The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 125

Chapter 125: Reunion.

As Haru walked outside he felt something soft brush against the skin on his arm. It was at that moment that he realised the ground was covered in white and he could see his breath pouring out of his mouth like steam. The snow beneath his feet squashed down with each step he took. Creating a light crunching sound. 

'Snow? I guess it is around that time.' Haru sighed and then waited for Zen to come and pick him up. He stood outside the main entrance of the hospital for around twenty minutes. Occasionally getting worried looks from people who saw him stood out in the cold wearing just shorts and a t-shirt.

He dismissed the looks of worry with a smile and the people went on with their way. But he felt that wasn't the only reason they were looking at him. It wasn't every day that you saw a Japanese person with blue eyes. That had to be drawing some of the attention.

Although Haru didn't appreciate his appearance changing so suddenly. He didn't mind the new look. With the change to his hair and eyes also came a change to his face. His face seemed slimmer and he had that classic model look that he would see in the magazines that his classmates would read. 

There wasn't any issue with his appearance before. In fact, he was handsome but his looks right now enhanced everything that people thought made him handsome. But the biggest change was the change to his skin. It had turned much paler. He almost looked like he was half Japanese at most but his facial features remained the same. 

As Haru stood waiting and thinking about how he would explain it to the people that he knew. He noticed Zens car pulling up to the hospital. 

An idea came to him. 'Let's play a little prank.' He thought before hiding behind a planter that had a large bush within. He then bent down and scooped up a handful of snow and then formed it into a ball by squeezing it in his hands. 

Zen then got out of the car and practically began to run toward the hospital his facial expression was one of pure worry and he struggled to run with the ground shifting beneath his feet but he continued to try anyway. 

In seeing Zen struggling to come and see him as soon as possible. Haru felt bad and dropped the snowball.

"He is worried about me. I can't play a prank on him when he is in this state." He said to himself and then stood up and walked back out in front of the planter Just as Zen ran by. 

As Zen reached the receptionist desk inside the hospital he frantically asked about Haru. The woman who gave Haru the papers explained that he had already left but then she spotted him over Zen's shoulder through the glass door. 

Zen turned as she pointed her finger toward the door and saw Haru standing there with his hand next to his face, Smiling while waving. 

He stood there in shock. For the past month, he had come to see his nephew every single day in the hospital, seeing him sleeping and being fed through tubes. He hardly imagined that he would see him outside or even out of bed so fast. He wasn't sure how long he would have to see him like that for.

So when he got the phone call telling him that Haru had woken up already. He rushed out of work as fast as he could to go and see for himself. He didn't even have time to explain to his employees why he was leaving so suddenly. 

Haru took a few steps toward the entrance but as soon as he started walking Zen ran towards him and then back outside before embracing him into a hug. 

"What?" Haru asked confused but then decided it was probably for the best that he didn't say anything about it. He put his arms around him and gave him a light pat on the back. 

"What were you thinking? Why would you put your life in danger to save someone you don't even know?! Do you know how hard it was to stop your parents from taking time off work to come and see you in the hospital? You are going to have to explain everything to them when we get back home.josei

And don't get me started on Suyin. She was going to cancel her contract with the record company to be by your side every day. I had to speak to the CEO of the company to change some things in the contract. I even got them to cancel the part that she isn't allowed to be in a relationship.

But he did say it is probably for the best that you keep it a secret. After she debuts she is bound to gather lots of fans and you could become a target. The CEO seems pretty confident that she is going to become a big star so they are investing a lot of money into her." Zen explained.

"Suyin? Where is she by the way? I want to go and see her." Haru said. 

"She should be at the dance studio. Her schedule is pretty full so I am not sure if that is a good idea right now." Zen started to explain but Haru wasn't having any of it.

"Zen. I have been asleep for four weeks. I am not taking no for an answer, now get in the car and take me to see her��� Please." Haru laughed. 

"Fine, Whatever." Zen sighed and then got into the car. Haru got in right behind him.

"It's good to see that you are doing okay Haru." The driver turned and said as Haru got into the car. He didn't even question Haru's new look.

"It's good to see you are doing well too." Haru smiled and greeted the driver. 

"To, red fountain dance studio please, John," Zen said and then put on his seatbelt. 

"Okay, no problem." The driver said and then set off.

"Say Haru… What is up with the new look? It looks weird. You don't even look like your parents anymore, It's almost like you are an entirely new person. It was one of the things that that old man couldn't explain to me. He said even he had no idea what happened to you." Zen asked about Haru's appearance.

"Li Jun… Is this going to be permanent? Or is there a way I can look like myself again?" Haru used his spiritual sense to ask Li Jun. 

"Well, I guess I should have explained the consequences of not going back into your body right away. During the transformation, your body will merge with my appearance so I can adapt to using my power quickly. But if the transformation is left for a few hours it will start to merge with the body.

You waited four weeks before entering your body again so I guess it's pretty permanent now. I did tell you when I finished so you only have your own lack of hearing to blame. 

But hey, If I need to possess your body again then you won't have to transform since you have already adapted to be able to handle my power… Wait… You can handle my power now. Hold on I need to ask Lao about something." Li Jun then stopped talking.

Haru sighed. 

"It was caused by the technique I used to heal the old man. My body had to adapt to use the technique but it went wrong so I look like this now…" He then explained to Zen. He wasn't lying entirely. Just twisting the truth a little bit.

"Oh… Well, you are going to have to explain it to Suyin. She said she felt like you were someone else also. She almost screamed when she saw she was holding your hand. She only recognised you by the birthmark under your eye. Even I thought you were just a random person when I saw you at first." Zen said.

"I really look that different? I thought it was just a small change." Haru replied.

"Well it looks like a small change but the more I look at you, the more it feels like you are a stranger." Zen chuckled and then shook his head. 

"I am just exaggerating. You still look like you. Just now a little more handsome, I don't think she will hate the change once she gets used to it. She will be happy to know that you are safe." He said Just as the car came to a stop. 

"We're here." The driver said. 

Haru looked out of the window to see that they had now entered the cities high street. They had stopped out side of a huge looking skyscraper building with a small pop up sign on the floor next to the entrance that read "Red Fountain Dance Studio."

"So she is inside? Do you know which floor?" Haru asked. He felt nervous for some reason. He wasn't sure how Suyin would react to seeing him.

To Haru, it felt like they had only been apart for a few hours but to Suyin, it must have felt like an eternity. He also started to regret coming to see her while she practised.

"What if she gets mad because I am interrupting her practice?" The last thing that he wants to do was add to her stress. He changed his mind.

'I will send her a message when I get home.' He thought and was just about to ask the driver to take them home when Zen opened the door on his side. 

Haru was so lost in thought that he didn't notice Zen get out of the car and walk around to the other side. He looked up at Zen standing there for a few seconds.

"She is on the eighth floor. Come on. I will take you there." He smiled down at Haru.

"What was I thinking? Of course, she would want to see me right away. If I was in her situation I would want her to see me as soon as possible." Zen seemed to have reminded him that his friends and family all cared deeply for him no matter what and he decided to go in and see her. 

"Okay." Haru then got out of the car and walked through the doors with Zen.

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