The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 92

Chapter 92: Comprehending the Chaos Dao

"Hu!" As Min Hong continued to trudge on, at a far away spot from his previous location, was his soul swaying here and there like a cotton ball within a hurricane.

After a little more swaying his body suddenly relaxed as he powerlessly laid dormant there within the emptiness. 

If one could see him now, they would notice that his entire soul was shrivelled with several cracks on it.

Specks of his soul light began to emerge as they vanished into nothingness, like a candle whose lit wick was put off by two fingers. 

As these specks of light rose from his soul body, Min Hong's appearance grew increasingly hideous.

Furthermore, the energy within his soul had dimmed utterly.

In fact, only a semi-transparent figure was left within this empty dimension. 

These motes of lights continued to float off his soul body, and with each mote that disappeared, Min Hong's soul body grew increasingly illusory.

Then as his eyes grew fuzzy, his senses which now had a radius of a thousand metres, spotted something that seemed like a flower. 

This flower was just about a thousand metres from where he currently was. It was still invincible but Min Hong could sense it.

It looked like the famous 'bleeding heart flower', only that this one was dripping with intense and savage but absent power. 

It was very mysterious. When Min Hong isn't paying attention to it, the flower would be giving off a primordial, intense and savage aura.

But whenever he focuses on it, his sense would tell him there was nothing there! 

He then began to crawl and drag himself across the empty dimension, towards the flower.

Min Hong continued this way for another three days, but the distance between him and the mysterious flower didn't shorten by even one inch.

It was like he was on a treadmill; he could sense that he had traveled another 400 metres since he sensed the flower, but he could sense that he was still a thousand metres away from it.

"There is something wrong with this dimension, even if I had been taking baby steps since I began this 400-metre journey, I ought to have gotten to this flower." Min Hong thought to himself.

"But no matter how long or how far I seem to move, I can't seem to get to… Wait!" Min Hong suddenly came to a sudden enlightenment.

"I have been doing this the wrong way. This is Oblivion, nothing exists here, not space, not time, and most certainly not distance." Min Hong's withered face cracked a smile.

"You little flower, return my energy to me… I know you're there and I know you're here. I know you exist and I also know you don't… So, let me have you." Min Hong spoke as he stretched his illusory cracked hands towards the mysterious flower.

The moment this happened, and as if responding to its master, the area around the flower warped and then the space above Min Hong's hand also warped at the same moment.

Then just like that and in the blink of any eye, the mysterious flower appeared on his hand.

Then a suction force erupted from this flower as enormous amounts of myriad energies surged towards it and then it gobbled everything up.

From what Min Hong could sense, these energies belonged to virtually all types of Laws, Daos and energies in existence. 

After about an hour of continuous absorption, all the flowers, stems and branches of this flower then began to shrivel up.

Everything continued to dry up and fall off successively, until it bore a single seed.

This is what is referred to as the 'Dao Seed'. This is the most important thing of all and the reason why Min Hong had suffered so much for what seemed to be about three full months. 

"Thank You." Min Hong smiled and bowed. Then he popped the 'Dao Seed' into his mouth as it glided downwards, and as soon as it got to the core of his soul, the seed began to germinate.

It spread out its roots deep within the core of his soul as Min Hong's soul began to heal. 

All the cracks on his soul began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye and his soul power even began to climb and soar all at once.

By the time the 'Dao Seed' was done blooming, it had grown back to its initial form; the 'Bleeding Heart Flower'. 

But the flower abruptly began to tremble like a tank of compressed gas about to explode.

Min Hong who was witnessing this for the first time, instantly became petrified.

He could sense that this flower was about to explode and if it did, it would surely spell the end for him.

"Oh snap! The Dao seed consists of virtually all Laws and forms of energies compressed into one. They will naturally become violent and try to repel or destroy one another." He thought.

But the moment this happened, a ripple exploded from within Min Hong and a very mysterious and unique but familiar energy surged into his soul and flooded into the core of his soul where the ticking flower was. 

