The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 97

Chapter 97: Divine Ability – Black Hole & Antimatter

[Thoughts: Author] - *This also means that, though they might have the same outcome or might be exhibited in the same manner, the perspective of one's comprehension of the Dao can never be the same Thus, a unique deviation would surely arise between the two abilities…*

*The difference in the nature of these two divine abilities would result in one being much stronger than the other. Or in other instances, one would end up being more mysterious than the other...*

*This also means that for anyone else to get this technique, they would either have to search Min Hong's soul or Min Hong can transmit it to them, just like his senior apprentice brother (Elder Chen… see chapter 78-82) did when his soul dispersed…*


Min Hong opened his eyes atop the futon, gazed towards Little Wu and smiled lightly before saying; "I have obtained that of the Oblivion Dao. I will pluck that of the Chaos Dao later."

"Look at you, feeling all smug. You have earned it… moreover, have you thought of its name yet?" Little Wu spoke, unable to hide the eagerness within his voice. 

His eyes brightened with increasing curiosity and anxiousness that he was slightly trembling in delight.

If he could, he would have told Min Hong to show him right now, but he wanted to see it in action.

After all, that would be a more satisfying experience.

"Thanks for your help, you are free to go now…" Min Hong teased.

"Unh?! You mutt. I am going to witness this one, even if I have to die immediately after…" Little Wu fumed in defiance.

"Haha! Haha!! Haha!!! I was only messing with you. seeing you like this is truly pleasing to the sight. Haha!" Min Hong laughed hysterically at Little Wu.

"Hmph!" Little Wu snorted when he realized Min Hong had pulled a joke on him. He prides himself on the belief that, he was the one who was usually on the laughing end of this situation.


After a brief silence of about three breaths, a deep grumbling boomed across the sky as a huge wind kicked up jolting Min Hong and Little Wu out of their bickering mood.


Outside, in the desert… atop the soaring Elder Yun… 

Realizing what was about to happen, Elder Yun descended as she dropped of Min Hong who was still sitting cross-legged atop the cold desert sand.

The loud explosion tore apart the silent atmosphere, jolting both Min Qing and Little Ming from their slumber.

Little Ming bolted out of Min Hong's sleeves as she darted towards Min Qing and coiling round her right arm.

The trio were truly terrified.


[Thoughts: Little Ming] – "What is happening here, has this guy offended the heavens or what?"

[Min Qing] – "It's as if something huge, powerful and utterly pissed off is looking to tear through the sky and descend. Will Hong-ge be able to handle this? I better be prepared for the worst…"

[Elder Yun] – "This is only his fourth mental energy tribulation and it is already this strong? But if I remember correctly, even the fourth tribulation isn't supposed to be this strong. Moreover, it would only get stronger the higher he ascends in mental force."

"Furthermore, mental energy usually increases when one's comprehension of a specific Universal Law has increased, or when the Universal Law evolves. It also increases if one receives the inheritance of an entity who cultivates the mental force too."

"Lastly is when one survives and overcomes a very traumatic mental disaster or when one's mind achieves true 'inner peace'. It is most likely the last option, since his soul force also achieved an increase in level…"

"This kid is anything but ordinary. After all, it is extremely difficult for one to achieve true inner peace. Even those old ghosts from father's clan who had lived for tens of thousands of years haven't even seen anyone achieve this state of mind. One can only do so through sheer luck…"



As they were all caught up in their individual separate thoughts, a very large seemingly invincible flood dragon abruptly appeared in the clear night sky, radiating an aura of intense power and might.

As it descended, a roaring wind kicked up as the desert sand were swept up into the air.

Though this flood dragon was invincible, the desert sand that were previously swept up by the wind attached to its energy body. 

Then as the star light reflected on the sand, the full body of the flood dragon glittered into existence.

When they saw the image of this flood dragon, Elder Yun's scaly feathers stood on end, Min Qing's froze on the spot while Little Ming's coiled body, slacked in sheer trepidation. 

The dragon was about thirty feet in length and about five feet thick, it subtly hovered above Min Hong who had entered his Mind Palace to brace himself for the upcoming battle.

