The Legacy System

Chapter 669

Chapter 669: Lost ‘Mysterious Paradise’!

Seeing with their own eyes, the end of the person who had yet to understand his lesson despite being thrown out of Nightless Stone City like trash, made everyone else tight-lipped due to terror.

Of course, this didn't mean that they would never talk or tell about that 'paradise' they had lost, it just made them extremely more careful to whom they talked about it, or how they did it.

After all, no one was guilty until proven so!

Not that Eric needed a judge or court to deem these bastards guilty for him to torture and kill them, making them examples for the rest.

During those three nights of terror, there was a lot of 'trash' that tried to make a run towards the unknown and escape being caught, while another part had lost all will and strength to do so.

Whether it were the ones that tried to escape or the ones that just accepted their fate there and then they were all caught by the closest city-state and were enslaved.

It was the law of the jungle!

The strongest made the rules, and the weakest could only live by them.

It didn't even take an hour after they were thrown out, for each and every one of them to regret every stupid thought and action they had taken while they were still part of Nightless Stone City.

They would probably give half of their lives just to go back to the same spot in time, so they could change their choices, but that wasn't possible.

Just like there were those that regretted their choices, there were also those that hated Eric to the bone.

In their thoughts and minds, if it weren't for Eric being an oppressive tyrant who didn't reason, they wouldn't be where they were at the moment.

Once they got fed up with their new position and living, a lot of the trash that thought dying would be better than living started opening their mouths.

In but an hour, the new City-State of Logan learned of an underground paradise, led by an oppressive tyrant ruler, that didn't have 'enough' strength to protect the treasure he had.

At first, Logan, the City Lord thought that this was nothing more than a confusing rumor, but the more he heard the more dubious he became until he finally gave in.

In order to try his luck and gamble on the possibility of this being a real thing, he immediately called a few team leaders and gave them the mission to find the location of that 'paradise'.

At the same time, he spread the word of a great remuneration reward for whoever had any news regarding the location of that place. josei

It didn't take long for the news to become a hot topic and a large number of free 'hunters' that were thinking that this was their chance to strike it big, to get involved in the treasure hunt.

Once word of this came out though, it spread just like foul air on a spring day, as the whole planet had heard of it, and started to send people to have a look.

This marked the start of the lost 'mysterious city' that became just like El Dorado in its own era.

While the whole world was going crazy for his Nightless Stone City, Eric accompanied by a few of his best subordinates was making his way towards one of the biggest trade hubs in the East.

To be more precise, it was the point of connection between Europe and Asia, so there was a mix of all kinds of people in this place.

The reason why he was heading toward this place was that he needed to find all kinds of Western resources including people, food, machinery, and especially weapon.

No matter the time and day, the West always had the best mass destruction weapons. Not to mention that Eric himself had European descent and felt like he missed people of his culture.

 This didn't mean that he thought that Europeans were better, or that they were something special, to him everyone's worth depended on what they had to offer.

It was just that he felt like he was forgetting his own culture and his own roots. Not to mention that things would get much better once he got a mix of all kinds of people and nationalities.

This place had quite a few City-States created after the S-day!

If before they were mostly of one conviction and one faith, now there were at least a dozen. After all, now everyone thought he could become a God, as long as they used their systems right.

Once the known world and order disappeared, the City-States started spouting like mushrooms after rain all over the place.

Of course, in the beginning, there were too many to count, but now there were only left a few dozen leaders left. The rest had either disappeared or bent the knee.

The City-State that Eric was heading with his subordinates was called the Mehmeti Sultaniye. Despite a new era coming on Earth, it seemed like people still hadn't forgotten their past.

Even now, people were still using the names, or derivatives of past kingdoms and empires to inspire their people and show their ambitions.

Of course, in the end, the most important part was still strength! After these 10 years of turmoil, killings, and leveling, the strongest person, the Emperors were around Realm 7.

This was certainly a great achievement and great progress. Especially knowing that it had happened in less than 10 years.

One had to understand that prior to S-day the powerhouses needed close to a century or at least more than three-quarters of a century to reach Realm 5 or Realm 6.

If those Realm 5 and Realm 6 powerhouses of yesteryears could hear this, they would think that this was the greatest joke ever, but now there was no one able to refute it.

As for Eric, who had gone to the future and back, this was just a nice joke, in less than 100 years Earthlings would understand that they were actually just a frog at the bottom of the well.

Well, to be completely frank on this matter, in his previous life, he had been the same frog until the end of his life, so he couldn't really take these people to be stupid.

As he was lost in his thoughts, his car had already arrived on the outskirts of the City-States's capital, Mehmediye.

It was most certainly a peculiar view to witness, as there were a lot of men and children in chains being led to work in fields to farm or construction.

Why would the rulers and leaders need to waste precious oil on machinery, when these guys that had been able to level up a bit through their systems could do a much better job for much cheaper?

These guys were still extremely lucky, as they were just rebuilding whatever was destroyed during the recent 10 years, and while their job was tiring, at least it wasn't life-threatening.

Of course, that was possible as long as they knew their place and were happy with the situation, because the moment they made even the smallest of mistakes, they were done for.

Whoever disobeyed or showed dissatisfaction or got on the negative books of one of the guards would be immediately sent into the Arena to fight with his life on the line.

With their newfound powers and their love for 'sports' all rulers had brought to life the famous life duels that would happen at the Colosseum.

Just like in the era of Ancient Rome, these new rulers would actually use their slaves as Gladiators in the arena, and then bet on them.

It was quite an eye-catching sport, and it was without lie the most followed and liked sport in the new world order.

The winner of the weekly Arena could win their freedom, and the more they fought with their life on the line the more rewards would they get.

Of course, a big reason why their treatment changed was mostly due to the fact that they got stronger while they were fighting, and no one wanted to create a mad dog that would bite them back.

Women weren't involved in such sports due to the fact that they were a luxury good, the stronger one was the more ladies he had, and the lower they were on the chain the less were the chances of getting close to them.

The fact that the women population numbers were low just made the whole situation even more extreme, as now there were men who wouldn't even be able to see a woman in their lives.

It was no longer an option, but a fact!

Despite all this, for Eric, this whole situation and new world order was a bit familiar. After all, he had spent a lifetime in this new world order and had managed to reach the 'fake' top.

 He liked it more like this, rather than the prior to the S-day, where people were living with fake faces and characters, now everyone was showing their animalistic and true side.


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