The Leisurely Countryside of the Farmer’s Daughter-in-law

Chapter 236

Chapter 236: Priceless

Chapter 236 Priceless Treasurejosei

The chaotic brain suddenly cleared up, Yang Laner sat up straight, looking at the suspected gossip figure on the cliff, the circle hidden in the shadow in the middle should be the entrance of the cave, why should the gossip figure be chiseled out around the cave entrance?

Could it be that there is something strange in the cave? Or because of something else...?

Yang Lan'er was very itchy and wanted to investigate immediately, but the entrance of the cave was in the middle of the cliff, so he had to prepare professional tools to climb up.

"Lan'er, Lan'er, come here quickly."

Yang Lan'er saw her silly roe deer waving, and slowly took the boat back to the bottom of the cliff. When he got on the boat, she stared at his rouged cheeks, puff! Laughing loudly: "Sunset's delicate dimples open, starry eyes reflect the sunset, Yi, I never thought your appearance is so seductive!"

Tan Anjun's old face became hot, he pressed his fist to his lips and coughed, leaned forward and snatched the bamboo pole from his young wife, and said softly: "How can Chun Cong Yuzhi be so tired, I still work for my husband."

Yang Lan'er snorted, sat down and supported his chin, admiring his handsome facial features and healthy posture.

"Miss, what were you staring at in the river just now?" Tan Anjun changed the subject after being stared at by his young wife's blunt eyes.

Yang Lan'er didn't say a word, but raised his jaw pretending to be mysterious, signaling him to row the boat to the middle of the river.

Tan Anjun parked the boat in the river, raised his head to look at the direction where his little wife started to look, glanced at the center of his eyebrows slightly, then stretched it out in a short while, looked back and smiled: "Such a strange sight, the lady doesn't want to tell my husband? My husband is heartbroken." Like a twist!"

"Extraordinary! Don't use that Xizi holding your heart to me!" Yang Lan'er hurriedly stopped.

Uh! Tan Anjun raised his hand in embarrassment, not knowing whether to put it down or continue?

Heart received 10,000 critical hits! !

At last….

The last and the last... Raise your hand and hold the bamboo pole, let him punting the boat!

"My lady, this cliff is not easy!"

Turning the subject, Tan Anjun smiled solemnly.

Yang Lan'er nodded, regretting: "It's just that we don't have professional tools at hand, and it's delusional to go up and explore."

"Well, since the history of Dachong Mountain, what people have known is that it is mysterious. There are many legends among the folks. The location is all from Dachong Mountain. The real inner circle has never been set foot by human beings. We have visited it now. These places are incomparable with the central area, and strictly speaking, they also belong to the periphery of Dachong Mountain."

Tan Anjun looked into the depths of the dense forest. The real inner perimeter of Dachong Mountain is unpredictable. No one knows what the inner perimeter looks like, and there is no way to know.

Yang Lan'er's eyes sparkled when she heard the words, and she yearned for the inner circle of Dachong Mountain in her heart. She held her husband's hand and said in a gentle voice: "It's too early to enter the inner circle. Let's first explore the inner circle that we think is the inner circle." , maybe there are unexpected gains? For example... "

After speaking, he pointed to the round hole on the cliff.

Tan Anjun took a deep look at the cave in mid-air, held his little wife's catkin tightly, and said with a sudden smile: "My lady is right, let's take care of our eyes now."

He took out the secret book from the ring and handed it to her, and warned: "You have to keep this Yuyan Jue well, and don't take it out again. I used to think that my martial arts were considered top-notch, but after reading this secret book, I realized that I can't use it. There are people outside, there is a sky beyond the sky, I used to be too superficial."

"Oh, I didn't expect you to have such a high opinion of this cheat book." Yang Lan'er only knew that the space cheat book must be a boutique, but she didn't expect it to be a priceless treasure.

(end of this chapter)

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