The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 104

Chapter 104: Long Sha (2)

"Young master, it is now or never…" The golden-haired Elder Jun urged the little boy lazily sitting across him.

"You really think he is the one unh? Alright, I will give him six months. If he can reach the Dan Formation stage in six months, then I will gladly become his lackey. Just like the oracle seen." The little boy looked at the golden-haired man as the corner of his lips rose slightly. 

But when he saw the golden-haired Elder Jun still looking at him in expectation, the boy added;

"Your eagerness is so suffocating, and I don't know why you're so interested in him..."

"(Sighs) … Alright, you can go help him." The little boy replied as he rested back on his seat, then shut his eye in meditation once again.


When Elder Ning saw the extent of the explosion, he turned around and walked over to the unconscious Chi Zheng, not bothering to check the outcome of the attack.

He was confident that even experts on his own level, would meet a fatal fate if they faced this ultimate technique.

"Don't you think it is high time we stop this? The commander might skin us alive, if he finds out that someone actually got killed here today…" The guard collecting the entry fee spoke with a voice quavering in fear.

"Haha… Calm your nerves. Look, no one's dying here today." The second guard gestured towards the site of the explosion as he smiled lightly. 


The moment he made that statement, a figure dashed out of the mushroom of dust.

Every one including Elder Ning looked over, and saw a golden-haired old man carrying an unconscious Min Hong who was bleeding from his four orifices.

The moment this happened, everyone involved in the other three fights paused as they looked towards the crater caused by the earlier explosion, stunned by the new development.

"I…is that? Is that the captain of the Long Clan's Steel Demon Guard?" The first guard looked over and saw a golden-haired old man.

"What a pleasant surprise unh?" The second guard gazed at the first as he continued to smile. He seemed to have expected this outcome.

"I knew he was bound to be around here somewhere, but I never expected he would be forced to make an entrance this way…" The second guard added.

"This is very interesting… Even the commander wouldn't mind dying as long as he gets to see him in action. Despite the fact that they are a Super Clan, all of their descendants act very much like an introvert." The first guard commented.

"Like there's nothing good enough to make them relate with the outside world." He added.

"I bet that little devil genius is somewhere around here too. The last time I was lucky enough to meet him, he was already in the 6-Star Dan Formation stage with first plane Intent level of the Metal Law at just the tender age of thirteen."

"Moreover, that was about two year ago, one can only imagine which level he is in at the moment. With the guidance of his father; Clan Head Chan, it wouldn't be farfetched to say he is already at the Peak of Dan Formation stage."

The first guard spoke with deep respect when he mentioned the Clan Head of the Long Clan, as the second guard still smiling, faintly, nodded in acknowledgement of the validity of his statement, before adding;

"True, but I have a deep feeling that we will be seeing him very soon…"


"Is that the Captain of the Long Super Clan's private guards?"

"Elder Long Jun? How long has he been here?"

"Not only that, why is he helping that boy too? Or do they have a sort of relationship amongst them?" 

Several exclamations and questions were whispered among the crowd, as they tried to understand why this old man currently helping Min Hong.

Not to talk of the fact that they never really relate with anyone or other Super Clans like themselves.


"Long Jun, knowing the nature of you people from the Long Clan, you never meddle in other people's business. Why have you meddled with mine?"

Elder Ning spoke ever so calmly.

Like he was completely unfazed and unsurprised by the presence of Elder Long Jun's presence.

"Ha Ha! Chi Ning, it is really a good thing that you understand that our Long Clan doesn't meddle with other people's affairs. So, on that note, I hope you wouldn't make taking this boy away with me very difficult." Elder Jun smiled slightly as he spoke.

"I would like to avoid any scuffle, if possible. But either ways, I will be taking this boy with me today…" Elder Jun added nonchalantly, like his words are final and brood no arguments.

"Unh? Are you trying to force this matter? I won't mind dancing with you also if you insist on doing this…" Elder Ning frowned in displeasure as he responded.

"Nah. I will take a pass on that. I recently had a stick stuck in my butt, as a result I can't really do any dancing for the time being. Sorry to ruin your expectations…"

Elder Long Jun replied with a straight face. But contrary to his demeanour, many people amongst the crowd burst into a soft jiggle, whilst some actually laughed so loudly that drops of tears appeared at the corner of their eyes.

Seeing the response from the crowd, Elder Ning's frown deepened significantly as he spoke a little more aggressively to the golden-haired Elder Jun;

"Long Jun! you should do well to remember that this is not your Long Clan, so I suggest you conceal that attitude when dealing with me." He bellowed.

"Ugh! Children of nowadays, always so compulsive and impulsive. Don't make this any weirder and difficult for me, I have already spoken to outsiders more today than I have in half a year." Elder Jun sighed lazily as he spoke.

"I ask you why have you meddled with my affairs?" Elder Ning refused to back down.

"(Sighs) … I guess it has come to this then… Chi Ning, my young master has shown interest in this little kid, so he has asked that I protect him." Elder Jun spoke dismissively as he revealed.


"What?! Is young master Sha here?"

"I don't seem to see him anywhere…"

"Probably, he is putting on a disguise. I heard he is an introvert…"

The moment Elder Jun made that statement, the entire crowd burst into a sea of whispers, as several fanatic and love-stricken girls began to whisper amongst themselves.

