The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 108

Chapter 108: Family Secret.

The light was blinding as Haru stepped through the portal he looked around amazed at what he saw before him. He was stood in some kind of yard. There were crowds of hundred if not thousands of people. Some of which didn't look human in any single way. Some had dark grey skin and others looked human but had pointed ears

'The three major races of the upper realm are The Elven clan, The Demon Clan and The Human Clan. The elven clan must be the people with long pointed ears. 

They are just how Lao explained them to me. And that means the others with the grey skin are the demons? I thought they would be scarier than this. I guess the three races are similar. There is almost no difference at all.' Haru thought as he looked at the many people gathered together.

"New fighters. You will need to register before you enter a fight. Come to the front of of the building to sign up." A woman's voice called out. 

'Okay, I guess this should be relatively easy right?' Haru thought as he made his way through the crowd. He occasionally bumped into a few people as he struggled to make his way threw but they were put at ease with a simple apology.

As Haru reached the front of the building he stood back in awe. This was by far the biggest building he had ever seen. The height was much taller than any skyscraper he had seen back on earth. There was a solid stone path that leads toward the entrance of the building. And the building seemed to be modelled after some kind of ancient pyramid.

As he looked at the building he noticed there were other sections that looked like blocks stacked on top of each other, climbing up into the heavens. In a sense, it was similar to the Egyptian pyramids but the size was hundreds of times larger.

He then diverted his attention back down to the ground seeing the huge handwritten signs outside the front door. 

"All registrations are filled put in the reception." The sign read. Haru chuckled a bit as he read the signs.

'They seem more sophisticated then I thought they would be. I didn't expect they would have a reception area. Lao made it out like people from the upper realms were all from worlds equivalent to the middle ages.' Haru thought before heading up the steps and into the reception.

As he entered it became obvious why Lao said that they didn't have much technology. The room was clean with a solid white marble floor but the room was lit with torches, not lights. And there was no sign of any computers. The closest thing was a huge screen like a panel that hovered in the middle of the room.

It seemed to be a TV of some sort as it was showing a stream of two cultivators currently fighting in one of the small worlds. But there were no electronics. It seemed to be made out of pure Qi or some kind of artefact that used Qi to create a screen.

He paid it no attention as he walked to the desk lined with hundreds of workers on the other side. He was currently stood in a line waiting for his turn to come but there seemed to be some kind of hold up at the front of his line. 

"Do you know who my grandfather is? He is Ral Jargo! Deputy leader of the demon clan. Why should I write the cultivation technique I study? That is a family secret! I will have you beheaded you filthy elf. How dare you try to steal my clan's secrets!" A tall muscular demon shouted from the front of the line.

"I'm sorry sir. It is protocol. I can't change it. If you want to enter the Soul Tempering Grounds you will have to fill out the basic information on the document." The small elven girl responded in a neutral tone.

"You're Ral Jargo's son? Hey you. Elf girl. Let him through without filling it." Another demon came out of seemingly nowhere and told the woman at the desk. She looked shocked for a moment and then nodded her head rapidly.

"Ah, Yes elder!" She said and then folded up the sheet of paper before turning around and putting it on a pile with the rest of the signed documents.

"Wait, You are… Shin Mu the demon general! My father talks about you a lot sir. I have the utmost respect for you." The demon that was causing a scene changed his attitude. 

"This little act of mine is against the rules here. But as one of the elders, I can bear with the consequences. I hope your father can see this as a sign of respect for him." Shin Mu looked down at the demon in front of him.

"Yes sir! I will tell my father how you helped me when I go back home." He said before Shin Mu vanished from the location he was previously stood.

"Don't you mean? IF, you go back home?" A woman's voice asked the demon as he looked proud of himself.

"Who said that? I will kill your whole family! Step forward and face me you coward!" He shouted into the line of people. 

It was silent for a moment before an elven girl with pretty blond hair and bright violet eyes stepped out and confronted the demon.

"You couldn't kill anyone even if you tried. My best guess is that you will be killed by the end of the day. It is always the loud mouth spoiled brat that is the first one to die. I have seen it countless times. Especially with your disgusting race.

All you think about is despicable acts. You don't even deserve to breathe the same air as me, so be gone you big oath! You are stinking out the whole room." She said to the demon which seemed to enrage him. 

"You are playing a dangerous game girly. Don't you know who my father is?" He asked her with a menacing grin on his face.

"I do actually. My older brother was the one who cut off his arm. Your father is a weak injured old man. There is nothing he could do anyway. 

He would just get his other arm cut off. But I will be the one to do it this time. So go ahead and call your father. You pathetic little boy." The girl laughed and then walked over to the counter as the demon stood in defeat.

Haru looked at the demon for a few seconds.

"And what are you looking at mask boy!? I will end you!" He looked up to catch Haru staring. 

"Really? I would like to see how you are planning to do that." Haru used the breath of shadow technique to appear behind the large demon.

"When I could kill you at any moment," Haru said whilst releasing murderous Qi on to the demon in front of him. 

The demon froze up and his body became stiff with fear. He hadn't seen Haru move but he knew Haru was much faster than him.

"You shouldn't take things too seriously though. Hopefully, we will meet in the Tempering Grounds. I would love to see what you have to offer." Haru chuckled and then walked back over to his place in the line. 

The elven girl looked at him with suspicion for a moment before handing the paper back to the woman at the counter.

"Um… Excuse me miss. You didn't fill out the part about your cultivation technique." The woman at the counter said. 

"Sorry, It's a family secret. I can't fill it out." The girl said back.

"I can't just…" The woman at the counter began to speak.

When suddenly a black flash appeared on the floor in front of the counter. A short old man wearing a pitch-black clock appeared out of nowhere.

"It's okay Elan. She can go through without signing that. I owe her family a lot of gratitude." The old man stead in stable tone.

"Um, Yes elder Han! I'm sorry for the inconvenience." The woman said back to the man before folding up the paper and calling over the next person in line. 

The elven girl stared at Haru all the way until he was called up to the counter.

"Here you go, sir. You just have to sign this. And fill out the information here." The woman pointed as she walked him through what to do.

"Name:" Haru read the first thing on the list and then thought for a moment. He needed to make a fake name or else he could be tracked down.

"Luo Yang." He mismatched a couple of Chinese names before deciding on one. He needed to make his name sound believable. 

He then filled out the rest of the information as blandly as he could. Until he got to the part about the Cultivation technique. He left that part blank and handed the paper back to the woman.

"Um. Mr Yang. You left the cultivation technique part blank. I really can't let you through without filling it out. The other two people before you were an exception to the rule. I have to follow the orders of the elders here.

"Sorry. It's a family secret." Haru grinned as he spoke.josei

A flash of white appeared as the sound of fabric rustling together sounded out behind Haru. He felt a hand on his shoulder but there was no hint of danger.

"Sorry, Elan. I hate to bother you like this. But do you think you can let my friend Mr Yang through without signing that?" A gentle voice called out.

Haru turned to see an old man. He seemed to be of the Human clan as he had no distinguishing features. He had a long white beard and was dressed in a long white robe to go along with it. 

He smiled down at Haru for a moment before looking back at the elven woman at the counter.

"Ah! Yes temple master! I will do it right away." The woman began to panic before folding Haru's paper and putting it on the pile.

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