The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 134

Chapter 134: The War God Challenge

Mu Li's expression paled intensely when he saw the current Min Qing.

At the current moment, she was like a demoness with the aura she was radiating, but the ominous and eerie aura the purple flames around her body was giving made her seem like an extremely pissed demoness who was about to go on a nightmarish rampage.

But he still summoned enough courage to explain;

"I went to the female dorm today when I noticed that she was not here yet and was running late. But when I got to the dorm, the outer court disciple who was at the entrance said she never returned yesterday." He explained.

"How is that even possible?"

Min Qing's frown deepened as the intensity of the purple flame around her flared up causing the heat to approach an unbearable limit for Mu Li. 

She was about to take a step towards Mu Li when Min Hong grabbed her hand with the flame as a sizzling sound rang out;


His hand was instantly scarred as he released a slight grunt which jolted Min Qing out of her current angry state as the purple flames surrounding her vanished with a puff like a candle flame dipped into a bath of ice.

She then looked to Min Hong with a concerned expression. 

She saw that his face was still scrunched slightly in pain.

Though Min Hong had a strong body cultivation, he was still behind Min Qing who was in the 8 Star Dan Formation and whilst Min Qing was engulfed in her Fifth Plane Intent Level Flame Dao.

Min Hong had instinctively tried to stop her from hurting Mu Li, so he wasn't using any of his Dao.

Thus, he was instantly burnt and scarred the moment his hand came in contact with Min Qing's demonic flames. 

But he instantly, the new 'Dawn Sovereign' bloodline infused dragon tattoos went into effect and his hand began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eyes of the rest of the group.

Then in just about ten seconds, he was completely healed up with no single trace of scar on his hand, this really shook the rest of the group to their core; this was a simply monstrous regeneration power! 

"I… I am s... so sorry, Hong-ge. I did not mean to-"

Min Qing stuttered out an apology but before she could finish her statement, Min Hong waved his hands like it was nothing as he spoke;

"It is nothing to worry about, look my hand is fully healed and I don't feel any pain coming from it."

"Moreover, I truly deserved it. I asked her if she would love to come with us last night but she ran away in fluster."

"I knew she was too innocent and it was only normal she would be devoured by those hungry wolves amongst the old outer court disciples."

"I should have insisted she come along, but I didn't. Mu Li, did you also manage to find out what happened and where she was last seen?" Min Hong turned to Mu Li.

"The female guard told me that, it was not long after you spanked Yue Yao that she ordered her sidekicks that they should go and capture either of the girls." 

"Alright, at least we know where she is now. But how do we get her… We obviously can't send Fei Qing in alone, what if Yue Yao and her sidekicks gang up on her?"

Long Sha muttered to the group in thought as he placed his thumb and index finger underneath his chin in thought…

"But she also mentioned something else…" Mu Li interrupted the thought process of the entire group. 

Mu Bai slowly turned his face over to him like a ghost who had just seen its victim hiding around a corner, his brows twitching in sheer fury but mixed with unavoidable embarrassment as he slowly spoke through gritted teeth;

"Mu Li! How many times have I told you to always spill the full information before causing everyone to jump into the wrong conclusions?" He fumed.

Seeing his brother in such a state Mu Li knew if he didn't blurt out the rest of the information in time, though he might not be at a disadvantage, Mu Bai would surely not rest until he had made sure he was too exhausted, his heart wouldn't even be able to muster enough strength to beat.

"She said when she was done with Qing Tan, she was going to send her to Lao Shi's apartment."

Thinking he was already spared by blurting out the rest of the information, he abruptly saw about five patterned lines in front of his face.

By the time he realized it was a palm, the palm had already smashed into his face sending him rotating 720 degrees before eventually coming to a halt and being welcomes by bright starlight and the sound of tweeting birds.

"You mean to tell me you withheld such an information…till when…till we have attacked the wrong place?" 

"Brother Fei Hong, please pardon my stupid twin brother. He usually does dumb stuffs like this once in a while. But enough of that, what should we do about the current situation?"

Mu Bai's tone turned a little tender, after all, despite the fact that he and Mu Li had contrasting mentality, he was still his twin brother.

"Un, it's okay. We can't send in Min Qing alone and neither can we enter the female dormitory."

"The only thing we can do is wait till they try to transfer Qing Tan over to Lao Shi, then we are going to intercept them and rescue her."

"But if they so much as touch a single hair on her head, I would make sure they tragically regret it." Min Hong spoke with a grave tone and a deep frown.

He was already having enough of these hoodlums and was prepared to render them nearly crippled if they pushed him too far. 

"Won't that take too long, why don't I just challenge that b*tch to a Life-or-Death battle and beat her till she spills everything?"

Min Qing seemingly unsated and unsatisfied with their plans gave her own suggestion which took the rest of the group who didn't know about her new-found powers by surprise.

"That might not be very effective. What if she refuses to accept your challenge?"

Min Hong knew that there won't be able to do anything should Yue Yao refuse the challenge.

