The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 90

Chapter 90: The Strength of the Guardian Weapons

"Every weapon Tier produces a specific amount of power level boost to its user. For the White Tier, it boosts its user's power by 5 percent, and these is subdivided into one percent per Grade." Little Lin began to explain.

"From then on, the amount of increase per grade rises as we ascend. At the Peak of White Tier, the user's total strength is 5 percent. Then as we enter into the next tier, the increase is doubled per grade." She continued.

"So, for the White Tier, the increase is one percent per grade. But for the Grey Tier it increases by two percent per grade. So, if a Peak-grade White Tier weapon increases power by five percent, then a Low-grade Grey Tier would increase the power output by 7 percent."

"Likewise, for a Peak-grade Grey Tier, power level is increased by 15 percent. Afterwards, the increase is doubled once again at the Black Tier, and as a result, a Low-grade Black Tier weapon would increase power output by 19 percent."

"At the Peak of the Black Tier, power level would be boosted by 35 percent."

"But there is a huge ravine between Black Tier and the Silver Tier, and this is because the ores and materials used to make weapons from the Silver Tier upwards, are strong enough to accommodate Runes." She added.

"All Silver Tier weapon provides a 50 percent power boost and all Gold Tier weapons provide a 75 percent boost and lastly, all Diamond Weapons provides a 100 percent boost."

"So, how does one differentiate the Low-grade versions of these weapons from their Top/Peak-grade versions?" Min Hong asked.

"Their differences come from the amount, type and quality of runes etched on them. Moreover, the types of runes range from, Law runes to attribute runes and special effects runes." Little Lin responded.

"Law runes like their name predicts are runes that provide specific amount of boost to the power of the Law their owner uses. The grades of these weapons depend on the Law power boost of their runes."

"For example, if a Fire Law expert uses a Low-grade runed weapon, his Fire Law would only see a 20 percent boost. If he uses a Mid-grade runed weapon, it would have a 40 percent boost, and it rises that way until the Peak-grade runes, which gives a 100 percent boost."

"In a nutshell, if a Fire Law expert uses a Peak-grade [Fire Law] Diamond weapon, his raw power would see a 100 percent boost, and then his Fire Law would also see a 100 percent boost. In total, that is a 200 percent total boost in power." Little Lin explained.

"Wonderful!" Min Hong was awed at the effects these runes can bring to a weapon. "So, what separates these weapons from those on the Heavenly Weapon Rankings?" He added.

"Asides from the fact that we support all types of Laws, we also have several innate special effects that is unique to each batch of three of us. Except for the one atop the list."

"The number one weapon on the Heavenly Weapon Rankings; The Guardian Bow, boosts its master's strength and Dao by 1000 percent respectively. It has a special effect that allows its master to control the movement of its arrows with their mind.

"This specific effect is unique to only itself, and its bizarre and unorthodox effect is the reason why it was ranked at the top. Moreover, it is the only weapon in existence with such ability."

"Its precious master had once put a God Realm expert in a pinch by firing an arrow that kept chasing the expert for one full month. Then when the God Realm expert finally got exhausted, he was finally pierced and killed by the arrow." She explained.

"Are you saying its attacks are inevitable and unstoppable?" Min Hong frowned as he asked.

"That is not completely true. But, since it is a weapon on the Heavenly Rankings, only a weapon in the top five of this rank can stop it. Furthermore, there is one specific weapon on the list which can stop all other attacks…"

"The Fifth ranked; Guardian Shield. It can boost its master's power by 600 percent, and though it could stop all physical attacks, it can't stop their momentum. So, its master would still have to deal with the rippling shockwave of the attack."

"Furthermore, it is pretty weak against mental and soul attacks, and this is why it was ranked fifth." Little Lin explained in details.

"I am the third on the list; The Guardian Staff, and at my peak I can boost your power output by 800 percent. But you can only access 25 percent of my full power at the Peak of the Mortal Realm, 50 percent at the Peak of the Spirit Realm."

"Then finally, at the Peak of the Divine Realm, you will have 100 percent access of my full power. Furthermore, you currently have no cultivation which is why I am so weak. But I am still more than capable of dealing with anyone under the Saint stage, on my own."josei

"So, it still boils down to my strength unh?" Even though the ancient aura I have absorbed had strengthened every part of my body to the Peak Warrior Stage, the main fact still remains that, I haven't cultivated at all." Min Hong thought to himself.

I need to begin the process of comprehending both Daos, so I can begin to cultivate the 'Myriad Path Codex'." Min Hong thought to himself.

"So, what special effect do you possess?" He asked.

"For the Guardian Bow, its effect is the ability to control its arrows with one's mind. But for the rest of us, our effects are unique to us in three batch of threes."

"For the second, fourth and sixth, which are the Guardian Sword, Guardian Spear and the Guardian Sabre respectively; the longer a battle gets, the sharper they become."

"A Celestial stage Guardian once battled a God Realm expert, and after fighting for three days straight, the Celestial stage Guardian split the God Realm expert into two with one sword strike." She explained.

"For the third, fifth and seventh, which consists of I, the Guardian Staff, Guardian Shield and Guardian Hammer; the longer a battle goes on, the more we experience increase in raw power and momentum."

"So, the longer we are used in a battle the more troublesome, fiercer and stronger we become." Little Lin praised smugly.

"Then finally for the eighth, ninth and tenth, which are the Guardian Axe, Guardian Glaive and Guardian Whip; the more they kill, the stronger they get. This is the reason why they are ranked at the bottom, because they have to kill." Little Lin explained.


