The Legacy System

Chapter 675

Chapter 675: Visiting the Palace

Eric was looking at her with an empty and subservient look, just like a slave looking at his Master waiting for the verdict of his fate.

The look on his face was a great demonstration fact that the fox's bloodline hadn't failed her, and at this point, Aisha couldn't help but feel extremely happy for having the bloodline she had.

Unable to control her happiness she couldn't help but show a bright smile, while saying,

"You don't have to think of this as a loss handsome!

After all, no matter what, you took my virginity, and if that weren't enough you got such a great Master you are going to serve in the future.


With those thoughts in mind, the beauty decided to get inside her mind realm to check on the new connection that she had created, only to be dumbfounded upon doing so.

That was because reality was way different from the illusion she had been living until now. It wasn't that there was no connection set up, there definitely was a connection.

The problem was on the fact who was the Master in their connection, and from what she was seeing, feeling, and understanding at that moment, it wasn't her.

The special and unique ability of her bloodline, the reason she had sacrficed her viriginity for, had completely and uterly backfired.

This was a bad dream!

An illusion!

Yes, that's right, this should be an illusion, it didn't make sense otherwise. Her Nine Tails Fox bloodline should be more than enough to trample on any special skill or ability.

Even though it was just one drop of blood that she had been able to procure, that should have been enough for her to overpower Eric's pathetic human bloodline, no matter how stronger than her he was.


Beautiful I have been repeatedly warning you that I am not like any Tom, Dick, and Harry you have ever met, you never listened to me.

And here is how you end!

How does it feel knowing that the person you thought you had enslaved, turned out to be your Master!"

Just as she was about to try and scream to herself that this was all just a nightmare, Eric's voice sounded inside her mind realm clear, sharp, and booming.

It didn't feel like he was an outsider in that space, quite on the contrary it looked like he was the owner of the place.


No matter how much she wanted to scream at herself and at him that this was a nightmare for some reason she could tell it was reality, and couldn't control her curiosity.

At the same time, she was unable to find the right words as well, because she just couldn't believe what was happening right now.

"How is this possible, right!?"

Eric's question was rhetorical because everyone could tell that this was what the beauty wanted to ask.

"I don't mind telling you, you know!

You are my slave from here on, so you don't have any other choice but to obey and serve me, especially since you understand that only by having my favour will you be able to escape lunacy!

But why would I tell, you!?"

It looked like Eric was playing mind games with her, but there was one important point to note. She would truly fall to lunacy if she didn't have his favour at least once a month.

That was the side effect of the slave contract established through the Nine Tails bloodline, the servant would go crazy if they didn't receive the favour of the Master.

As for the reason why Eric was able to turn the tables on her it was really simple, his bloodline was on a higher level, and also extremely more pure than hers.

It was just like a commoner trying to enslave a King or Emperor based on their bloodline and status on society.

A lunatic's dream!

The beauty wanted to kick the ground and cry out loud at Eric for being a bully, but unfortunately her tricks wouldn't work when her heart and mind were open books to Eric.

She was completely and utterly defeated, and conquered.

"Well look at the bright side, your future is guaranteed to be beyond your imagination since you are my slave now!

Looking forward to your service from here on, slave!"

Eric wasn't asking for her opinion, he was just stating the truth and facts for her, without caring how she felt, or what she thought.

"Now that this is clarified, how about we continue were we left of!?"

Once again Eric wasn't trying to make a suggestion, but state what the future held, as willing or unwillingly the beauty slided down, and her tongue made its way towards Eric's little brother.

When night fell, Eric got dressed into an expensive silk tuxedo and made his way towards the Sultan's palace, accompanied by his guards.

After the announcement earlier in the day, the Sultan had invited him to the Palace so he could enjoy the delicacies and attention of the Royal Palace.

Well, that was just a clear fake reason, as what the Sultan wanted most probably would be what he had to offer.

Even a fool would understand that there was something more beyond those pills, since Eric was able to use and provide those pills in large amounts like candies, there was bound to be something of higher quality.

Something that even the Sultan himself could use!

The Sultan didn't care how many concubines or sisters he had to sacrifice as long as Eric could provide him with something like that.

As for Eric himself, the Sultan represented a great opportunity he could use for his own profits, whatever he got on the way was just extra.

Accompanied by Aisha, Eric got down his Rolls Royce limited edition limo, while looking at the surroundings of the Palace, and the Palace itself.

The truth was that this place had been a big museum on the peaceful times, a great mosque right beside the shore, with a great view of the sea, and the city.

Even though it had been reinstated recently and recovered through quite an amount of gold, it still gave one an Ancient, and old feeling.

Beside him Aisha had a gloomy but beautiful face that would attract most probably any man in the invitee's list.

A desire to protect her would be more than enough to attract any flies around.

Eric seemed to find it bothersome to deal with, so he immediately said in a stern voice,

"Even if you are unahppy still, you have to behave properly!

I think that I was really clear, right!?"

Even though he was firing questions at her, it was clear that he didn't expect any answer, as he was expecting only obedience.

Willingly or unwillingly Aisha plastered a fake happy expression on her face, as they walked towards the entrance, over the red carpet, and inside the venue.

Even though it was close to the end of times, the people of high society didn't see any decrease on their life style, quite on the opposite it got even better.

Just like now, half of the society were suffering to even eat hard stone bread, while their Sultan and his guests enjoyed luxuries that could not be imagined.

The red carpet that Eric and Aisha stepped seemed to be covered in unique rose petals, and while Aisha couldn't recognise them, Eric definitely could.

In fact looking at all those petals on the ground, Eric had a wish of beating the shit out of the Sultan, or scre*wing at least half of his harem.

This spendthrift motherfu*cker was using such precious ingredients just to satisfy his own, and his guests vanity..

With those thoughts in mind, he just pulled Aisha closer to himself, as if to show the Sultan who was in possession of her, and then mightily walked forward accompanied by his guards.

Walking inside the Palace Eric was greeted by a lady-in-waiting, a drop dead gorgeous blonde babe with blue eyes, and a perfectly S-shaped body.

In looks alone she wasn't far from Aisha, the redhead accompanying him, and Eric didn't waste his chance of looking all over and behind her while they made their way towards the events venue.

Even though it was a gathering in short notice, there were more than 20 people inside the large waiting room, with the Sultan on the throne having two beauties on his lap.

The moment that Eric entered the room, everyone's gaze turned towards him. Each and every one present had different looks, and different ideas when they looked at him.

Some of them were looking at him haughtily like he owed them money, or to be more specific pills, some looked at him in greedy eyes, and there were also those that looked at him like a golden goose. josei

The common point though was that no-one of those inside dared to be indifferent towards him, not due to his charisma and standing, but due to his value, or more specifically the pills value.

No expert would be able to ignore such a mouthwatering opportunity.

It wasn't surprising that there were even a few jealous, and killing intent gazes upon him as well, especially when seeing that Aisha stayed beside him like an obedient kitten.

One gaze seemed ferocious in particular, but Eric would only worry if that wasn't the case, after all he would still need a reason to pick a fight.

The one look he was concerned about that, was a bit different from what he expected. The main start of the show, the Sultan himself was too calm and collected.

He needed to rile up this guy…

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