[Thoughts: Yue Yao] – "(Frowns in utter displeasure) … He obviously knows that I am here, but he still not showing himself. This is the second time I have been disregarded today. Do they think me so unworthy of their attention?"


"Hmph! Good. The rest of them would have to suffer for his deeds then." Elder Ning compromised as he looked towards the Min Qing trio.

"I already have what I came here for. You can do what you wish with the rest." Elder Jun spoke as he turned around and carried the unconscious Min Hong towards the jade-green carriage.

"Venerable Elder Jun, may I ask what your intentions towards my young master is?" Elder Yun spoke from the side.

"Unh?! A magic beast?" Elder Jun paused in shock as he looked towards Elder Yun.

"What?!" The two guards collecting the entrance fee also looked at each other in shock.

Not only that, the entire crowd present outside the Sunfire City gate were also stunned stupid by the situation.

This was because, they knew fully well that only a beast which had reached a bloodline purity of about 25 percent.

Though the crowd were shocked by the findings, what truly shocked the experts amongst the crowd was that, this Magic beast which was capable of standing toe to toe with a 2-Star Nascent Soul stage expert actually referred to a little boy with no cultivation as 'Young Master'. 

It was like as if the whole crowd and all experts inclusive have been tased.

Silence reigned throughout the area as everyone was shocked speechless by the fact that another Magic beast was actually present all along and they never knew about it.


"May I ask which Super Clan it is you hail from?" Elder Jun asked without turning to look towards Elder Yun.

"Hmph! That is a secret that all members of our Clan have sworn not to divulge…" This time it was Little Ming who spoke.

"Who are you people? Can you at least tell me if you're from around here?"

Elder Jun asked once again as Elder Ning also paid rapt attention, trying to know if he had just nearly killed the young master of a Clan on the same power level as his Chi Clan or not.

"Young mistress…" Elder Yun looked towards Min Qing directing the question towards her.

Seeing that Elder Yun and Little Ming had begun to mystify their origins, Min Qing also smartly played along as she added;

"He is the only one who is exempted from the oath of divulging our Clan secret…" she pointed towards the unconscious Min Hong.

"Hmph! You are all just bluffing, if your Clan is truly that strong, there is no way you could have stayed hidden for so long, not under the Imperial Clan of our Dogon Empire." 

Elder Ning sneered derisively as he spoke. deep down he was truly anxious at the fact that he might have just offended a power on the same level as his clan.

But he put up an unfazed front, as he tried to pry out an answer with his statement. 

But he was bound to be disappointed by the level of shrewdness and tactical understanding the Min Qing trio had amongst themselves.

Little Ming knew that should another Nascent Soul expert join their battle, the three of them will be utterly defeated in less than two minutes. 

If Elder Mo and Elder Ning gang up on Elder Yun, all Zi Kun and Yue Yao would need to do, is to keep them busy till Elder Yun had been defeated.

Then it would be their turn, and with such a line-up, she and Min Qing would be made short work of.

But since another power had come to Min Hong's rescue, the decision to use him as an escape route was a no-brainer.

So, she instantly formulated a plan to pin their survival on the golden-haired Elder Jun. if he intercedes, then they are safe.

But if he didn't, then they would die. 


[Thoughts: Elder Long Jun] – "A Nascent Soul Magic beast, another Mid-level Dan Formation Magic beast and finally, a young mistress who is in the Middle level of the Dan Formation stage and has also comprehended the first plane Intent level of an Ancient Law..."

"Furthermore, though this little kid possesses no cultivation, the presence of the two Laws he used earlier actually suppressed mine. That can only mean those Laws were at least Ancient Laws."

"Even if they aren't from a Super Clan, their line-up must come from a Clan which is not too far off from becoming one. But the point is, are these kids or the power behind them worth offending two Super Clans for?"

"Though neither the Zi Clan nor the Chi Clan would dare start a war with my Long Clan individually. But if they combine powers, it would put us in a very difficult position… What do I do?"josei


Meanwhile… within the jade-green carriage…

The little boy finally stepped out as he walked through the crowd who were currently absorbed in the heated bickering happening between Elder Ning and Elder Jun, then when he walked into the space created for the duo, everyone could finally see who it was.

"Isn't that young master Long Sha… Or am I seeing things?" A little boy amongst the crowed muttered inquisitively as he tugged his mother and pointed towards the youth who had just walked past into the open area. 

But as silent as his muttering was, it was like a taboo word spoken on a holy land as the entire crowd gasped in surprise.

If someone were to put it in ordinary terms, Long Sha was a harder person to see than even the princes and princesses of the Imperial Family of the Empire. 

He was someone who is only interested in cultivating and growing stronger.

He had once gone into cultivation seclusion for a year, and when he exited seclusion, he battled three experts in the 5-Star Dan Formation stage with a similar cultivation power and defeated them flawlessly. 

He was a person who would show up for a few days and then return to cultivation for about another three to four months and then show up once again.

But this time, it has been two years since he was last seen by the public.

So, seeing him was an extremely uncommon occurrence.

"It's truly young master Long Sha. Even if I die today, it is something worth bragging to my dead friends about…" A female youth looked at the youth Long Sha with an obsessive gaze.

"I bet he only came out because of the entrance exam of the Desert Sun Sect, otherwise what could interest him so much to actually visit the Sunfire City?" A self-proclaimed rival commented with a potent battle intent surging out of his body…

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