It washed over the flower and all these various Law energies jolted in fear as they instantly became as docile as a lamb.

They gathered together and the repulsive behaviour they were showing earlier was instantly converted into a brotherly behaviour.

They instantly fused together in a very seamless manner before the unique and mysterious energy then bonded them together. Then the Dao flower then became very stable. 

The moment this happened, Min Hong's 'Eye of Infinite Dao' self-activated as one of his eyes went blank whilst the second was still formed of the usual golden iris and green pupil.

After staying that way for about ten breaths, everything then returned back to normal.

"So, it's the Primus Dao… if these energies also consisted of the Void, Spatial and Temporal energies, does that mean Primus is the third strongest after Oblivion and Will?" Min Hong thought to himself, as he was being transported out of this empty dimension.


Within the dimension where the 'Realm of Creation' portal was located…

Little Wu was anxiously pacing about and moving around as he awaited the arrival of Min Hong and the result of the comprehension trials, when a bright light appeared within the protective barrier of the formation Little Wu had prepared for him.

Little Wu rushed towards the formation as he saw Min Hong sitting there with a weird and unusual expression etched on his face. Seeing this, Little Wu's face turned very ugly.

"No! No! No…no…no…no…no!" He grasped his head in despair as he fell to his knees looking at his palms. "Do I really have to wait till another successor comes, to get my freedom?" His nose became itchy as his voice quaked. 

After brooding for about ten solid minutes, he finally stood up, resigned to his assumed fate with an aura of dejection radiating of him.

Then he walked up to Min Hong and spoke. "It's fine, I guess this is the way it was meant to be. It is not your fault and I don't blame you…"

Min Hong looked up and saw the drama Little Wu was displaying and then spoke. "What nonsense are you rambling? ... hurry and tell me how to cultivate the [Kingmaker Codex] using the Chaos Dao energy." He raged.

"What?" Little Wu thought he was hearing wrongly. "Did you really manage to comprehend the strongest Dao in existence; the Oblivion Dao?" He squeaked in excitement.

"Yes, I did. Now that I have answered you, can you please answer me in return?" Min Hong urged. 

"Then why were you putting on that stupid face for?" Little Wu's expression was currently alternating between the excitement of the good news that Min Hong had comprehended his first Dao.

Then there was the embarrassment from his earlier charade.

So, even though he was very happy for Min Hong, there was also this part of him that felt like slapping him at the back of his head.

"I was only temporary confused about the fact that I could actually comprehend a Dao even though I was yet to begin cultivation. According to our understanding, one should at least reach the Dan Formation stage before that could happen."

"Moreover, our understanding also states that one could only do that when breaking into the saint stage, but I also happen to have one. But then, I remembered your constant rambling about my 'mundane world' and everything became clear."

"It was our own understanding about everything that wasn't up to par. And even though it is a really bitter pill to swallow, I truly acknowledge that our knowledge is really 'mundane'." Min Hong sighed softly as he explained.

"In addition, I don't know how to rank soul strength and mental strength. then finally I just figured out something about the Primus Dao. Thus, since all these thoughts came at once and clashed together in my head, I had that expression on my face." He concluded.

"Hmph! You could have just come to ask, rather than stir your brains…but its fine, I was the one who misunderstood. So now, we're even…" Little Wu apologized 'without apologizing'.

"Not yet… I would have told you initially but to make the best use of your current situation, you would have to get the third reward from the 'great creator'. to be honest, I never really believed you could pull off comprehending the Oblivion Dao." Little Wu confessed.

"What does the 'Realm of Creation' have to do with me cultivating the codices?" Min Hong was unapprehensive of the new turn of event.

"To cultivate these codices, you need to absorb natural energy from the outside world and then the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' will then convert it to the specific Law Qi you desire using the Primus Dao. Then you will be able to absorb the Law Qi."