The flood dragon's body vibrated aggressively as it silently circled around Min Hong.

It was looking at Min Hong like a man who had cornered a rat which had been disturbing him for over 3 years.

Then it bolted towards Min Hong and slammed into him the momentum of the sand which highlighted the dragon's body blasted Min Hong over one kilometre away. 

Min Hong threw up a mouthful of fresh blood.

The force of that sand blow alone was akin to a full force blow from a 7-Star King Stage expert.

Within Min Hong's Sea of Consciousness, this flood dragon dove into his mental sea with a loud splash.

Then an eerie silence which usually comes before doom reigned within his Sea of Consciousness

About three breaths later, a bubble broke out of Min Hong's mental sea.

Then gradually the bubbles began to multiply as their intensity gradually roses to its peak.

Then as the bubbles raged to the peak;


The flood dragon blasted out of the mental sea as it whooshed towards the energy barrier protecting Min Hong's Mind Palace at a heaven defying speed. It drew a long line in the sky as it slammed into the energy barrier. 


The energy barrier couldn't even stand this momentum for two breaths as it crumbled into bits.

Then it tore through the beautiful green landscape in front of Min Hong's Mind Palace, leaving only a four feet deep gully in its wake. 

The flood dragon roared in victory as it approached the 'Yuan Wonder Gate' with increased morale.

It picked up more speed to make up for its lost momentum as it approached the gate with lightning surging out of its nostrils.

It really looked like it came to take Min Hong's life.

Up next was the 'Yuan Wonder Gate' which slammed shut. Then, the Dragon, Phoenix, Turtle and Tiger statues surged in aura as they roared in unison, drowning that of the incoming flood dragon. Their roars kicked up a massive shockwave that blasted towards the flood dragon. 

Seeing the intensity of the incoming shockwave, the flood dragon roared defiantly as it defiantly met the shockwave head on.

It gathered all of its energy as lightened flickered and blitzed all over its body as its huge eyes took on a blue shade. Then;

Bang! Bang!! Bang!!! Bang!!!!

"Unh?! Impossible!" Min Hong and Little Wu saw the outcome of the collision and both their expressions instantly turned solemn at the sight.

The flood dragon collided with the shockwave and lost only a third of its momentum as it continued on towards the 'Yuan Wonder Gate'. It slammed into the 'Yuan Wonder Gate' blasting it into smithereens, but it also exploded in the process. 

"Hu!" Min Hong heaved a sigh of relief. The energy of the flood dragon's last strike was equivalent to a desperate strike from a 2-Star Dan Formation stage.

Though he had yet to test out his new divine ability, he would prefer to initially test it against a weak opponent. 

Then he would gradually test it against tougher opponents till he reaches and discover its current limits.

So, testing it against a Dan Formation stage attack was too much of a risk for him, and such actions might yield an extremely dangerous repercussion. 


Just as they thought it was over, a larger tear that was about five times the previous one appeared in the heavens as two flood dragons similar in size and power with the previous one bolted out of the tear and entered into his Sea of Consciousness.

They positioned themselves one ahead of the other as they bolted straight for his Mind Palace that was now defenceless and extremely vulnerable.

The moment they passed the spot where the 'Yuan Wonder Gate' previously stood, Little Wu vanished from the spot.

Min Hong who understood the reason why Little Wu retreated stood up and appeared a few kilometres from the incoming dragons as he laughed lightly and spoke;

"I have never been the type that cowers in the front of problems and disasters."

"Moreover, I want to remember…I want to remember what it means for one's blood to boil in battle. So, if you want to serve as my whetstone to my prime then, BRING IT ON!!!" Min Hong yelled with conviction and determination, as a potent battle intent surged out of his body.

"Black Hole!!!"

He bellowed as the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' responded to his will and his forehead split open as an extremely mysterious and terrifying eye opened up.

The spot where the eyeball was supposed to be located was completely empty, as a mysterious aura flooded the entire Mind Palace and a mysterious spherical pitch-black ball appeared on Min Hong's left palm.

This pitch-black sphere was exactly like the one which Min Hong had seen earlier, which was devouring stars and entire planets, but it was very much smaller and emitted a weaker aura. 

