The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 112

Chapter 112: Peak King & Qi Sea Stage (1)

Instantly, the demon was blasted into shards and bits as the ensuing shock wave shattered the dimension.

Then the corners of Min Hong's lips curled up into a wide smile.

The deep voice once again repeated its earlier statement and a stone door opposite Min Hong opened and Min Hong eagerly stepped into it.

Just like before, there was another pulpit with two items on it. 

Min Hong walked up to it and saw two scrolls on exhibition.

The first was a Peak-grade Black Tier cultivation technique and its description read; [Chant of the Cherubs] First Chorus, Peak-grade Black Tier Soul Cultivation Technique.

Uses the whispers of the Heavenly Cherubs to purify and strengthen the soul of the user. 

When cultivated to its peak, the user's soul will become as holy as that of the Cherubs making it very difficult for demons to stand in the presence or affect its user.

The user's soul attacks would also possess retributive effects towards opponents with unclean or demonic souls.

If user obtains and cultivates the Second Chorus of the technique, all individual Nascent Souls would see a two-fold increase in power.

Second Chorus is obtainable at higher levels of the Pagoda of Ascension.

[Thoughts: Min Hong] – "This will be useful for Min Qing and the rest if they use it for cultivation."

"Though my soul force has already reached the Low-grade Black Rank level, If I cultivate using this technique, apart from raising my soul force to the Peak Black Rank level, my soul would also possess the cherub effect."

"But let me see the other technique before I make a choice." 

Min Hong then looked at the second scroll and another Peak-grade Black Tier technique with a description that read; [Scripts of Buddha] First Script, Mental Cultivation Technique.

Requires the user to memorize and continually mentally recite these scripts at all times.

This would also purify the mind and grant a significant boost to thinking and comprehension speed. 

Furthermore, it would make its user's mind significantly immune to illusion or mind control effects.

It would boost the mentality and allow its user's thinking to transcend that of the worldly desires.

If user obtains and cultivates the Second Script, it would double the comprehension and thinking speed.

Second Script is obtainable at higher levels of the Pagoda of Ascension.

[Thoughts: Min Hong] – "Okay, I think this one would be a little difficult. Two perfect techniques for the current level of our group, but which is more important and efficient… the soul or the mind? Urgh… Min Hong you have to be really astute here. No rush… no rush." 

Then Min Hong actually sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the pulpit.

He was still being tempered by the 9-Star Qi Sea stage pressure within this Pagoda of Ascension, and it was really limiting his ability to think carefully to a certain extent.

So, he opted to sit and calm himself under the pressure before deciding. That way, he could make the best judgement.

After about ten minutes, he finally stood up and walked over to the pulpit, then with a slight smile, he touched the [Chant of the Cherubs] as he murmured to himself;

"I have been thinking about this from my perspective all along, but not everyone possesses the 'Universal Soul Constitution' and neither do Min Qing and the rest have a technique for cultivating their souls."

"Their mental power will naturally increase as their level of Dao comprehension increases, but what about their soul… this choice was a no-brainer after all." 

Instantly, the energy barrier protecting the [Chant of the Cherubs] technique disappeared along with the [Scripts of Buddha] as Min Hong stored away the technique into his storage ring.

Then he looked towards the stairs leading to the upper level and a strong sense of anticipation gripped him strongly. 

Not because he was eager to battle but rather because he couldn't wait to see what rewards lie in the upper levels, especially with regards to the two techniques he just saw.

The rate of increase in reward quality was something he couldn't wait to see. If he got a Peak-grade Black Tier weapon and technique from the first stages of cultivation, what about the second stages? 

After looking around happily at the promising potential of this system of training and rewards, Min Hong smilingly walked out with the swagger of a five-year-old kid as he whistled one of the songs his mother; Min Rou, usually sang to him when he was still a babe.

Then when he returned to the challenge room, he willed it and a mysterious energy teleported him out.

When he reappeared, he noticed he was at the gate of the Pagoda of Ascension, then he saw Little Wu and Old Pops in the distance and waved at them.

Then he stepped out of the gate which slammed shut the moment he stepped out.

After taking about 50 full stride of chaotic steps, Min Hong covered the one-mile ground between him and the duo waiting for him. 

"It took you half an hour to complete just the first stages, that shouldn't be right, what happened in there?"

Little Wu frowned slightly as he asked. He knew what Min Hong's capabilities were, he had been watching all of his battles since he was still within the seal.

So, he was the only person asides Min Hong, who could accurately evaluate Min Hong's abilities.

"Firstly, it took me about five minutes altogether to adapt to the different realms where the trial was conducted. Then it took me about fifteen minutes to defeat both demons and complete both trials."

"Lastly, it took me about ten minutes to make a decision on the reward to accept." Min Hong sighed happily with a smile as he explained what happened to Little Wu.

"Oh, you really seem too happy. What rewards were your options and which ones did you pick?" Little Wu sorted at the fact that it still took Min Hong 15 minutes to defeat both demons. 

