The Legacy System

Chapter 99 - 99

Chapter 99 - 99: New Slaves & Orders

These thoughts made him feel really happy and satisfied at the moment. Tonight had been a great night for him.

Not only had he amassed a whole lot of SP points, but also he would be able to break level 30 as soon as his body got a little upgrade. ​​

He had gained more than 10 levels tonight which was something really good for him, and now he only had to concentrate on improving and tempering his body, to get the rest of the levels.

With these thoughts in mind, he entered the private box in his restaurant and immediately got down to work.

He wanted to make these two guys his slaves. The problem was that their levels were above the cap of levels he could do such a thing.

Most probably both of them were above level 38, as he was unable to even see their level at that moment. They were above his 8 level cap, and he was only level 29 at the moment.

So he had to find out a way to make the slave seal work on them. Master Miura was really weakened at this moment, and according to his estimates, it would work on him.

Master Ito was a different situation altogether. While he was injured and knocked out, his injuries were only physical, his mental strength was stable at the moment.

He had no way of breaking through his defenses and placing a slave seal on his consciousness at the moment.

To be able to do that, he either needed to increase his strength or make him experience a mental shock, that would disturb his mental fortitude.

He already had a plan of how to do that, but first, he had to place the seal slave on Master Miura. Just like he had calculated, even though it was a bit difficult it worked in the end.

Stuffing two healing potions on his mouth, Master Ito started to get better, at least his physical injuries, and his complexion was.

While Master Miura was recovering himself, Eric placed a slave seal on Miura Daichi, while this guy was a useless idiot, it was precise because of that reason that he was of use to Eric.

Finishing with these two guys, he made sure that Master Ito was secured, and nothing funny would happen in the meantime as he thought his next course of action.

He didn't have much time before the police came knocking on his door, so he had to make sure he was done with the preparations before they came back.

It took more than an hour for Master Miura to look good enough for his plan to be executed, so he quickly drew the seal symbols on Master Ito's body, and took him outside.

Once they were outside, he ordered Master Miura to pounce over Master Ito and look like a beast waiting to eat his prey, as he awakened Master Ito.

It clearly was a terrifying experience for Master Ito to realize that he had been captured, and was in the hands of the 'friend' beast that was hunting him before he lost conscience.

The look on Master Miura's face, coupled with his horrible look, and bloody teeth, made him scared to death.

He was completely frightened and shocked at that moment, and before he could recompose himself to try to fight back, he felt something attack his sea of conscience.

As soon as he felt that, he tried to recompose himself, and protect his conscience sea from this strange attack, but it was too late. josei

That fraction of second where he had lost his mental fortitude had created a huge hole in his defense, as a huge seal was destroying any left barriers, and taking root in the middle of his sea of conscience.

The fight was lost before it even started, as the slave seal took roots in Master Ito's sea of conscience and he lost his freedom, and free will. He was now Eric's slave.

Eric could finally feel glad that his plan had worked out, as he took a deep breath, and then let it out, to clear the stress he had until now.

Earlier he had profited from their fight, that he was able to knock them out, while he had also made them both invalids.

Master Ito had lost his hand, while Master Miura had lost his legs. This didn't matter much to him, because he didn't need them to fight at the moment, he needed them for their brains.

If he wanted to make sure that he didn't slip and made any mistake, these two sly foxes were needed, as they would fill in the holes he left behind.

With these thoughts in mind, he let Shiro carry him to his quarters, as he also ordered him to find some prosthetic feet for him, so he would be able to walk again.

From now on, Master Miura would always be beside him, as a sort of guard in the shadows, that he would consult from time to time.

As for Master Miura himself, he didn't understand what was going on, besides the fact that he seemed unable to refuse any of Eric's orders.

And he felt some kind of satisfaction when he was able to fulfill them. Furthermore, nobody seem to intend on explaining him anything at the moment.

Finishing with him, Eric turned towards Akira as he told her to go home and think about it, if she wanted though she could go anywhere she liked, but not too far away from the neighborhood.

He wouldn't be able to protect her if anything happened then. He would surely regret losing a good general just because of some idiot.

Akira on her side, just acknowledged his words by shaking her head, as she removed the dark uniform, and started walking slowly out of this place.

After that, Eric turned to Takeshiba Aika,

"You too, go to the warehouse and stay there for the moment. Tomorrow the police are going to come and find you.

When they do, make sure to tell them you know nothing of what happened, and that your kidnappers were thinking of asking for ransom.

Just like I said you have three days to think about your final decision, after that you won't be able to ever change it again!"

With that said, he didn't expect an answer, as he turned towards the only team leader from his death soldiers left, and ordered,

"Go make the preparations for stage 2, make sure that everything goes according to the instructions. I don't want any loose ends."

The death soldier just nodded their cold and detached heads, as they followed behind Takeshiba Aika, obeying their Master's orders.

In the end, he was left only with the confused, and complex looking Master Ito, and the sleeping coward Miura Daichi.

Well waking up the sissy would be just a pain in the ass, as he looked towards Master Ito and said,

"Call some unknown people and take the cars out of here, and make them disappear, I don't care how you do it.

Also, take this sissy with you when you leave and drop him to his mansion, while you go home and make a report of everything you own, and the manpower you got.

Don't break this kid's engagement with your eldest daughter, and help him whenever he needs your help. No matter what it is, but make sure to report to me before you do it!"

These words kind of startled Master Ito as he couldn't understand what was going through Eric's mind, but he had no way of disobeying or questioning him, as he left the place with Miura Daichi in his arms.

When he had taken care of all the matters at hand, Eric just took two deep breaths once again, as he sat on his couch in a lotus position and started processing what he learned during his enlightenment.

Surely now all felt like some kind of illusory dream he had seen some moments ago, but he could still touch a little bit upon it.

But he didn't use the 'death pill' his system had concocted for him while gathering all those death energies earlier.

From what he saw that pill was going to cost him around 3000 SP points to use it. Which was 1/10 of the points he was able to farm tonights.

This wasn't the right moment to use it though, since he still had that illusory effect in play, as he sat down and started pondering on that seriously.

He didn't know how much time had passed when he finally awakened from his meditation, but he could see that the sun was about to show itself, while loud sirens were heard outside.

It seemed like his guests' had finally shown themselves, together with a huge caravan of news vans' and journalists, and even some influencers in their midst.

None of them knew what was going to happen here, but seeing the huge caravan of police cars heading for this place, they knew it was going to be something really important.

Inside one of the police cars, Takeshiba Yuto was looking infuriated. He looked like someone who was ready to eat someone alive.

He truly hated Eric and his guts. Not only had he gone on a date with his would-be, but he also had started dating his sister, and then gotten him mixed up in this mess.

It turned out that, the reason why the police had apprehended him, was totally Eric's doing, and it was something that he must have planned out even before he agreed to Master Miura's plan.

He didn't like in the least, the idea of being a chess piece, or a playing toy for Eric, and that turned him even angrier.

Especially thinking about the reason he had been apprehended…

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