The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 88

Chapter 88: Oblivion

"My innate ability is the 'word of power' and it does whatever I say and feel like, thus, I shall be called 'Will'." So, using the 'word of power' which was the story-mode Min Hong's life essence, he spoke into this empty void.

The moment his statement was made, the void shattered and a mystical containment was formed, the rampaging black cloud was sucked and imprisoned within it. Then Min Hong spoke once more and said; "For you were borne of void, you shall be called; Space."

But in response to being contained and restrained the gas cloud responded with increasing rampage. Then Min Hong [Will] began to device a way to stop Chaos, but due to the rate at which Chaos power rose, he needed to speed up his thinking speed.

So, he used the 'words of power' and spoke into the void once again, and the reaction and rampaging of Chaos was greatly slowed significantly, while that of Min Hong was boosted.

When this happened, Min Hong spoke once more; 'For you are able to alter the speed of our realities, I shall call you; Time." Then he fused Time with Space which contained Chaos.

But despite that, he noticed Chaos intensity of destruction was rising albeit very slowly and he knew that, if he left everything this way, then he would just be prolonging the inevitable.

Moreover, he really wanted his friend back, that was when he reached an enlightenment that he didn't need to change Chaos, but rather create something that was opposite in nature to it. But rather than going against it, this new creation would serve as support for chaos.

The new creation would serve to tame Chaos. He then named this new thing he was about to create; Order, and then named this idea; the principle of 'Duality'.

Knowing that he had already found the first two key ingredients to establishing order, Space and Time. Min Hong made sure these two creations weren't sentient so as to prevent the same situation with Chaos from repeating itself.

As a result, the two of them could be controlled anyhow he felt like, or in other words; they could be manipulated at 'Will'. Furthermore, he understood that to create something strong enough to resist or tame Chaos, he needed to deeply scrutinize and study Chaos itself.josei

After all, the famous quote says; 'If you know the enemy and know thyself, you need not fear the result of a million battles. If you know thyself but not the enemy, for every victory won you will also suffer a defeat. If you don't know the enemy or thyself, you will lose every battle."

So, Min Hong went into Space-Time to study Chaos who instinctively tried to invade Min Hong's 'Will' but was unable to, because 'Will' was way older than Chaos and as a result 'Will' was very much stronger than it.

Min Hong noticed what just happened and spoke. "This rampaging and intrusive nature of yours shall be called; Yin." Thus, in a bid to tame Yin, he knew he had to create something equally powerful and overbearing. So, he created; Yang.

As Yang kept the Yin nature of Chaos at bay, Min Hong could now finally enter Chaos to study it better from within.

But, upon entering Chaos, Min Hong noticed he couldn't see anything and then he spoke once more. 'Because you blind me from studying Chaos, you shall be called; Darkness'."

Then immediately the same 'word of power' which had been confirming everything he had said earlier, once again approved and affirmed his 'Will'. Then to subdue and tame Darkness, Min Hong created a spark. This spark grew bigger with time until the entire place was lit up.

Then he once again spoke. "For you were called out to subdue and tame the darkness, you shall be called; Light." Then instantly, Darkness was subdued as Light illuminated everything in sight.

The way the 'word of power' was approving and affirming all of Min Hong's statement, one could sense that anything Min Hong didn't mention was not given the permission or liberty to exist. It was like his words were the first and final, leaving no chance for any arguments.

Then at this point, Chaos began to grow weaker as it began to feel the effects of being ganged upon by several creations. There was 'Will' [Min Hong], then Space, Time, Yang and now Light. That was already 5 vs 3, tilting the battle towards a defeat for Chaos.

Now that everything was visible to Min Hong, things became slightly easier than normal as he could now clearly study and understand what Chaos was all about.

The first thin he noticed was that Chaos was barren on the inside. Lonely, devastatingly blank and boring. Then Min Hong decided to give Chaos everything it lacked.

Then he spoke. "This attribute of being desolate and barren shall be called; Death." Then to subdue and resist Death, he created several living things and named everything; Life.

But to help these living things thrive, survive and multiply, he made them meagrely sentient. Then to take away the mind-numbing boredom, the first ever fireworks was born, giving sound and occasional flashes to the barren space.

Then Min Hong spoke once again; "For taking away the deafening silence, I shall call you; Thunder and for giving occasional flashes of colourful beauty to this barren space, I shall call you; Lightning." He added.

Then to ensure a very blissful and more conducive lifestyle for these living things, Min Hong continued to create several other entities like, Ice, Inferno, Wood, Wind, Water, Metal, Fire, Earth, and so on. Then he merged all the Daos with the Primus Dao and eventually 'Order' was achieved.

When the story got to this point, Min Hong was subtly and gently ejected out of the story mode as he once again appeared in front of the 'great creator'. But he didn't open his eyes as he continued to comprehend the underlying lessons within the entire story.

The 'great creator' didn't interrupt him and allowed him to take as much time as needed to understand the story he had just witnessed. This was because he was made to live the entire story rather than watch it.

Time continued to flood by like waters from a broken dam…

After what seemed to be about a whole month, Min Hong who had been in a state of meditation all these while, finally opened his eyes. His eyes contained a certain level of uncertainty, since it was time to make or break the hopes of his goals.