After all, Old Pops had already explained everything about the trials of the Pagoda of Ascension to him, and from that he could deduce that it shouldn't take Min Hong any more than ten minutes to defeat the demons.

Then if he was to be harsh like Min Hong truly wanted, then he would have expected him to complete it in five minutes.

"I saw two Peak-grade Black Tier Weapons, the [Yin Demon Blade] and the [Retribution Whip]. Next was two Peak-grade Black Tier techniques; the first was called [Chant of the Cherubs] a soul cultivation technique and the [Scripts of Buddha] a mental cultivation technique."

"But I chose the [Chant of the Cherub] since it would be beneficial to all of us." Min Hong explained. 

"Then I picked the sword because it was very suitable for Min Qing. Moreover, the whip wasn't useful to anyone amongst us." He added.

"But that's not the best of it all. I feel like I can do more now, like I can do things and fight faster and better now that I am no longer under pressure. It feels like every fibre of my body, mind and soul just went a whole fraction lighter…"

Min Hong looked at the duo and clenched one of his fists and felt the amount of energy surging through his meridians as he gave a slight smile.

"That's great, you should return to your cultivation and Dao comprehension. The next trial will be a single stage higher than your total cultivation power, and you will be battling two demons simultaneously." Old Pops urged before vanishing from the spot with the Min Hong duo in tow.

After about five minutes, Min Hong opened his eyes within the formation and pinched himself as he began to wonder how his true body was transported from here into the Pagoda of Ascension.

He thought about all possibilities, but after a yielding no results, he pushed it to the back of his mind. He then looked to the trio who were still deep in cultivation and smiled before shutting his eyes to continue his cultivation.

Then Little Wu once again appeared; "For the next stage of your body and Qi cultivation, you will be using the Chaos Qi to cultivate. But be warned this would cause you a great deal of pain."

"But you will have to endure through the process and don't try to nullify or reduce the pain. Let it do as it wishes, that way your compatibility with the Chaos Qi would be at its peak." 

"But you might shut off your pain receptors for this one… The agony would only be second to what you felt when you were undergoing Qi deviation…"

Little Wu warned with a grim expression as he waited for Min Hong's response.

"There is no need to shut my pain receptors. Firstly, I want to use this opportunity to improve my pain tolerance level as much as possible. Then, I actually want to come into contact with the Chaos Qi. I have felt its aura and interacted with it using my soul body."

"This time I want to feel it coursing through me and familiarize myself with it." Min Hong responded. 

Hearing this, the level of respect Little Wu had for Min Hong rose up another notch.

Most people will opt for shutting off their pain receptors, but the problem about this is, there will never obtain enough familiarity and sensation with such Dao.

What Min Hong had sensed with the Chaos aura earlier was like the theoretical aspect. 

But this part of it that involved coming into direct physical contact with the Chaos Dao was very much practical and experimental.

This would greatly strengthen his sensory of the Chaos Dao.

Little Wu nodded in apprehension of Min Hong's thoughts and decision as he warned;

"The Chaos Qi would inevitably come into contact with the Oblivion Qi, and the Primus Qi would automatically try to rectify the problem. But you have to limit its level of influence and not stop it. You would allow it to merge both Qi together but prevent it from taming Chaos's wild nature."josei

"Got it! That is enough for now, I should be fine from here onwards. You have neglected your bloodline purification for too long. You should return to the Bridge of Ancestors and cultivate. Once I am done here, I will call for you."

Little Wu responded to Min Hong's instruction as he entered into his body, returning to cultivate. 

But he had left and didn't hear when Min Hong murmured;

"Thanks a lot for your hard work, you shall be repaid in full and with interest."

Then Min Hong adjusted his mental state and prepared for the nerve-wracking and agony-inducing cultivation…

Min Hong's consciousness once again appeared within the depths of his soul, then he walked over to the two Dao flowers and then plucked a leaf out of the Chaos Dao flower.

Just like the earlier method, he took the Chaos Dao flower and placed it atop his white, gold embroidered, hovering futon which was the link between his body, mind and soul. 

From atop this futon, he could transfer something into his body through his meridian channels, or enter get access into his soul by just urging his consciousness which was always sitting atop the futon.

Then Min Hong once again activated the [Kingmaker Codex] and massive amounts of ancient Qi within the formation began to surge into his pipeline-like meridians.

Then the Chaos Leaf atop his futon vanished completely and reappeared within his body splitting itself into eight parts which floated and traced their way into his individual Eight Great Meridians.

Thus, as the ancient Qi was rushing in, it would wash over this broken piece of the chaos flower which converted all the ancient Qi into Chaos Qi which now surged into Min Hong. 

The moment the first drop of Chaos Qi dropped into Min Hong's meridians which had been infused with Oblivion Qi due to his earlier cultivation, an instant eruption occurred as Min Hong's meridians almost tore apart.

