The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 106

Chapter 106: Day in.

Haru awoke to a knock on his door. He opened his eyes feeling the gentle breath of Suyin lay beside him on his neck. He turned to face her. She had her arms wrapped tightly around his body and her legs over his. 

Her long brown hair was spread out across his chest and her eyes were sealed shut in her deep slumber.

He put his hand on her back and slowly rubbed it to wake her up without startling her. 

"Mhmm." Suyin moaned in confusion as she slowly began to wake up. She looked up at Haru with sleepy eyes and then rubbed them to bring his face into focus. 

"Good morning sleepy head." Haru joked. Suyin just looked back at him for a few seconds before planting a kiss on his neck.

"Good morning." She said and then began to sit up. It was already noon. They had slept through the whole morning like it was nothing.

"Haru are you in there?" Zen shouted from the other side of the door. Followed by another knock.

"Yeah, I will be out in a minute. Just hold on for a moment." Haru said back and then began to get out of bed through Suyins protest by grabbing his arm.

"Cuddle me a bit more please?" She asked. 

"Sorry. No can do. If you are still sleepy when I come back I will cuddle you more. But for now, I have to go." He said and then put on some clothes from his closet and walked out into the hallway where Zen was waiting for him.

"What is it?" Haru asked. It wasn't like Zen to knock on his door. If he needed something he would usually send a text and wait for him to wake up.

"I need your help with things this week. I was wondering if you would like to go to work with me?" Zen asked.

"Go to work with you? What do you mean? Right now?" Haru asked. 

"No, not right now. But later in the week. We have a business meeting with a client from overseas. He is some kind of international businessman from Europe. He said he wanted to hire a few of our bodyguards but he wanted to pick them.josei

But from what I have heard he is a bit of a tough character. He is well known for picking fights with people so I wanted to have a bit more protection. It's not that I don't think that my men are not capable. But Jake said you can stop bullets now right?

I know it is a lot to ask but can you come along with me? I don't expect anything to go wrong but it would be nice to have you there just in case it does." Zen explained. It wasn't like Zen to ask something like this of Haru so it must have been something serious.

"Sure. If you think that I would be of help I will go with you. I just don't want you to feel like you are invincible with me there. Even if I am there I can't promise that I will be able to protect you if things get serious. But I will try to." Haru explained back to him. He didn't want to make a promise that he couldn't keep so he was honest from the start.

"That's okay. I'm sure everything will work out okay. And with any luck, the man who is coming to meet me isn't as bad as the rumours say that he is.

"Yeah, With any luck. So do you need anything else?" Haru asked. As they both lingered in the hallway awkwardly.

"No. That is it thanks." Zen responded and then began to walk back downstair. But stopped halfway.

"I'm heading out to work now. If you want to make some food. I had the fridge stocked this morning, You should be able to find something. See ya." Zen shouted when he was halfway down the stairs and then carried on out of the front door to where his driver was waiting for him.

The sound of tires screeching against concrete sounded out before slowly fading into the distance. Giving Haru the sign that they were now the only people here. He then headed back to his room were Suyin was patiently waiting for him.

"Are you still tired?" He asked with a smile on his face already knowing the answer.

In response, she held out her arms and invited him to get back into bed with her. Haru didn't refuse the offer. He took off his clothes and then lay back down. Suyin wrapped her arms around him and then picked up the TV remote that had slipped down the side of the bed during the night and switched the TV on.

"I miss days like this," Haru said and he squeezed her a little tighter ion his arms. There was no response from Suyin. She only smiled a little wider as she rested her head against his chest and looked toward the now playing TV.

The rest of the day flew by in a flash. The spent the whole day in bed without eating at all. They probably would have stayed like that for much longer if Suyin didn't notice the light slowly being drawn from the room as the sun set over the horizon.

"Wait what time is it?" Suyin asked and then reached over for her phone. 

"Shit. We have been in bed all day. I was supposed to have dinner with my family tonight… Ah well. I will just tell them I have already eaten and then get something on the way back. She then smiled and slowly sat up once again.

"Are you going home now?" Haru asked. 

"I have too. My dad won't let me stay with you again if I just stay for two nights without discussing it with my mom first." She said and then swivelled her legs over the side of the bed. 

Haru did the same and then reached for the night stand. Grabbing the necklace he had bought the night before.

"Make sure you don't forget this." He said and then put the necklace around her neck." She shivered slightly from the coldness of the metal against her skin but quickly adapted before Haru could even finish putting the clasp in place. 

After a few seconds of fiddling around with the necklace, he had finally done it. Suyin was now already half-dressed. She had a spare set of clothes already at Haru's house so she could stay over as soon as her parents gave her permission to.

She then stood up and put on one of Haru's shirts.

"You don't mind if I take this to do you?" She asked with a shy smile.

"Not at all," Haru said back and stood up. 

"Are you going to walk me to the door?" Suyin asked as she was already fully clothed.

"No. I am coming with you. Just give me a few minutes." Haru replied and then put on his own clothes.

"You really don't have to." Suyin began to complain.

"I know I don't have to. I want to. And I kind of want to go for a walk once I know that you are home." Haru said and then began to put on his shoes. He had just put on shorts and a t-shirt. Hardly appropriate clothing for the cold nights of Shenzhen but it didn't matter much. 

Kun's power would keep him warm all year round and even in the coldest of countries. It wasn't something that he would have to worry about but Suyin seemed concerned when she saw what he was wearing.

"You are just going to wear that? You will catch a cold." She said in a matter of fact tone.

"Ahh, I will be fine." Haru sighed and then they both walked down to the main entrance. 

Suyins phone rang out. She looked down at the screen and then paused for a second.

"Shit. It's my dad. I will be right back." She said before walking into the living room for a second.

"I don't care what you think! I am eighteen now. I am not a kid anymore. What I do is my choice. Why should you get the right to decide what I do for a living? I want to make music! Not sit in an office for twelve hours a day answering phones." Suyin began to shout suddenly soon after she walked into the living room.

She then walked back out as if nothing had happened.

"Are you okay?" Haru asked. After hearing here shouting he thought that she would tell him but she simply acted like everything was fine.

"Yeah, Just my dad being stupid again. He was talking about getting me a job at his company." She began to explain before being interrupted by the horn of the car outside.

Haru opened the door for Suyin before heading out and locking the door behind him. The chilliness of the air hit him but only for a moment before he began to circle the warmth of Kun's fire around his body.

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