The moment this spherical ball appeared; half of Min Hong's mental force was sucked away to power it.

The sphere began to absorb all the energies around including the light that was around it and the moment the flood dragons arrived Min Hong thrusted the sphere forward. 


The explosion that was expected never happened, instead only a humming sound could be heard.

In front of Min Hong was the first flood dragon that was already half devoured.

"Unh?" Min Hong exclaimed slightly. he noticed that as the flood dragon was being devoured, only about ninety percent was being devoured by the black hole and the remaining ten percent was being funnelled and converted into usable energy for him… 

Making this discovery, Min Hong revealed a slight grin as he yelled happily. "Wonderful! Come on!!"

Then he channelled more energy into the technique as the absorption rate of the black hole intensified, gobbling up the dragon in one fell swoop.

All this took too long to describe but actually happened in less than two seconds… 

The same moment the first dragon was completely devoured, Min Hong felt a tingling sensation at his spine as all the hair on his neck stood on end.

In one fluid motion Min Hong made a 360 degree turn as he pointed the black hole towards it.

Hum! It was as if it had slammed into soft energy cushion which had a very rapid quicksand effect as it miserably roared but to no avail, and was gobbled up even faster than its partner. 

After the second dragon was devoured, Min Hong looked up to the crack waiting to see if there is going to be any new development and truly there was.

This time three flood dragons poured out of the crack and surged into his body as they appeared within his Sea of Consciousness. 

The moment they arrived they twined around one another in motion as they merged together into one.

But contrary to expectation, they actually shrunk in size as a single horned ancient dragon came into view. 

This dragon was bluish in colour with intense lightening flickering around it.

Its aura gradually soared as it shrunk in size, and by the time it had stop shrinking, it was only six feet long and two feet thick with an aura of a 1-Star Nascent Soul stage.

It picked up speed and abruptly vanished from sight, giving Min Hong the scare of his life.

Instantly, Min Hong shut his eyes and tried to sense its position.

Min Hong found out that the dragon had actually circled around him with insane speed, trying to attack him from behind. 

"Hmph!" Min Hong snorted lightly with a cunning grin, as he acted oblivious and allowed it to approach.

Seeing that Min Hong didn't seem to have sensed its location, the single-horned ancient dragon bolted forward at a break-neck speed that bordered on teleportation. 


The moment it entered Min Hong's proximity, Min Hong turned swiftly and placed the pitch-black sphere in front of him, but this time around he got the shock of his life as a slamming sound rang across his Mind Palace as he was sent flying with the sphere in hand. 

But the dragon's head was also trapped, and in a bid to free itself, the dragon bombarded the sphere with massive amount of energy and lightning.

The cracks on the sphere intensified as more energy poured into it as the lightning crackling around it began to numb Min Hong's arm.

Seeing that the black orb might shatter before it completely devoured the dragon, Min Hong fed in more mental energy and combined it with the 10 percent being funnelled in by the sphere as a battle of energy attrition started between the dragon and Min Hong. 

After just a few breaths, Min Hong realized that he had entered a losing battle as the rate at which his energy was being depleted twenty times faster than that of the dragon.

With the way things were turning out, it seems he only had about one minute before his energy runs dry. 

Faced with this dire situation, Min Hong made a bold, audacious and self-destructing decision.

He split his mind, shut his eye and sent a part of his consciousness deep within his soul.

Yes! He was actually going to pluck the Chaos Dao-fruit and obtain his second divine ability! 

He instantly touched the fruit on the Chaos Dao-flower the moment he appeared as he was once again transferred into another dimension cutting off his senses with from the rest.

Within this dimension, he saw a huge mountain of metal ore. 

This metal ore was about a thousand miles tall and five thousand square miles in size.

Then a bead-sized drop of pitch-black liquid fell from the sky and landed on the heap of metal ore and the entire massive mountain of metal ore completely dissolved away in less than three breaths. 

Next, he saw a huge glacier of ice, and just like before, the pitch-black liquid fell from the sky once more.

When it came in contact with this ice glacier, a sizzling sound rippled through the dimension as smoke rose into the sky, and when the smoke cleared, the ice glacier was gone.

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