The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 104

Chapter 104: I love it!

Haru looked up feeling Suyin's breath on his face. He moved his hands down and grabbed a hold of her hips. She wriggled a little bit but it was no good. Haru already had hold of her. 

He then sat up and held her on his lap as he had done earlier. But as soon as he did, there was a gentle knock on the door and then it slowly creaked open.

"Hey, Can I borrow another one of your books please?" Chen's voice came through the doorway as his head peeked around the door.

"Not now! Go away!" Suyin shouted back toward the door. 

"Alright, Alright. I will come back later." Chen walked away in defeat after waving at Haru.

"Now, Where were we?" Suyin asked and smiled at Haru.

"I believe we were at the part where we go back to mine and I take a shower and get ready." Haru smiled and stood up before putting Suyin back down on the floor.

"Aww, You're no fun…" She pouted.

"I was going to let you shower with me. But if you are going to be upset with me then I don't see why I should." Haru said as he grabbed the door handle.

"That's so not fair!" Suyin complained.

Haru laughed the whole way back to the car that was waiting for them outside. Haru got in first followed by Suyin. The driver seemed to be distracted by something on his phone and didn't even notice them get into the car until Suyin made a fake coughing sound to grab his attention.

"Ahem. Can you take us back to Haru's place please?" Suyin asked the driver.

"Sure thing." The driver from earlier said and then began to buckle his seatbelt. He made no effort to give a warning to either Haru or Suyin before he took off as fast as he could.

"Why does he always do this?" Suyin asked as Haru had to brace her with his arm so she wouldn't get whiplash from her head being forced back due to the sudden acceleration. 

"I don't have a clue. Maybe he is just crazy…" Haru said. They spent the car ride chatting about the driver's lack of common sense when he sped between tiny gaps in traffic just to get to the destination a little faster.

"We're here. Would you like me to wait out here?" The driver turned and asked Suyin and Haru with a smile on his face.

"No that's okay. I think we will just walk into the city. We are already nearby so it shouldn't take too long. You can head back home if you want to." Suyin told him.

The driver smiled after he had heard her say that. It meant that he would have the rest of the day off to do whatever he wanted to. Although the only thing he probably did in his spare time was speed through traffic like a mad man.

Haru and Suyin both got out of the car and headed inside Zen's house. The cleaner seemed to have already finished up and headed home since the house was completely void of life apart from Xue who was sleeping on the couch until she heard the door open.

She quickly jumped up and ran over to the door to greet Haru and Suyin whilst wagging her tail in excitement. josei

"Aww, Look Haru. I think she missed me" Suyin said and then kneeled on the floor to pet her.

"She probably did. It has been like half a month since you last came over so it's only natural. Anyway, I'm going to get ready now. Just make yourself at home. Do whatever you want." Haru told Suyin before heading toward the stairs.

"No shower together? I was looking forward to that." Suyin pouted again.

"Maybe some other time. I don't think that I would want to go on a date with you if you joined me so it is probably for the best." Haru laughed and then went about his business leaving Suyin downstairs with Xue.

Around twenty minutes went by before he came back downstairs. Haru was now wearing black slim-fit jeans, A white branded t-shirt of some sort and a grey hooded jacket. He decided to dress more for comfort than to look good. 

"How do I look?" He asked Suyin who was zoned out watching TV. Suyin then turned her head to look at him walking down the stairs.

"Handsome. That is how you look." She smiled and began to get up from the couch. She brushed a few dog hairs from her skirt and then walked over to Haru.

"Can we go now?" She asked with an excited look on her face. 

"Of course. Let's go." Haru reached down to hold her hand and then they headed out. They walked down the long road toward the city and then out into the high street.

"You know? we should have just had your driver take us. It is going to be a long walk to the shopping complex." Haru said as they continued to walk hand in hand. 

"Yeah, Maybe but now I get to spend much more time with just you. I missed spending time like this with you." Suyin smiled and the squeezed his hand tighter. 

"So cute." Haru teased as they continued. They walked for what must have been around thirty minutes before they finally reached the main shopping complex. 

There were hundreds if not thousands of different stores in all directions and today seemed to be particularly busy. People were walking in all directions like schools of fish swimming through the ocean. It might have been enough to overwhelm Haru a few years ago but he had gotten used to the business of living in the heart of a city.

They stopped to get drinks before going inside the cinema to watch a sappy romance movie that neither of them enjoyed before coming back out slightly disappointed. 

"Well. That was a shit show…" Haru said as they left.

"Yeah. What even was that? How did they fall in love if he kept being abusive toward her all the way through? It just didn't make any sense." Suyin complained. 

"So what are we going to do now?" Suyin asked Haru as they walked back outside to the busy streets.

"I think I have an idea. But I don't want to ruin the surprise just yet. I want you to follow me." Haru said mysteriously as he began to lead Suyin by the hand back through the city and back toward the way they had come from earlier. 

Suyin was confused but she didn't want to ask too much about where they were heading. She loved surprises and had completely no idea what was happening so she stayed quiet in anticipation.

They walked for half the time they did previously and stopped outside of a jewellery store. Suyin looked at Haru with excitement.

"You wanted to get me some jewellery?" She asked him with a smile.

"Yeah. I saw something they had in the window the last time that I came down here. I thought that it would be perfect for you. But it doesn't seem to be here anymore. Let's go in and ask." Haru said and led her inside the store. 

"Welcome." A woman shouted out as they made their way through the door.

"Hi, I am looking for a certain necklace that you had in the window a few weeks ago. I don't see it there anymore though." Haru explained to the woman at the counter.

"Oh? What kind of necklace was it?" The woman asked.

Haru leaned over the counter and whispered something to her so that Suyin couldn't here him. The woman stopped for a second and then looked at Suyin.

"I think that is a perfect choice. I think we have that in the back. Someone came here to reserve it but didn't end up buying it. So we took it off display. I will be right back." The woman said and then walked through a wooden door on the other side of the counter.

Haru looked back at Suyin who was smiling happily.

"What are you so happy about? You don't know what it is yet. What if you hate it? Haru asked her.

"I would never hate a gift you gave me. And I am looking forward to having something that will let me feel a little closer to you if you ever have to disappear for another half a month." She giggled lightly before the woman came back holding a small black box and was wearing a huge smile on her face.

"Good news. We still have it." She said and then put the box down on the table. 

"That will be…" She began to type in a number onto the screen.

"The price doesn't matter. I will pay with my card." Haru looked at her with some intensity. He didn't want Suyin to know how much it costs. She was too humble to accept an expensive gift so he had to find ways to make sure that she would never know the price of things.

The woman seemed to understand what he meant. She simple nodded her head and handed the card scanner to Haru.

Haru scanned the card and then took the box off the counter and headed back outside with Suyin. The woman waved to them and told them to come back again as they made their way back outside into the street.

"Here. No, you can see it." Haru handed the box to her right outside the store.

Suyin looked at the box for a second but then opened it right away. Revealing the little sword pendant that hung from a white gold chain with a shard of smoothed obsidian as the blade.

"I love it! It reminds me of you perfectly. Especially all the times I know you are fighting with someone." She said sarcastically and then kissed him. 

"Thank you." She smiled and then handed the necklace back to Haru for him to put it around her neck.

He did so as gently as he could since the chain was relatively thin and he didn't want to damage it. He then took a few minutes to admire how the black rock on the blade seemed to make her eyes glow more noticeably before heading back to Zen's house for dinner.

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