to our best."

Saying these deep words, he turned towards Uncle Satoru and said in an attentive voice,

"Little ghost, can you please bring us a piece of paper and the council's stamp. We need to write an agreement…

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