But thanks to the sturdy and tensile nature of the [Rain-Dragon Meridians], it was able to hold out long enough for Min Hong's forehead to split apart. 

Then Primus aura surged into Min Hong and gushed into his meridians as they moved into every single meridian like violent wind.

Since Min Hong had yet to cultivate using the Primus Dao, he didn't possess any Primus Qi.

Thus, it was only the aura of the Primus Dao that was at work in this moment.

But it was only strong enough to prevent the repulsive collision of both Daos, since those two were already in a physical Qi form while it was just an invisible aura. 

Spurt! Min Hong's meridians trembled intensely as he threw up a mouthful of blood.

The Primus aura then arrived and the battle storm occurring between the two Daos reduced significantly but not completely.

But the pain only reduced for a brief instant as the aggressive nature of the Chaos Qi began to reveal itself. 

This time, Min Hong finally understood why Little Wu advised him to shut off his pain receptors.

The pain he was currently going through was unimaginable as another mouthful of blood gushed out of his throat.

Min Hong felt like a handful-sized ball of unarranged tiny pins were rolling within every single one of his meridians. But that was only half of it. 

It also felt like two invincible entities were holding each end of his meridians, then they were now twisting it in a manner at which one does when towel-drying clothes.

But that was not all, asides from those, he also felt like they were using his meridians to play tug of war.

This was akin to if one's intestine was experiencing these three agonizing actions. 

Min Hong kept puking blood about two mouthfuls per minute.

Then came his body; the moment the chaos Qi came in contact with his blood, bone, muscle and skin, they all shrugged and shivered intensely as Min Hong began to tremble like a cloth being flapped around.

Every single inch of his body was radiating agonizing pain. 

But he still gritted his teeth and in varying occasions, bit his lips till they bled just to stay conscious.

He knew that should he pass out and the Primus aura vanish, his entire internal structure might become a buffet of soup and mashed meat with some touches of biscuit bone, If he wakes up that his, which is as unlikely as Pluto taking Mercury's position.

The pain was beginning to dim Min Hong's consciousness, then came the dragon tattoos and their restorative intentions.

They roared in defiance like an angry dragon which just had its egg stolen right in front of it.

They swam with most aggressive ferocity in existence as they approached the incoming Chaos Qi. 

But the moment they came into contact with each other, nine loud whimpering sounds rang out through Min Hong's internal body.

The collision wasn't like one would expect, at least not today. Instead of the unstoppable force clashing against the immovable body, it was a one-sided K.O.

The dragon tattoos whimpers were very heart breaking and scary to the ear. 


That was the sound of the dragon tattoos sizzling when they came in contact with the rampaging Chaos Qi.

It was like the sound a pan of very hot oil gives when a drop of water falls into it, or the kind a very hot knife gives when thrown into the snow.

The Chaos Qi poured all over the dragon tattoos, and now they were preoccupied with their own problems that they couldn't even spare a glimmer of a second to bother about Min Hong's pain. 

The Chaos Qi continued to flow through his entire body, reaching his marrows, skull, brain, eyeballs and every single part of the weakest and most pain susceptible part of the body, including his future generation production facility located down below.

All of Min Hong was radiating spine-tingling and skin-crawling pain.

At this moment, Min Hong truly knew he had effed up by not taking Little Wu's advice, as he promised himself not to ever make any hot-headed and rash decision never again in this lifetime and the ones to come as he thought to himself; 

"Little Wu, you said this pain would only be second to the one I felt during my Qi deviation. I have never heard a more potent lie in my life. My Qi deviation is not even worth mentioning to this in any level…"

Min Hong at this point felt like someone who took a sharp sword into battle, only to realize upon arrival that the enemy had brought bazookas and RPG's to the battle. 

Min Hong continued to bask in this pain that could resurrect the dead as he began to bleed from his four orifices.

Chaos Qi continued to surge into his body for the next half an hour until it had finally covered every single cell in his physical body.

Then the pain abruptly stopped, but at this moment, Min Hong felt so numb that, he wouldn't even notice if he was rammed by a fast-moving train. Even the dragon tattoos were already coiled in pain and listless. 

After that happened, another wave of Chaos Qi swarmed into Min Hong's meridians like a sea-side village experiencing a record-breaking tsunami.

But this time, instead of causing pain, it was the strongest of pleasure.

It was like someone who had worked twelve hours in an environment of 700 F and was now giving a bathtub filled with ice crystal water.

Then the most shocking thing occurred;

Min Hong finally blacked-out. The sheer contrast in the feeling of agonizing pain and the sensation of immense pleasure stretched his senses to its limits until they snapped and he fainted. 

But despite the fact that he was not conscious to absorb the Chaos Qi, his parched internal system and hungry dragon tattoos began to swallow up the Qi in massive gulps as his meridians expanded to its limits in a bid to absorb as much Qi as possible.

Then his all the cracks and seams that had been torn open by the earlier havoc, were being filled up and sealed as the Chaos Qi began to saturate every inch of Min Hong's internal body structure.

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