The Legacy System

Chapter 677

Chapter 677: Every Basket has Bad Apples!

677  Chapter 677: Every Basket has Bad Apples!

At this moment, he was about to eat himself up with what just happened, this was the opportunity of a lifetime, and he had lost it just like that.

He wasn't the only one to feel like that though, as there was one more person who felt like the sky was about to come down his head, and that was none other than the person who spoke the loudest.

Even though the Sultan had yet to say anything, the cousin could already feel a bad premonition course through all his being.

If he didn't understand what position he was even after witnessing his sister, and also the Sultan himself breakthrough one after the other, then he would be really stupid.

The rest of the guests didn't know what to think and make of this situation either, as everything had changed in but a moment.

Previously the thought of Eric having pills beyond what he had offered to sell to them in mass was merely an illusion, but now it had become reality.

The only issue was that the reality they were faced with, seemed to be much more illusory than their previous thoughts.

This was just too heaven-defying!

Just think if they were able to get their hands on such effective pills, their foundations would certainly become stronger, and their ranks would only get higher as well.

Thinking like that, they couldn't help but look towards Eric with different eyes. If Eric didn't see their women by their side, he would think that they had other thoughts about himself.

They were all looking at him like they wanted to gobble him whole!

It took the Sultan a few moments to get back to Earth and steady himself, before turning his gaze to a solemn looking Eric.

He clearly was dissatisfied with how he had been treated a while ago, especially when his offering outclassed everything else the other might have brought.

It was clear that he was looking for an explanation, and a really good one at that, otherwise whatever he had to offer would either dwindle or dissappear.

Of course, it wasn't like the Sultan didn't thought of capturing and securing Eric through 'rough love' it was just that a person who could give such pills like candies, was by no means ordinary.

Even if he were to be given 100 doubts and reasons, he still wouldn't believe Eric coming from a simple background.

So, if he didn't provide Eric with a satisfactory explanation or reason, he wouldn't know or understand how his City-State dissappeared.

Not to mention that after what was witnessed, the father of the idiot who jumped the gun previously would want to offer him in a gold plate himself.

"Dogu Pasha is to be freed of any titles, lineage, and posts to turn into a normal citizen! Whoever tries to help him, or give him a way out would be deemed a traitor of the Sultanat.

All his women, properties, and possesions are to be confiscated and provided to Our Royal Friend, Master Eric.

At the same time, Master Eric is provided with the title of Invincible Pasha, and this Sultan will give his precious First, Second, and Third sisters to him!"


The whole crowd of guests was flabergasted at Sultan's explanation, but it wasn't like they couldn't his precious First, Second, and Third sisters to him!"

The whole crowd of guests was flabergasted at Sultan's explanation, but it wasn't like they couldn't understand the motives behind it.

If Eric had more of those pills, then his worth was way beyond three Imperial princesses that existed only in name.

The three princesses didn't held any real power in court or in governance, they were just titled ladies that the Sultan couldn't bed, and their appearance wasn't breathtaking either.

Furthermore, the Sultan intentionally sent all three of them at the same time so they could help each other and control Eric's harem.

Like that, he would have a way of at least voicing out his troubles to Eric at worst, and he would have Eric controlled through them at best.

He wasn't the only one to think like that, as many retainers and big families guests were thinking of doing the same.

As for his cousin, the retainers could understand him, as not only was his father one of the Elders with great network and strength, but at the same time it would scare the retainers too much.

If they felt that their Sultan was about to punish them too harshly just for a foreigner, no matter how much profit he brought, then they would certainly get unhappy.

Eric understood this much as well, but he had no intention of being too comprehending with the Sultan, so he kept a cold and perfunctory look, as he said,

"I will gladly accept the Sultan's great favor, I will make sure to treat Your Royal Sisters right!

As for the unpleasant situation, the Sultant doesn't need to worry much, every basket has one or more bad apples, so its more than natural to face one of them.

It just that in my Family we always get rid of those bad apples completely once noticed, otherwise they will poison the whole basket."

Clearly Eric was asking for the idiot to get completely get rid off, but that was expected of his. In fact, everyone else would look down on him if he didn't!

But did he truly want the idiot dead!?

Of course not! If the idiot died at this point, then who would mine his relationship with the Sultan in the future!?

In fact, he was ready to help this idio himself from now on, so he could have a bit of backing and reality on the actions he took.

Of course, the person in question didn't seem to understand Eric's good intentions, as he was looking at Eric like his life's nemesis.

Who could blame him, he had just lost everything! He was extremely angry, ready to eat Eric alive, but he didn't dare make a sound, he had already been warned.

Not only his Sister, but even his father had warned him sternly to not make a sound, otherwise he would personally skin him alive.

As far as he could understand his father, at this point that man would even take his Sister from the Sultan and gift her to Eric. josei

At the same time, the beautiful fox beside Eric couldn't help but look at everything with a pinch of salt, while Eric's status and standing was most certainly deserving of her, she was still a slave.

Still, at this moment she made a decision that would change her whole life, she decided to hug Eric's thigh as tightly as possible in order to make sure that she held her place by his side.

She didn't care whether he would have the Sultan's sister or whether he would have Empresses of their own, she would make sure that noone took her place.

The rest of the night was eventless, Eric just ate, drunk, and widened his network of connections, as he got invited by quite a few dignitaries to their Mansions to visit.

Quite a few had intentions of introducing their daughters, granddaughters, and even their lovers to him, it would be all his for taking.

Of course, what they expected on return were those amazing pills of his! They were all desperate for breakthroughs, especially after the Sultan did.

At the end of the evening, Eric was guided to his own part of the Palace by a few maids, that made sure he had a great night, alongside the newly changed Aisha.

The next morning, Eric woke up around 5 o'clock, with the bodies of the maids on top and around him, that stood up immediately to help him dress, and catter to his needs.

He had to admit, the training and education these maids had received to catter to their Masters needs were to be envied.

Even his cigar, or glass of alcohol were filled and served by them, while still roaming naked around him, tempting him with their bodies.

Eric had already decided to take them with him wherever he went from here on, not only to serve him properly but also to help him train a few more.

Without wasting too much time just loitering around, Eric sat on a meditation position trying to gather a bit of the morning energy, before he went up to meet with his future wives.

The Sultan had gifted him his three Sisters yesterday, now he needed to check on the goods.

While the three of them were just bargaing chips used from the Sultan with improper thoughts, Eric was no good man either, and he had no intention of letting them go.

Not to mention that he could use them in case he needed to take full control of the place, in case that the Sultan grew tired of keeping his head above his shoulders.

After another bout of 'wrestling and fighting' with his beauties, Eric left his place under the company of his guards and slowly made way towards the Northern part of the palace.

It seemed like the whole place had been notified of his presence, as everyone on the way were extremely attentive and careful, whether it were maids or eunuchs.

In fact, himself and his guards seemed to be the only men who still had their things, beside the Sultan in these parts.

At least this fact made the bargaing chips a bit more valuable, but not much. Still Eric needed to have a look at their appearance and behaviours to understand their true value.

He didn't need to wait long though, as the beauties seemed to awaiting him as well. The three of them were curious of their new husband as well.

The three of them were all together in the First Princesses quarters…

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