The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 123

Chapter 123: Void Corridors.

"What are you doing?" Zen yelled out. When seeing Old man Zhu leaning over Haru's bed. Suyin stopped for a second and looked at Haru lay in the hospital bed. She immediately ran over to be by his side and held his hand.

"Who are you? The nurse outside said that he was ready for visitors. Are we interrupting?" Zen asked, Mistaking old man Zhu for a doctor. 

"Ohh I'm not a doctor. I am guessing you are a family member? Take a seat and I will tell you what happened." Old man Zhu then began explaining what had happened to Haru and what he was currently doing to help the situation.

"Where is this Qi coming from?" Haru asked aloud. He stopped what he was doing for a few minutes.

'Is Li Jun doing something? This should benefit my training a lot. But I wonder? How long has it been? Ah well, I will just wait until he comes back and tells me I can go back to my body.' He thought before going back to his training. 

After much effort, he had finally been able to cut open a void in space. But it was only a fraction of the size as what he was shown by the shadow he had seen in his mind. He was still a long way from being able to step through it but with each attempt, he felt it becoming easier and easier.

Until the point, he was able to cut open a void corridor the same size as his head. It remained on eye level in front of his face. Haru looked at it for a few moments before deciding to poke his head through to see what was on the other side.

"What is the worst that could happen?" He thought aloud before pushing his head into the darkness of the void.

As his head went through a great pressure surrounded his head. It felt so strong that his eyes began to tear up and it felt like his head was in a vice. He couldn't take a breath at all. It was like the place was void of any oxygen at all and a dark liquid began to gather in his eyes. 

He then looked up and felt the pressure even more as he gazed upon the thousands of stars and planets going on for more than the eye could see. It looked similar to what he has seen during the Law's illusion but as he felt the coldness and the soul clenching pressure he knew this was the real deal. 

This was actually space. He had done it. He had finally succeeded in creating a sizable Void Corridor. But he was still only at the beginning of his training. Now he would have to make the entrance large enough to fit his whole body though. 

An not mention the challenge of creating another void corridor at the right distance so he could get out at the correct place. But from what he understood he would have to trust his instincts to figure out when to open another void. 

What seemed like hours went by as he focused on expanding the size of the void corridor until he could finally open one that was just a bit larger than his body. He celebrated briefly before opening two void corridors back to back just a few feet away from each other. 

To make sure he put his head through the entrance and sure enough, he could see the exit to the other void corridor a few feet ahead of him in space. 

"Is it that easy?" He thought to himself before taking a few steps back to give himself room for a run-up.

"I hope this works…" Haru hesitated for a moment before shaking his head. 'Come on. It can't be that hard… Just run and jump…' He thought, trying to fill himself with confidence that it would work. 

"Here we go!" He shouted before sprinting toward the black void floating in the air and then he leapt through. His whole body felt the pressure. He could feel it constricting his blood vessels. But the coldness was combated by the heat provided by Kun.

His body gentle glided through the gap between the two void corridors before he hit the ground on the other side. The feeling of weightlessness messed up his sense of balance for a split second but it was enough to make he miss the landing and hit the floor his head.

Haru looked up and then rolled onto his back while rubbing his head. He then turned to see the void corridor he had just come from. He stood up and then waved his hand in the air causing both of them to vanish almost instantly. 

"Yes! That felt like it took so long! Wait how long has it been? Why didn't Li Jun say anything yet?" Haru expressed his thoughts. 

He had lost track of time due to the lack of a day and night cycle in his soul ocean. "Li Jun?" Haru asked for a response. 

A few seconds went by before Li Jun appeared in a flash. 

"What is it?" Li Jun asked with his eyebrows slightly raised. He didn't have the slightest idea as to why Haru had called for him. 

He then looked at Haru in shock. Haru's eyes remained blue and his hair was the same length and shade of black that it was when Li Jun possessed his body. 

"You didn't go back into your body yet?!" Li Jun exclaimed. He was sure that he had told Haru that he could have his body back. 

'No, I am certain I told him. I also promised that there would be no side effects of letting me possess him… How am I going to explain this to him?' He worried as he saw the look of confusion on Haru's face.

"You didn't tell me I could go back. I thought you were still healing Mr Zhu." Haru said. 

"I did tell you. I told you as soon as I finished. It isn't my fault if you didn't hear me. I just went back inside the ring once I finished." Li Jun sighed. 

"Well, you had best return back to your body. I imagine you are just laying on the floor somewhere." Li Jun said. It was unknown to him what had been happening on the outside also.

"Sorry I was probably distracted…" Haru said while trying to keep it a secret with how far he had progressed in using void corridors. He wanted to surprise his teacher when the time came. 

"I had better head back and see what happened…" Haru said and then tried to open his eyes. 

But he then stopped. There was a slight disconnect from his body. It felt like there was someone still controlling his body.

"I thought you said that you had left my body?" Haru asked Li Jun. 

"I did leave your body. You should be free to go back now." Li Jun said with a troubled look on his face. 

"Wait a minute… I will be right back." He said before vanishing to the outside world. 

'What the? Did they already move his body to the hospital?' He thought as he looked around the room. He then looked down at Haru.

A small trail of black mist seemed to be leaking from his chest.

'Just as I thought. So that is why he thought I was still possessing him… It's to be expected at a hospital." He thought before stretching out his arm toward the black mist.

"Leave him alone you parasite. This isn't your body…" He then grabbed the mist and pulled his arm back. As he did the mist only grew bigger and bigger before forming the outline of a human. 

"You… What are you!? Are you a ghost?" The black mist asked in a deep tone when seeing Li Jun floating in the air with his bottom half being translucent. 

"Of course I'm not a ghost. Now get a grip you are the ghost. Now go and possess someone Else's body before I crush your soul. You are already lucky that I am not sending you to the soul cavern so go quick. I don't want to see you again." Li Jun said with his patience running thin.

'I always hated ghosts. They are still creepy even now.' Li Jun thought as he looked at the dark shadow that was trying to take control of Haru's body. 

The dark shadow then made it's way out of the room without so much as another word. It seemed to understand that the man in front of him was much stronger than him.

The sound of the door closing behind the ghost was all it took to bring Haru back out of his soul ocean now that the interruption had left.

Haru raised his arms into the air and let out a yawn as he stretched out his limbs. Everything felt tight. Like he hadn't moved for a while but as he moved around in the bed the feeling then returned to him.

He stood up without realising the change in the room before feeling something sharp rub against his arm. He then looked down to see tubes stuck in his arm. 

He pulled his arm away out of instinct. In doing so ripping them out of his arm, in turn setting off the alarms. He then stumbled back startled by the sudden alarm. He then finally took in his surroundings.

"What the fuck?" He exclaimed as he looked around the hospital room.josei

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