The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 359

Chapter 359: Comfy!

"Lastly…" Gong Yi turned to look at Min Hong who was still sitting atop Elder Yun;

"She could only blame herself for losing her guard enough to get bit by an insect…"

"What if she had been bitten by an insect that wasn't under Bai Yi's control?"

"Who would you have blamed then?" Gong Yi lectured…

"Furthermore, if Bai Yi had truly intended to attack your friend here with his bugs, then she would have most likely lost her life and we would have been having another conversation right now, because he wouldn't have targeted a simple finger…"

"He knows better than not to go for the kill when you are intent on harming someone…" Gong Yi ended…

"Anyways, that is not the reason why we are here today, and due to the current circumstances I think it would be better if we discussed what I have come for at another time, when all these misunderstanding had been forgotten!"

Towards the end of Gong Yi's statement, his tone went slightly domineering as he looked behind giving everyone the hint that the latter part of his statement was meant for Bai Yi rather than anyone else…

Though, with great reluctance and bitterness, Bai Yi still manage to mutter;

"As you wish, brother Yi…"

He said before snorting in dissatisfaction at Min Hong's group…

After some more words to furtherly smoothen the misunderstanding, Ki Ting suggested Bai Yi leave first…

"Elder Yun, we are done here…"

Min Hong patted Elder Yun on the back as she lifted off the ground, joined by Min Rou, Min Qing, Little Ming and Qing Tan, and just as they were about to leave Min Hong spoke for the first time since the torture began;

"I believe you all already know my name, wouldn't it be unfair if I don't know yours?"

His gaze passed over the smiling Ki Ting before looking straight at Gong Yi;

"Gong Yi!"

"Xiao Gui!"

"Ki Ting!"

"Rin Chen!"

"…and you have met Bai Yi…" Rin Chen added after they all gave their names;

"This is Fei Rou... Fei Qing... Fei Yun... Fei Ming... and you have also met Qing Tan…" Min Hong replied in a similar fashion;

"Good… We will come find you in three days as we have something very important to discuss with you…"

Xiao Gui added before Elder Yun zoomed into the distance leaving only a gust of wind and Min Hong's voice behind;

"See you in three days…"

They watched Min Hong's group disappear into the distance before Xiao Gui turned to Gong Yi;

"Do you think he will join us?"

"I think he is smart and reasonable enough to do so…" Gong Yi replied, turned around and began to leave…

The rest of the journey to Min Hong's new apartment went on quietly with no saying anything…

It seems what had happened back there had been partially been their fault also and they ended up paying a much less price than they were supposed to…

In a strict sense and unbiased point of view, no one could truly be blamed for what happened to Qing Tan except Qing Tan herself…

After all, just as Gong Yi had spoken, if Bai Yi truly intended to hurt Qing Tan, then he wouldn't have just allow his bugs to sting Qing Tan on the finger; if they were in his shoes, they wouldn't have either…

"We don't have to mule over what has happened…"

"We were partially at fault and we know that, we made amends, and now we move on…" Elder Yun broke the silence with some encouraging words;

"True, it is as Elder Yun has said; the Bai Yi was also at fault for making us think he was the one who caused it to happen…"

"But on the brighter side, not only is Little Ming our living venom antidote, but we also managed to settle the matter despite everything being Bai Yi's loss…" Min Rou added;

"He suffered no loss of any kind…" Min Hong finally spoke after heaving a sigh;

"That orb contained a stronger and purer source of Dao than his Flame Nascent Soul, so he gained plenty…"

"It is the bigger fish those guys have to fry that I am worried about…"

"What are they trying to do that such an extremely valuable treasure was worth sacrificing…" Min Hong voiced his thoughts as they flew through the sky…josei

"Well, they said they were going to come find you in three days, so you will obviously get your answer sooner than later…"

Min Rou added as Min Hong simply reclined to sleep as he stared at the fleeting clouds, and then minutes later, they began to descend and everyone stood up to look at the place they will be calling home for the next one or two years…

