The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 296

Chapter 296: There Is No Harm In Sharing

"Alright, you rest well for now… We'll leave Little Qing here with you…"

"I and the rest have some things to discuss… I will fill you in at night or midnight…"

Min Hong released Min Qing's hand and stood up from the bed, as he and the rest of the group returned to the living room…

"Would she be able to continue tomorrow?" Mu Bai asked…

"After a full night of cultivation and few hours of rest, she should be as good as brand new…"

Min Hong replied without thinking too much about it…

"Alright then, so the plan moves like we have previously discussed…"

Mu Li said before leaving the room to continue his tasks…About some few minutes later, the rest of the group left one after the other after briefly discussing with Min Hong…

Heaving a deep sigh of relief, Min Hong stood up and headed for the bedroom where Min Qing and the sleeping Qing Tan were currently laying… Seeing that Min Qing was okay, he heaved another sigh of relief…

Back then, when he had punched through the space barrier the sect leader had erected to protect Fourth, he had suffered an internal backlash because the attack he went head to head with was stronger than what he could endure…

So, he will have to heal also…

"Are you okay?" Min Qing asked when she notice Min Hong enter…

"I will be fine…"

"What do you mean…come over here…" She beckoned him over…

Min Hong made himself comfortable on Min Qing's side as he watched Qing Tan doze off completely;

"What might she have been doing for her to get so exhausted?" Min Hong asked no one…

"Then I guess you haven't noticed it yet…"

"Noticed what?"

Min Qing stroked Qing Tan's hair as she added;

"She has broken through in her Water Dao…"


"How can you know that?"

"I don't know also and neither can I explain it, but I just seem to be able to respond to every watery substance around me…."

"For instance, I can tell mother is taking her bath at this moment…"

"That's fantastic!"

"Can you check if there is a range to this ability?"

Min Hong urged, as Min Qing closed her eyes and tried to extend the range of her water sensory ability…

But after about two minutes, she opened her eyes and shook her head;

"My range is tragically small… Just about a mile radius..."

"That's good enough… Don't feel dejected about this, as you cultivate more and experience more breakthroughs, your range would surely expand, one way or another…"


"I will be going to cultivate now… when I'm done, I will join you both in bed…"

"You will have to cuddle her… It's pretty cold, you know…"

Min Qing added with a smile and a wink…

"Like a cultivator feels cold-"

"-Just do it!" Min Qing interrupted softly;

"Alright, alright… ugh." Min Hong was beginning to get a headache from this…

He didn't know why but he felt that, in as much as he didn't know where his feelings with Qing Tan would lead, he didn't want it to fester at all, but he was already too late…

Furthermore, Min Qing was even trying to speed up the process which made it a little awkward, but he had no choice but to do as she had said because Min Qing was still busy glaring at him from the entrance of the bedroom…

But the moment he cuddled Qing Tan, she snuggled deeper into his warm embrace…

Probably Min Hong didn't know it, but anytime he hugged, cuddled or snuggled with anything, they always find this certain irresistible and comfortable warmth and acceptance in his embrace…

It was like everyone could dump their worries on him through their snuggling or hugs…

"I love you too…" Qing Tan murmured during her sleep…


Min Hong was stunned speechless and though Min Qing froze in her steps, she still laughed coyly as she left the room with an awkward Min Hong whose mind was currently all over the place…

Before long, the level of awkwardness Min Hong felt in his current position gradually reduced little by little until he was fast asleep completely hugging Qing Tan with his arm currently crossed in front of her, exactly over the two buns on her chest…

It was midnight when Qing Tan woke up to find someone's arm cushioning her little doodles and when she found out that Min Hong was currently snuggling her, she instantly went bonkers, extremely scared of Min Qing catching them in such situations.

She might want everything in this life, but she will never do anything that will hurt Min Qing…

Thus, she quickly looked all around but didn't find Min Qing within the bedroom, then she let out a sigh of relief, but still tried to get out of Min Hong's embrace should in case Min Qing walks in on them…

But for some strange reasons, Min Hong's arm wasn't squishing her and neither was he holding her too tight, but she still couldn't free herself from his grasp…

Then after a few moment of struggling, he eventually gave up, and just snuggled deeper into his embrace, after all, it was something she really enjoyed and loved…

His embrace made her feel protected, loved and more importantly, it felt like home…

Something she would want to return to after fighting all the battles in existence…

With a level of blush that would put the color red to shame, and steamy breaths which was a result of all the vulgar thoughts that was currently running rampage within her mind, Qing Tan was barely hanging on to the last shred of morality in existence at this moment… She was unwilling, but her mind won't just stop thinking…

Seeing Min Qing walk into the bedroom she quickly shut her eyes and pretended she was asleep, but who was the blush on her face fooling?

Moreover, the amount of steamy breaths she had released earlier was enough to cover the entire bedroom in misty dew that even Min Qing could barely see… [Hahaha!]

But her ability to sense the nature of any watery substance told her that this misty dew was a mist of lechery…

"I know you love him, so you don't have to pretend…"

Min Qing didn't even give her the slightest leeway, as Qing Tan released a helpless sigh which only made Min Qing laugh;

"I also felt deeply helpless the very first day I fell in love with him…" She consoled; "You are not mad?"

"Why should I be?"

"Firstly, you are the closest person to me asides him and I love you like you are my blood sister…"

"Secondly, he is not going to harm you in any way… I know that for sure…"

"Lastly, since I know you also love him, and we are sisters, then I guess there is no harm in sharing…"

Min Qing spoke like the situation was a no-brainer, which really made Qing Tan feel much less awkward and more assured of her chances with Min Hong…

"But if you ever make him sad, angry or harmed, I will not hesitate for a single breath to have your head!"

Min Qing's aura changed this time around and the aura she gave was like that of the most evil being in existence which drove her statement or warning [if you like] deeper into Qing Tan's memory…josei

"Alright, since we both have him now, will you do your big sister a favour and let me enjoy his embrace too?"

Qing Tan, for some strange reasons, could now free herself from Min Hong's embrace [Lol, I'm so shameless!]

So, Min Qing took her place whilst she spooned Min Hong from behind instead, thus, the bed now looked like a massive spooning ball, with Min Hong sandwiched between two beautiful, innocent and fragile maidens…

Then, just like it was, the night passed and Min Hong woke up to find himself being spooned by two beautiful girls, and in as much as this seemed inappropriate for some reasons, Min Hong loved it, and so, he didn't leave…

[Actually, who will?]

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