The Legacy System

Chapter 354 - 354: Ice Awakens

Chapter 354 - 354: Ice Awakens

He noticed that the red energy thread seemed to be a bit hazier towards his blood vessels and he couldn't help but return and look at it once again.

He had to strongly rub his eyes for a moment because he thought that it was just a misconception of his, but the next moment he was extremely happy to find that it wasn't the case.

Even though the energy there was extremely hazy, it didn't seem to stop or cut off, quite the opposite it went through his blood vessels and was attached to his blood.

Just like a treasure hunter, he continued following the weak signal and put his attention inside his blood vessels, only to see that hazy energy seemingly connected with his blood.

For a moment he was unable to understand what was going on, as he was totally concentrated on his blood, but the next moment he couldn't help but smile.

On the outside, a creepy perverted and evil smile suddenly shone on his face. It was a good thing that he was in the dark and no one could see him, otherwise, they would have the chills.

Eric didn't care about the look on his face at that moment though, as he was fully concentrated on what was happening at that particular part of his body.


It was only after observing for some time that he finally understood how Dragon Force was created, and what it truly was.

According to his theory and estimations, Dragon Force was none other than Dragon Blood Potential Force, that was the name he made up for it.

In his theory, Dragon Force was created when one activated the full potential of the Dragon Blood in their body and managed to survive the surging energy.

After that, the Dragon Blood that was activated would continuously exert Dragon Force into the system by itself, meaning that he didn't need to do anything to have Dragon Force on his body.

He didn't know much of its use, and how to exactly use it at the moment, but he still had quite some time to find out, or his Dragon Empress would tell him by herself.

Either way, he didn't have to rush things at the moment, as he could learn more about it, as he used it more in the future. This was enough at the moment.

As for the words that the Dragon Empress said before he started comprehending this matter, was most probably because the Dragons who tried to use their blood's potential force got blown to pieces.

Or they didn't have enough pure blood in order to produce this Dragon Force. After all, even a drop of real Dragon Blood could only produce this much Dragon Force.

Surely it was a lot for the current him, as he was nothing more than a low-tier character who had just entered Realm 1, but for people of Realm 10 or higher, it wouldn't be even a hair thread on their heads.

As he was thinking like that, he heard the Dragon Empress's voice on his mind,

"The woman is about to wake up, you should make a decision soon!"

Without delaying even for a second, he immediately pulled his concentration from that part of his body and returned to the outside.

The beauty in front of him was truly showing signs of wakening up, so he quickly bit his index finger and touched her forehead, as he made a symbol in there.

His blood was sucked inside her head like it was some kind of sponge and then headed towards her Conscience Sea.

Since she had yet to wake up, her Soul Avatar in her Conscience Sea was still weak, and despite its natural instincts of self-defense it was unable to resist Eric's seal, and it was eventually tied to him.

From that point on, the cold assassin beauty would be his slave, as her information was added on the systems interface in front of him, as her name was Ice, just that.

As Eric took a copy of her memories the moment that he made the connection he knew almost everything about her.

His Legacy System was in hibernation, and he didn't know why but this time there was a small barrier to her memories, but since he was stronger than her, he managed to break that barrier.

Since he didn't know what was going on, he could only speculate that it was due to the fact that she had evolved once, and was a Realm 1 expert, but he wasn't sure about it.

Anyway, it didn't matter right now, he could wait. Throwing that thought to the back of his head, he quickly took out a Medium quality Health Potion spread it on her injured parts, and the rest on her mouth.

That should be enough to heal her faster and let her wake up faster as well. Just as he thought so, the eyes of the beauty in front of him started trembling and opened.

She was confused, surprised, and unaware at first, but the next moment the remaining pain on her lower body made her remember everything that happened, and her face went black, red, green, and purple.

She was able to remember more than Eric did, as her pain kept her awake, and she knew that while at first, she absolutely hated it, by the end of it she even started to like it.

It was like she had never seen, or even felt the presence of that side of hers, but since it had happened it existed.

Forgetting about that part, she didn't even know how to react in this situation, someone who had grown to forget about all emotions and feelings was experiencing a roller coaster of them at the moment.

From the moment that her Master had picked her up from the slums, he had treated her to forget about all emotions and feelings, to become a dagger that would pierce every heart without the slightest fluctuation.

Yet right now she understood that her training until now, her ruthlessness, her viciousness seemed to have totally dispersed as she was just like a young woman after her first night.

And if that situation wasn't enough complex for her, her first night had to be a ra*pe, and she had to even feel good about it in the end.

Just what kind of fu*cked up situation is that!? It has certainly surpassed the limits of complexity, and it was clear that she had no idea how to react.

Eric was lost for himself too as he didn't know what to say or do at that moment. After all, this whole situation was created by him.

As he was thinking about it though, he suddenly felt the killing intent from the beauty spread in full strength, as she even had a surprised look on her face.

Still, the surprise lasted only for a short moment, as the next one, she pushed away the puppets holding her down, and then jumped towards Eric to kill him.

But there were a few circumstances that she didn't seem to have considered. Without even mentioning the puppets, her physical situation wasn't perfect.

The moment she tried to jump towards him, the pain in her lower region made her slip for a moment, and considerably lowered the danger of her attack.

There was no weapon on her attack, as her precious dagger had been taken away from her, and she was currently totally naked covered in sticky liquids.

And if that wasn't enough, she suddenly heard Eric's voice,

"You can't kill me!"

She felt those words to the deepest parts of her Conscience, and in no time, she was totally convinced in herself that she couldn't, and shouldn't kill him.

That surprised her even more, but she didn't have time to think about that, as the next moment she just appeared beside Eric, who grabbed her by the waist, and gave her a kiss on the lips,

"It's strange, right? But you should have felt by now the connection that we share! I am sure that since you have evolved it's easier for you to understand our current relationship.

Isn't that so my slave?"

The truth was that she did, once she had evolved and opened her Conscience Sea, and now with Eric's meaning, she could understand what was going on.

That made her even angrier, and full of killing intent, but an anger and killing intent that she couldn't direct towards Eric.

She felt extremely powerless, angry, hateful, and had a lot of controversial emotions, as she knew that it was almost impossible for her to escape this guy without him dying, and she couldn't even kill him.

Not only that but she couldn't even try to kill him, as his orders were absolute. She had no idea what he wanted from her, or why he was doing this, but her personality couldn't accept this.

She had her Teacher, who had picked her up, raised her, and taught her so many things. Yet now she had become the property and possession of an unknown man.

No! She couldn't allow that to happen, and since she couldn't kill him, then she could only kill herself.

With those thoughts in her mind, she sneakily shaped her right hand into a chop, and right after she send it towards her stomach.

With the stroke of a Realm 1 being, and without any intention of protecting herself her strike should be enough to kill her or injure her to the point of dying.

She couldn't finally feel like she had achieved her goal when she heard Eric say,

"You aren't allowed to kill yourself either!"

Her hand immediately diverged, and it only scratched her skin, her hand had changed direction unconsciously.

Depressed, and desperate she could only ask,


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