It was a truly breath-taking sight and not only was the place huge and crazily spacious, it was also fenced all round with a massive gate which had the character 'Fifth' etched onto its frame;


"If we go by that Gong Yi being the strongest amongst them all, then you should be at least taking his place!" Little Ming pouted indignantly;

"I have told you all that this place is only temporary, and moreover, I don't want any more attention…"

Min Hong responded as they landed at the gate and found four inner court disciples waiting at the entrance; two male who were actually enforcers from the Enforcement Hall, and two female who were just Inner court female disciples, and from the level of aura they were giving off, they must at least be within the top ten strongest female inner court disciples;

"Welcome, young master Fei Hong!" they all chorused when Min Hong reached the entrance;

"We are at your service and will be taking care of you throughout your stay within the core court…" One of the two girls said with her best smile;

"Alright, let's go in first, then we can talk…"

Min Hong responded as they were all ushered into the apartment…

On the inside, it was actually a very spectacular place…

A wall of countless tall bamboo trees covered everything in sight, with a single winding path cleared into it…

The path was wide enough to contain a giant carriage, and when one moved past the wall of bamboos, they will arrive at a plantation of verdant and blooming garden filled with spirit fruits and plants…

When on walked about fifty meters ahead, they will meet a crystal clear river, about 3 meter wide which stretched further than their natural eye could see…

A small arched bridge crossed this river which is full of numerous beautiful little fishes swimming and surging all around playfully, some will even leap out of the water and drop back with a plop splashing droplets of the pristine water everywhere, making for one wonderful sight…

Then after the bridge came three structures; two bungalows on either side of a massive two story structure in the middle…

Min Hong's group entered the house in the middle and it was every bit as luxurious as they had predicted it would be, with several gems embedded all over the ceiling giving different colors of light and were so small that they looked like stars…

There were numerous flower pots, decorations and sculptures beautifully placed and patterned all over what seemed like a visitor's lounge area…

Min Hong then saw a row of seats at the back of this room…

These chairs numbered about eleven; five on both sides and a single one which appeared to be a throne, whatever the intentions the designer of this place had in mind…

Min Hong walked over to the highest seat and sat down comfortably…

Min Qing took the seat to his left and Min Rou took the seat to his right whilst Little Ming simply laid on the floor in front of Min Hong like a guard dog with Elder Yun perched on her head…

The four who were here to serve him then stood in front of him like subjects coming before the imperials, something Min Hong found very appealing and interesting…

Soon enough, he would be sitting on a real throne with his subjects and army lined up as far as eyes could reach, and just as he thought about that, his eye and bloodline began to pulsate  causing him to smile slightly;

'You like that unh!' He thought to himself with another smile...

"Alright, we can now start with the introductions…" Min Hong said;

"I am Tao Zong and this is Jia Duan, we are inner court enforcers and will be in charge of this home's security…" One of the two enforcers name Tao Zong introduced himself and his partner;

"I am Du Si and this is Si Ling, we will be available to take care of any of your requests…"

The girls spoke with their best smile and a tone that revealed that they were also available should Min Hong want to loosen his loins…

Min Hong caught the hint but didn't think anything of it;

"You two don't need to bother yourself about anything for now…"

"I have all I need already, but you are welcome to hang around here if you don't want to return to the inner court…."

Min Hong said as the girls bent their knees and bowed their heads slightly in thanks…

'Why would anyone in aright state of mind want to leave the core court and return to the inner court?' The girls thought in confusion...

After a little bit of introduction and slight familiarities, Min Hong finally discarded them as he moved to the upper house and found his massive king sized bed sitting right in the middle of one of the rooms up there…

The bed had posts at its four corners which held a seemingly heavy see through nets…

There were also more than enough silk pillows for five people sitting on the silk sheeted beds which was enough to contain four people easily, and Min Hong fell onto the bed and felt himself sink into it, before being brought back to the surface, and a pleasurable smile climbed up to Min Hong's face;


He said before falling asleep almost instantly, his body succumbing to their need to rest after his back to back battles and duels…

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