Whilst Min Hong and Little Lin were having all these conversation, Elder Yun had long used the cover of the night to carry them past the border. So, at this point, they were already within a few weeks journey from the Dogon Empire borders.

For the next two days, their journey was relatively peaceful. The five of them took this brief period of time to get to know each other and increase their familiarity.

On one occasion, they ran into some bandits, but Little Lin only used them to make a point and furtherly explain more about the Heavenly Weapon Rankings and their effects to Min Hong as she clearly delayed the battle for a good twenty minutes.

Then after twenty good minutes of playing around, she struck the ground with all her might and a 100-foot-deep pit on the ground, burying all the bandits alive in the process. Then she returned to Min Hong with an expectant expression.

"Show off!" Min Hong smiled lightly at her, as he sarcastically complemented her abilities.

Little Lin's expression brightened in surprise as she blushed slightly. She lowered her hued face as she stuttered. "T... tha…thank you master." Then she dashed back into the staff.

"What did you do this time?" Min Qing pouted at Min Hong when she saw Little Lin dash into the staff. She thought Min Hong had said something truly offensive to her.

"We will never truly understand the complexity of the female mind." Min Hong shook his head and smiled. He was truly stumped that his complement had a negative reaction from Min Qing.


The Dogon Empire was a desert filled empire, and currently Elder Yun was currently soaring across some desert mountain ranges as they approached the borders and though they were still a few weeks away from their destination, they travelled at a slow but steady pace.

Atop Elder Yun within the clouds, Min Hong took a few steps forward and spoke…

"Elder Yun, I will be going into cultivation seclusion for a bit of time and I am not sure how long it will take this time, but when we are a few days from the borders of the Dogon Empire, I want you to find a safe spot for us."

"We are not crossing that borders into an unknown land if any of us is yet to break through into the next level of their cultivation base. Furthermore, you will have abundance of the ancient aura, so you can purify your bloodlines a bit more." He instructed.

"I can handle things from here, you have nothing to be worried about. Just focus on your cultivation and in terms of cultivation, every one of us knows what is at stake here, so we will certainly not let you down." Elder Yun assured.

Min Hong then turned to look at Min Qing who had a downtrodden expression on her face, but before he could speak, she asked her own question.

"How long will it take this time?" She asked.

"There are so many factors that might affect my seclusion this time around, so I can't say exactly when I will be done." Min Hong walked forward and embraced her as he caressed her hair while speaking softly.

"But Little Lin would also be here to assist you guys, should you encounter any troubles." He added, trying to placate her. But even though it didn't make her smile immediately, her emotions were still elevated considerably.

"Unh…" Min Qing nodded slightly in response as she freed herself from his embrace. "Whatever it is you're doing, please be careful." She added as she brought out the formation template Min Hong had used earlier on their journey.

"Cultivate diligently, and do not hold back on those resources. I want to see a significant difference by the time I awaken." Min Hong urged as he sat cross-legged and shut his eyes.

His first step into his true recovery was just about to begin…


Min Hong once again opened his eyes and a familiar and nostalgic environment greeted him. It was his room within his mental replication of his mother; Min Rou's residence located at the heart of his Mind Palace. His emotions stirred as his hunger for power rose to new heights.

After readjusting himself mentally and emotionally, he vanished from the spot.

The moment he did, a scarlet and devilishly handsome human figure appeared within this room, it looked at the spot the oblivious Min Hong just vanished from and approach it, probably thinking of sitting or meditating on the gold embroidered futon.

Or perhaps it was just the case of a piqued curiosity since this handsome figure didn't seem to know what it was doing. But as he approached this gold embroidered futon, a milky white energy barrier with a dragon spirit slithering around it blocked his advance.

The scarlet handsome figure didn't seem to be deterred by this energy barrier as it continued its struggle, in a bid to sit on this futon. Thus, a battle of attrition began between the handsome scarlet figure and the energy barrier.

"Little Wu, its time." Min Hong appeared within the ancient dimension where the 'Realm of Creation' portal was located as he called out to, Little Wu; the Ancient Heavenly Monkey.

He was currently oblivious to the skirmish that was now occurring between his mental energy barrier and the scarlet human figure who turns out to be the Yao Ming who had his memory wiped off not too long ago.

"What took you so long?" Little Wu spoke in a comical lecturing tone.

"Hehe! Look at you getting all worked up over someone else's matter…" Min Hong smiled lightly as he teased.

"Okay enough, we are not little kids, there's no point in bickering. We both want you to succeed for both our sakes." Little Wu lazily responded.

"Hehe, I am still only twelve years old you know, so I am still allowed to bicker you to exhaustion." Min Hong teased on with a smirk.

"Hmph! Like I will bicker with you." Little Wu snorted in response.

"Hehe! Can you even help it…and aren't we already bickering?" Min Hong edged on.

"Hmph! Cut the crap! Explain everything you can remember about the trials and your rewards to me?" Little Wu sensed Min Hong's motives and switched the topic.

Min Hong then went on to explain everything he remembered about the trials to Little Wu and also told him about the two rewards he obtained and the potential possibility of the third reward which was the 'Realm of Creation'.

When Little Wu heard about the third reward, he was so shocked he actually fell off his staff.

Maybe the staff was also shocked by this, but all Min Hong could tell was that, it didn't respond to Little Wu's fall in any way. It just hovered there stiffly, like it was in a state of utter shock.

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