"Are you ready for your first question?" the 'great creator' calmly asked.

Hu! Min Hong let out a deep breath before answering. "Yes 'great creator' I am."

"The first question is… among all of the Daos mentioned in the story you witnessed, the strongest one was omitted, which is it?" It asked.

"Think carefully and don't rush…the concept of time doesn't exist here…" It added.

Min Hong replayed all the entire story in his mind. "There was Void, Will, Chaos, Primus, Yin, Yang, Darkness, Light, Death, Life, Lightning, Ice, Inferno, Wood, Wind, Water, Metal, Fire, Earth were mentioned, the rest weren't strong enough which is why they weren't mentioned."

"Of them all, what could be stronger than Will and Void that was not mentioned?" Min Hong continued to think.

"Void would have been created one way or another and that was why it was mentioned. So, what could have existed before Void…" He continued his analysis as he tried to answer.

"If Void existed first, then what could have existed before it?" He continued. "Wait…could it be?" Min Hong came to a sudden enlightenment, but was not sure if it was correct.

"Well, I guess it is all or nothing… Time for Lady Luck to prove me right…" He thought as he looked up to the 'great creator and spoke. "It would be the Dao of Nothingness." He answered.

"Is that your answer?" the 'great creator' wanted Min Hong's confirmation.

"Yes, 'great creator'…" He replied.

"The second question… Of all the Daos you have spoken, which is the most important?" It asked.

"That should be Chaos." He decided to go with his first answer without thinking at all.

"Is that your answer?" The 'great creator' asked once again.

"Yes, 'great creator'…" Min Hong gave the same answer. Then he looked at the 'great creator' with massive anxiety and expectation.

"Your answers are very unique and as a result I am forced to ask you a third question. Don't worry, there is no right or wrong answers and you will also be rewarded for it." The 'great creator' spoke.

"Don't worry you can also decide to refuse to answer." It added.

Min Hong was shocked stupid by this outcome. But, will he refuse the 'great creator' of a request?

"Since there are no wrong answers, I might as well give an answer…" He concluded.

"How were you able to even determine, that nothingness was a Dao?"

"Great creator, it was mentioned that because Will existed before Chaos, that translated to its higher strength over Chaos."

"Then since, Void was the first entity to exist, it would have been the strongest, but Nothingness had always been there, that was why I chose it as my answer." Min Hong explained.

"Hmm… That is a first." The 'great creator' mumbled. Then he looked at Min Hong and spoke.

"Your first answer was flawless… Perfectly correct. Same as your second answer. But the name of this Dao isn't Nothingness, rather it is called 'Oblivion'." The 'great creator' replied.

"Your third answer was also good. Even though it wasn't perfect, you are still an infant to completely understand 'Oblivion'." It added.

Min Hong nearly exploded with sheer joy. In fact, it was taking everything he had to restrain himself from yelling and jumping or running in a million circles.

"For your first answer, I shall bestow upon you, the bloodline of the 'Dawn Sovereign' that is the top ranked bloodline in existence." The 'great creator' spoke.

The moment his voice sounded, a unique aura erupted and a Gold and White drop of blood came out of the 'great creator's body and entered Min Hong's soul.

"The moment your soul returns to your body, the bloodline would begin to integrate itself into your body." The 'great creator' spoke.

Min Hong felt the aura that just erupted and for some reason, it was very familiar. But he couldn't place or remember where he had previously come into contact with it.

"For your second answer, I shall bestow upon you the Dao of 'Oblivion'. This, like you have answered is indeed the strongest Dao in existence." It added.

"Then for your third answer, I will also bestow upon you the Dao of 'Chaos'." The 'great creator spoke.

Then once again, the unique aura surged and two unique Daos came out of the 'great creator'. one was invisible but Min Hong could clearly sense it. The second was a black ball of light and they both entered Min Hong's soul.

"This little speck of dust, Min Hong greatly and deeply thank the 'great creator'." Min Hong went on his knees and kowtowed to the 'great creator'.

"Since that is out of the way, you may go and try to comprehend both Daos. You would be shut out of the 'Realm of Creation' until you successfully comprehend the Dao of 'Oblivion'. But if you fail to comprehend the Dao, it would run rampage within you and kill you."

The 'great creator' bestowed these Daos to Min Hong rather than allow him to choose. It felt that since Min Hong could actually answer both trials perfectly, then he might just be the person they have been awaiting since they came into this mirrored universe.

So, he purposely gave him a huge burden on him to spur and stir up Min Hong's potential. Min Hong also understood its intentions, but that was what he was actually looking for in the first place.

So, even if the 'great creator' had not bestowed these Daos upon him, he would have chosen it any ways.

"If you can comprehend these Daos, then you can come and kowtow to me and accept me as your master." The 'great creator' finished.

"I would not come short of your expectations of me, 'great creator'." Min Hong once again bowed respectfully. 'But might this little ant, ask the 'great creator' a question?" He added.

"I will make this exception, you may ask?" The 'great creator' compromised.

"Thank you so much 'great creator'… Are you the Dao of Void or Will or both?" he asked.

"I am all of them in one." The 'great creator' answered. Then without allowing Min Hong to say anything else, it waved its hand as Min Hong instantly vanished from sight.

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