"But the impurities present in the energy of this mundane world is too high. As a result, only a little bit of Qi would be available for you to convert. But if you use the energy from the 'Realm of Creation' you would have the best type of Qi in existence." He explained.

"But how do we get the energy from within the 'Realm of Creation' into the outside world?" Min Hong asked.

"I will help you build an inanimate portal within the 'Realm of Creation' and merge the output into a formation that you would be able to activate using a spirit stone in the outside world. That way, your companions will be able to benefit from this potent and primeval Qi." Little Wu explained. 

"Cool. That way Little Qing, Little Ming and Elder Yun would have a unique and strong Qi. This would increase the quality of our overall strength and abilities." Min Hong nodded with a smile.

This would be killing two birds with one stone. So, he naturally preferred this option.

"Good! Then it is time for you to begin the comprehension of the Chaos Dao." Little Wu spoke.

After readjusting himself once again, Min Hong sensed the black Chaos Dao orb. He then used the same technique as Little Wu instructed him to with the Oblivion Dao.

"Chaos the erratic, the random, the unpredictable. Oblivion was basically filled with mind-numbing emptiness, containing nothing other than deafening silence and boredom. But as the first pioneer of the 'Principle of Duality', you were born to put an end to that."

"You wouldn't have wanted to cause disorder, neither would you have wanted to be the 'bad guy'. But you had no choice but to fulfil the 'Duality Principle', to be the total opposite of Oblivion. Otherwise, nothing else would have been created."

"In fact, if everything had been peaceful between you and Oblivion, then there would be no need for order. Thus, Space-Time, Yin-Yang, Darkness-Light, Death-Life and the others wouldn't have existed. In fact, they really owe their very existence to you."

"Since I am also a product of the Death-Life Dao, I also owe my life to you, without you, I wouldn't have existed. Your role was a very important one, but instead of receiving all these praises, what did they give you? They treated you like the odd one out, like the bad guy."

"The very ones you sacrificed your freedom for, ended up ganging up on you and became the very source of your doom. Why should someone be judged by their innate nature, when we all also have one unique to every one of us."

"Anything without a unique nature has no true purpose. But I do not pity you…No! I am here to help you. Help you remind everything in existence of their place in the order of things. Show them your true value and power."

"I will help you remind all these Daos, that your very unique nature and your very existence was so that they could be born. If you had become the good guy, they would all be nothing other than a figment of another's fantasies."

"Help me Chaos. Help me make them understand. Use me...Make a statement through me. Use me as a vessel through which you make them understand their place and realize how impetuous they have all been. Since they have forgotten, REMIND THEM CHAOS!"

As Min Hong was thinking all these thoughts within his mind, he didn't realize that his emotions weren't forced, he didn't realize that the more he comprehended Chaos, the sadder and he became. 

He had just understood how Chaos must have felt, and as a result, he was already getting angry and disrespectful to other Daos.josei

His emotions stirred by itself as his conviction surged. His entire feelings ere in chaos at the moment. 

He was angry, sad and irritated at the rest of the Daos who didn't seem to care about truly understanding Chaos. He was even a little bit resentful towards Oblivion and Will.

As all his feeling fell into a state of utter disorderliness, the Chaos Orb in his hands glowed. 

Then he was gobbled up. When he appeared, he found himself in a stormy dimension.

This wasn't a wind-storm or lightning-storm, this was a storm formed from the repulsive nature of many Daos. Just like Oblivion, Chaos also consisted of many Daos. 

Yin, Darkness, Death and the likes were all repelling themselves and destroying everything in and on sight. It was like a 'royal rumble' of many angry and repulsive Daos.

This was what Min Hong's soul would have been if Primus had not tamed the Oblivion flower earlier. 

The moment Min Hong appeared within this dimension; these Dao energies raged towards him looking to shred him to bits.

But at that same moment, the Primus Dao within the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' responded as its own energy rippled out, looking to tame these Daos and force them into harmony.

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