"I think I might have a better way to solving all our problems once and for all…" 

This time it was Long Sha who spoke from the side. Min Hong looked to him with an expression that told Long Sha that his opinion was highly valued by him as he responded with a relieved sigh;

"Brother, what do you suggest we do?"

Long Sha had finally noticed that his decision to stand behind Min Hong had begun to make him feel estranged to Min Hong. since the Mu twins who came after him seemed to have begun to act freely and start up conversations easily.josei

Furthermore, he knew that it wasn't like Min Hong was ignoring him but rather was giving him freedom to do as he wished.

But Long Sha really wanted to feel not like Min Hong's underling, but rather someone who he could rely on and fully trust because he had noticed that Min Hong shared a similar perspective of him as well.

But just now, he came to a realisation that Min Hong had always preferred to treat everyone as his equal but not underling. 

He noticed that what Min Hong was looking for was not a loyal subordinate, but a true and genuine friend.

When he recalled how though, Little Ming and Min Qing usually acted like he was their leader and master, those feelings were already replaced with absolute trust and this was also why he noticed that only Elder Yun who still referred to him as 'Young Master' was the only one who was not to free around Min Hong and vice versa.

Moreover, the Min Hong who he was currently looking at; especially with his rigid, strong, valiant and straight back, gave him the vibe of someone who would not buckle under any situation; just like a Sword or Spear which was looking to pierce through whatever stood in its way of ascending into the heavens.

Thus, he concluded that Min Hong needed people by his side and not behind him (Figuratively speaking).

So, without wasting any more time, he walked over and stood to the right of Min Hong, declaring his position to the rest of the group.

After all, Min Qing had already cemented her position to his right and even if Min Qing was not around, whenever she appears, whoever was standing in that position would instantly leave that spot.

Then he looked at Min Hong and extended his arm in a gladiator handshake manner and spoke with the smile Min Hong and Min Qing rarely saw but now liked.

"Brother, how would you like to join me in making the boldest and most audacious statement ever?"

Seeing the look on his face Min Hong happily took his arm as he spoke with determination and reassurance;

"Whatever you want to do brother, just count me in…"

Just as Long Sha was about to continue, he heard an innocent [(can't believe I'm saying this)] but resolute voice chime in;

"Count me in too..."

Then he looked up to see Min Qing who was grinning smugly but maybe because of the nature of her three Daos, her eyes had a wicked glow within them, making Long Sha shake his head at how some female outer court disciples would suffer today. 

"How about we issue the War God challenge?" Long Sha spoke.

Min Qing and Min Hong who had never heard about such a thing before asked in confusion;

"What is the War God challenge?"

The moment their statement landed; the Mu twins who didn't know about the duos background found their jaws slamming into the ground as their mouth widened in shock.

This was because, there was no organisation, clan, family, sect or alliance one would go, anywhere within the Dogon Empire that would not tremble in awe and fear when they heard that word.

Seeing that Long Sha was about to explain, the Mu twins understood that the Min Hong duo truly didn't understand what it meant, giving them an instant clue that the duo were not from the Dogon Empire.

But Mu Bai was the one who quickly interjected as he respectfully spoke to Long Sha;

"Senior brother Long Sha. Please let me handle this one…" then he looked to the Min Hong duo and made an introduction statement;

"The War God challenge is the true figurative expression of a Rose Flower."

Without waiting for the Min Hong duo's expression to deepen, he continued.

"I called it a rose flower because, if one succeeds in just the outer sect alone, one would be recognised by the entire sect and even the sect leader himself would personally come congratulate such person."

"Of course, his visitation would also be generous to one's pockets and finally, one would be instantly promoted to the inner court."

"If one should succeed in the inner court, not only would that disciple be famous in the entire southern hemisphere of the Dogon Empire, but such a talented person would also be poached by not only other sects who would flock over bearing gifts."

"Several alliances would also bring their connections along, and several Super Clans would bring their princesses to marry such a talent into their clans, and these are just one of the many unique gifts once would receive."

"It is better I don't tell you what will happen should you succeed in it as a core disciple. Just know that the Imperial family would be involved."

Hearing the imperial family of the Dogon Empire was going to be involved in such a matter, Min Hong nearly had his eyes pop out of their sockets in shock.

Seeing this, Mu Bai decided to give him the thorn to the rose and added;

"But if one should fail, the only thing that awaits such a person is death." 

"The War God challenge is basically challenging nine people to a consecutive and continuous Life-or-Death battle."

"You would be given an hour to defeat two disciples from the 5 Star Dan Formation stage to the 9 Star Dan Formation stage in an increasing order."

"This means you will begin with two disciples in the 1 Star Dan Formation stage, followed by another two in the 2 Stars Dan Formation stage and then another two disciples 3 Stars and so on…" Mu Bai explained…

"But who in their right senses would want to throw away their lives for no apparent reason?"

Min Qing asked with a frown, Mu Bai's explanation doesn't seem to make any sense to her at all.

"That is because of the reward that is given to anyone who manages to take down the challenger." This time it was Mu Li who spoke…

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