The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 120

Chapter 120: Tengfei Zhu.

The rain pattered on the glass window as Haru sat and waited for someone to come and talk to him. But before long a whole hour had passed and there was no sign of anyone nearby. Haru was getting tired of waiting and was just about to leave until the sound of the front door to the house squeaked open.

"Dad? We're back. I brought cousin Fan with me too." A woman's voice called out throughout the hall.

There was no response to the woman shouting but then footsteps came towards the room that Haru was now sat in. The same voice spoke out again but this time more gently as the footsteps stopped outside the door.

"Just make yourself at home in the living room. I will go and see if grandpa is ready to see you yet" The woman said and then the door slid open revealing Haru sat on the couch.

Haru then looked over to the door seeing the three teenagers about his age stood there staring at him. He didn't say anything at all as the boy and two girls looked at him. 

They looked back at him awkwardly for a few moments before one of the girls stepped forward.

"Excuse me. Can you tell me what you are doing here?" She asked.

Haru looked at her for a second before replying. 

"I was invited to talk to someone known as Master Zhu. But apparently, he is rude enough to keep guests waiting for him. Anyway, I will leave now. If he asks about me tell him that I left because he wasted my time." Haru said while standing up. He saw this as a good time to leave at least someone would know that he had left the house. 

"Hey! That's my dad you are talking about. I won't tolerate you talking bad about him in front of me." A wave of Qi began to gather around the room as she tried to force Haru to submit to her.

'Oh, She is at the earthly spirit stage? Too bad. If she had five more years to cultivate she might be able to make me feel some pressure. But this power feels like a breeze.' Haru thought to himself.

"I'm not in the mood to play with you little girl. Now stop before you embarrass yourself." Haru whispered into her ear and lightly patted her on her head as he vanished from one spot and appeared right next to her.

"What? Weren't you just?" She questioned her eyes. 

'How did he move so fast? I didn't sense any Qi from him. Does that mean he has already passed the earthly spirit stage? How is that possible? He doesn't look much older than me.' She thought, not realising that he had already walked past her and was now heading toward the front door.josei

"Wait!" She shouted before running out into the hallway, totally ignoring the two people she had led to the living room.

Haru had already made it to the front door before she reached him and slammed her hand against the door as he reached for the door handle. 


The door rattled in its frame and shook the house slightly as she pushed against it. 

"Who are you? Tell me your name." The girl insisted while holding the door shut. She looked up at Haru who had a tired expression and felt confident in herself seeing his lack of interest as nervousness. 

"Tell me what technique you used to get passed me. I haven't seen anything like that before." She demanded.

'Who am I kidding? This wimpy looking boy can't be stronger than me. I bet he is just good at fleeing.' She thought for a few seconds before Haru answered. 

"I didn't use a technique. I just moved fast enough that your eyes couldn't keep up with me." Haru responded and then looked down at the smile that had formed on her face.

"Where did you learn how to lie? I almost believed you for a second. Now stop joking and tell me the truth before I tell my dad what you said about him." She said once more.

Haru sighed. He was tired of talking to people who looked down on him.

"Okay. The interview is over kid. Now get out of the way. I am leaving now." Haru said and then grabbed the door handle once more. 

"You're not going anywhere until I say you can. And stop calling me a kid. You aren't that much older than me you know?" The girl said and then grabbed a hold of his wrist.

"Okay. Playtime is over now." Haru spoke with a sigh and then grabbed the girl by the collar of her shirt and lifted her into the air to make her let go of his wrist. 

"Go and bother someone else," Haru said before dropping her back down to the ground. 

The girl winced as she dropped down onto her knees. She looked up at Haru as tears formed in her eyes.

"Dad! Help me!" She shouted as loud as she could. 

"What's wrong?" The same voice that spoke when Haru came in with the servant called out. Before a man who looked to be in his early forties appeared at the top of the stairs. He was wearing a suit and had the look of a generic businessman. 

Haru turned around and made eye contact with the man. He looked vaguely familiar but he couldn't quite place where he had seen the man before. 

"You are…" The man said as he saw Haru standing in the doorway.

"Dad! This boy is bullying me!" The girl called out again and then ran up the stairs to his side. 

Haru stood still for a moment and then used his Qi to sense the power of the man who stood at the top of the stairs. 'He's at the Qi creation stage? Wow, I didn't think that I would meet someone this good.' Haru thought to himself as he judged the man who stood looking down at him. 

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, Senior Brother. Something important came up. I hope you can stay for some tea. I will explain why I asked you to come here now if you have the time?" The man said, Ignoring his daughter stood by his side.

"Dad! Dad! Dad!" The girl began to grab the mans arm and pull it to get his attention. 

"What is it Liqin?" The man asked and then put his hand on her head. 

"That is the boy who was bullying me. He ever threw me to the ground." The girl complained to her father.

"Shit… What have I told you about picking fights with people? You are not powerful enough to piss off anyone you want to." The man then ran over to Haru and then bowed his head down. 

"Please forgive my daughter senior brother. This junior has failed to educate her properly. Please if you must, take your anger out on me instead. I will deal with any punishment." The man insisted. 

The girl looked on in shock as she watched her father bow down to this boy who looked to be the same age as her.

'He seemed to have seen through my concealment. I tried to keep my Qi from leaking out but I guess he saw it when I was in the park. Is that why he sent his servant to stand beside me? Maybe I should hear him out…' Haru thought and then looked down at the man apologising. 

"There is no need to apologise. Kids make stupid mistakes. I am willing to look past it. I was just about to go home but you're here now. Why don't you tell me about this pill you need refining?" Haru said.

The man looked up after a few more seconds of bowing his head.

"Thank you. I will discipline her for angering you… Wait how did you know that I needed a pill refining? Don't tell me that… Kang must have let it slip, didn't he? I swear that man is always doing things like this." The man then sighed. 

"Oh, What am I thinking? Where are my manners? My name is Tengfei Zhu." The man said and then held out his hand. 

"I'm Haru Kitagawa," Haru said before shaking his hand. 

The man then turned to where his daughter was stood still shocked by the scene that had just played out before her eyes.

"Liqin. Go and make some tea for me and Mr Kitagawa. He has decided to forgive you for picking a fight with you so don't keep us waiting.

"But… Dad!" She objected. 

"There's really no need to," Haru said but his words fell on deaf ears.

"Liqin! Now…" Tengfei said once again.

The girl looked back at her father with embarrassment and anger.

"Fine. I got it already!" She shouted back and then walked back down the stairs and took the hallway in the opposite direction where the smell of food seemed to be coming from. 

"Sorry about that. I have taken it easy on her since her mother passed away. I might have spoiled her a bit too much." Tengfei turned back to Haru and said. 

"It's okay. There is no need to apologise." Haru smiled lightly.

"If you say so. Anyway come with me please," Tengfei said and then began to walk upstairs. 

As they got to the top of the stairs he entered the first door to the right of the staircase. 

Haru followed him into the room. It seemed to be an office of some kind but it seemed dated like no one had used it for a while. Tengfei pulled out a chair for Haru to sit in before going to the opposite side of the desk and sitting in his own chair.

As soon as Haru sat down there was a knock on the door behind him.

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