The Legacy System

Chapter 364 - 364

Chapter 364 - 364: Mighty Dragon Force


Just as he entered the path of no-return though, he felt that his whole body shivered in fear, and terror, like he had met a horrifying opponent.

The golden giant dude didn't understand what was going on, as he had the bloodline of a Gold Titan there shouldn't be many things that could scare him.

Yet, at this moment his bloodline was making his whole body shake and shiver as if it had met something or someone that was much higher in the ranking than itself.

It was just like some kind of official servant from some country was meeting the King or the Emperor of one of the neighboring countries.

Even though it might not belong to his place, it still felt reverence and fear towards it, making the golden giant dude feel even more complex and shocked.

As he was lost in those feelings Eric extended his hand clenched into a fist towards his own. The speed of the punch was extremely normal.

Just like some kind of weak mortal punching forward, but the pressure and the strength it spread were at unbelievable levels.

At least the Golden giant dude couldn't believe what was happening, he couldn't believe his eyes and his senses.

He thought that right now he had fallen prey to some kind of illusion that Eric had cast upon him and living a fake reality.

The moment that the two fists clashed with each other though, there were no more thoughts like that, as he felt his whole right-hand bones turn into crumble.


It was just like he had some kind of glass, or crystal hand crashing against a big steel column there was no way for the crystal or the glass to survive the clash.

'Booommmm~! Crackkkkk~! Bannggggg~! Banggggg~! … Bannngggg~! Boooommmm~!'

Not only that, as the next moment he felt a terrible pressure, and force hit his whole body, and throw him flying like a damn kite behind, as all the bones in his body were cracking up.

More than twenty trees behind him were broken apart, as his body had been turned into some kind of broken antique.

And that was after he had activated the full potential of his Gold Titan bloodline, making him not know how to feel in this situation.

He still wanted to think that this was a nightmare for him, but the pain coursing through all his body, and all his bones didn't allow him to think like that, as this was all real.

On the other hand, even the person responsible for this couldn't help but look at the situation in front of him with a jaw-dropped expression.

Even he himself couldn't believe the strength, pressure, and force that he had emitted a moment ago.

It felt so unreal!

Yet, it was! His whole body was in a terrible pain, every inch of his body was experiencing a pain 10 times stronger than the one before, enough to wake him up from the dream he thought he was watching.

For a moment, he couldn't believe but feel afraid of the potential of this strength, as this was the first time he wielded such power.

The next moment though that fear disappeared and was replaced by pure excitement, as he remembered the path he had chosen in his life.

If this was his strength at the moment, when he had just started to walk the path towards the peak, then just how strong would he be when he reached the peak he wanted to reach!?

That thought filled him with extreme excitement and determination towards the future. As he couldn't help but think about those places beyond Earth, and the infinite universe.


Still though, the moment that he was awakened from his weird trance of thought, he was immediately hit by the unbearable pain coursing through all his body.

In a way, people would think that he was already extremely lucky to have survived all that, as he couldn't help but gulp down a High-quality Health Potion, in order to recover as soon as possible.

But that was just the first step, as he had to think even for the Giant dude, as he directly sent an order to Ice,

"Take me and the giant dude away from here!"

Ice was still in a daze and shock after witnessing the battle between the two of them, as it was way out of proportions.

She felt like she couldn't even compare herself to them, despite them being in the same Realm. If that wasn't enough to completely shock, her then the fact that they were both younger than her would.

The two of them were monsters, in all senses of the word. They were both perverted existences that would make every other person feel like a toothpick against the big tree.

Eric's voice awakened her from her daze, as she quickly jumped at his side, and picked him up sending him towards a rather safer location.

After doing this with Eric, she returned once again this time to pick the giant dude, who seemed to have turned into some kind of mutilated giant corpse.

There were parts of his body that were completely shattered, and crumbled, without mentioning the bloody wounds, the cuts, scratches, and bruises all over his body.

It would be considered a great finding if someone found even the smallest area of his body without any wounds.

She had to completely freeze him in ice, in order to pick him up and transport his body without fearing that it would worsen his wounds or the blood loss.

This was destined to be an extremely weird, and shocking day for her, as the moment that she returned back with the giant dude sealed in a block of ice, Eric seemed to be slowly recovering.

When she had brought him here, she felt that he would need at least 2 or 3 weeks, to recover to his primary conditions, despite him being a Realm 1 being, and having that magical medicine of his.

Yet, right as she entered inside the small grove she not only saw his expression to be much better but also his surface wounds were closing fast.

According to her estimation for the time that she had gone outside to pick up the knocked-out giant dude, Eric's wounds had closed by at least 20-25%.

Just what kind of magic would be able to make something like this possible. It was out of this world! No matter how much she thought about it she couldn't find a logical explanation.

Perhaps her Master would be able to do something like this happen, but she wasn't just a mere Realm 1 being, she had way long surpassed Realm 3 and could have possibly reached Realm 4.

Between her and Eric there was a difference of at least 2 or 3 evolutions of their physical bodies, which made the difference between them just like the difference between the valley and the mountain.

Tonight, after witnessing what had happened, she seemed to slowly reach a conclusion, that Eric wasn't a normal fighter.

His means, his intelligence, his comprehension, his strength were all beyond normal, and she couldn't help but see him in a different light.

On the other hand, Eric had neither the time, nor the intention to care about her, as he was concentrating on his recovery, and his talk with the Dragon Empress.

"To think that Dragon Force is so mighty! I wonder how I was able to resist it the first time!"

"It was mostly due to the fact that your body was stronger than those of the same level and realm as you, but also to the fact that you had been tempered with that much of Body Tempering Liquid.

You should know that the one you are using is most probably a secret recipe of Ancient times, that had at least 10 times or more the effect.

So, as long as you are able to bear the pain and suffering you will be able to get a much stronger body than anyone else.

But to bear that pain and suffering, you surely are something! Either that or you are some sort of Masochist who likes the pain!"

"My beautiful Dragon Empress, you better not throw dirt on your future husband's face and reputation, otherwise you will suffer in the future!"

"Future what!? You dare to say that!?"

"Oh come on, you have already read my thoughts, and know my intentions. Why should I keep them to myself! Since you know it, I might as well voice it out!

Furthermore, if you don't have some sort of method to undo our connection and get out of my Conscience Sea without my approval, then I think that your fate is sealed!"

"You damn rascal! You grow more and more audacious by the day!

Don't you think that your morals and thoughts are a bit wretched though!? Would you allow yourself to force a beauty like me to stay with you if I don't love you!?"

"HAHAHAHAHA~! This must be the greatest joke I have ever heard my Dragon Empress! Since you can see through my thoughts this should be an easy one for you, right!?

As long as I am strong enough I can do whatever I want! Isn't this what you think as well!? I think that our relationship isn't with a Master and a servant but give and take right!?

You look into my heart, and thoughts while leaving yours behind!"

"You…~! When did you find out!?"

"From the moment that some weird thoughts and images started appearing inside my head! When I selected my path, everything became clear to me!"

"Hhahaha~! Good! Good! It seems like I wasn't wrong in picking you! Things have just become even more interesting now!

Tell me, boy, what do you think your chances are!?"

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