The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Four years later....

Atlas was checking out himself thoroughly on the mirror. Narcissistic as he is. He was checking out every part of his body from top to bottom while being naked.

'Thank god I got my mother's looks and my father's physique not gonna lie, otherwise, It would have been depressing. What's surprising is that I still have my past life's looks and the beast between my legs. I guess you also came with me, little buddy. But I think it's gonna get longer as I am just 4 years old but my little brother can still please any women right now if necessary.

Speaking of women, every woman in this world is a top-class beauty but can't say much about the men, there are some but most are only gifted in physic. But, hehe no one can compare with my beautiful mom and titan like dad.'

Looking at the mirror. He was still praising himself. His silky sliver wet hair. His mesmerizing eyes having his mother's blue and green color and a mix of gray which might be from his dad's. His eyes having a mix of all 3 colors in full harmony looked godly charming. His chiseled womanly face like her mother's with a manly jawline like his father's. Like he was made with both his mother's and father's good features only, nothing else. The only thing was his physic. Well, he was only 4 years old, he will grow into it.

While he was checking out himself for nonstop ten minutes. His personal maid was with him, only a little far, thinking unimaginable things as she was watching the four-year-old prince's reflection on the mirror.

She was a beauty as well, with blond silky hair falling like a waterfall up to her shoulders. Her deep blue eyes were like a deep void but also mesmerizing to see. Her pointy nose and thick cute lips made her a mature type of beauty with the right size from her chest to her waist. She was more like western beauty in atlas's past world. Actually, She was the second beautiful woman atlas saw after her mother.

'I have been taking care of his highness from his birth. He was so cute back then. But now, he is cute and also becoming devilishly handsome. I am sure ladies will go gaga over his highness after he turns 12 or 13 no make it 8 or 9. Even though his highness is only 4 years old he already looks like 7 years old and god damn! That dick!!... I have seen many men and also his majesty, the king's treasure (while she was cleaning his majesty with other maids). But nothing compares to the size of this four-year-old prince.

Oh.... how I wish....No no are maid control yourself, he is only but a child, what the hell am I thinking?. But, this control is only getting hard as time passes as his highness gets more charming as he grows.

Should I leave the post as his personal maid? NO!! NEVER!!!' ....the thought came as it vanished in milliseconds.

She didn't know she was already in a pit, drowning, never to come back again. The charm Atlas unconsciously spreading was that effective like a potent drug not just on her but all the maids and women working within the palace. Who serve him regularly. Even some butlers were slowly falling to this pit( not gay though).

Atlas wasn't worried about the maid watching him naked. She has seen and cared for his body for four years. Every....single... day. Actually, she was one of the maids of the king but the care and love she had shown on Atlas were what made the queen and the king, title her as the personal maid of their son.

' And I am a child what could my beautiful and strict maid think about me'josei

Oh boy...if atlas knew how wrong he was. He would sure to be creeped out and of course, he wouldn't know that cause He was a fucking!!! four years of a child.

"Enough of the gazing. Anny, bring my training outfit."

Anny the gorgeous blond maid snapped out and came back to reality and swiftly brought his training outfit. She didn't hand it to him. She, by herself, made him wear all the clothes from the tight shirts and pants to his underwear. Atlas at first didn't want her to this but Anny always insisted on saying it's her duty and right. At some point, he gave up and let her do as she wants. Sometimes he felt she was touching his body and his treasure more but he deleted that notion cause Anny was a perfect maid who was strict and would do anything ordered swimmingly no matter how hard.

This made him think she was the perfect maid and thanked his mom and dad. Life is much easier when Anny was by his side.

After he was fully geared with his outfit and protective guards it was time for his practical lessons.

He thought being a prince would be a chill life but he was gravely wrong. He needed to learn more things than anyone in this country plus when their parents knew he was a bonafide genius that added fuel to the fire. He was taught all the topics about history, socialism, wars, geography, alchemy which he always aced at, and of course ....Magic.

Which was his favorite class. Even though he had to study and training all day. He was still fulfilled cause his parents were the best like the best of best. His parent-hate habit from his past life was already gone. He could see the pure happiness in his parent's eyes when he succeeded at something and the supportive and caring trust they gave him when he failed was already enough. He would do anything that could make them happy and that feeling of fulfillment was more important than anything else in this new fantasy world.

At the royal training ground. The royal retainers and soldiers were training nonstop. The sound of blades clashing against each other, shields tackling, sweat, and some blood trickling. it was a heavy atmosphere. there were not just men but also women, training their hard sweat off. There was practically not too much gender discrimination in our kingdom or any other neighboring countries according to my history lessons. There was a grand story behind it but that is for another story.

When Atlas was entering the training field beside Anny who was three steps away. All the training men and women stopped their training to pay due respect to their only crown prince, kneeling one by one when every step was taken by the prince. it was like a domino effect.

'Not gonna lie, I don't hate this. One of the few perks of being a prince. it's also probably because of my pressuring aura from my royal bloodline. which my parents said was 100% pure. Must be my mom and dad were cousins of some sort. Anyway, it feels truly awesome. I don't have to do anything and these battle-hardened soldiers who faced death multiple times portray their full respect against a four-year-old child. Sometimes it's fun showing dominance but I can't get drunk on it, have to lessen it.'

Right after the prince lessens the pressure, all the soldiers were relieved, in a way, it became a habit for all the soldiers within the capital to withstand the pressure. It was a royal rule for any royalty to appear by spreading their pressure all around, to show that they were the rulers and the others were their servants simple as that. it was also for strengthening the soldier's will. That's why the Soldiers and retainers of the capital were strong and iron-willed.

It was one of the reasons that, the king's bloodline ruled this country generation after generation with only a few easily beaten rebellions happening somewhere in history.

But one woman was not kneeling. The leader of the four Retainers, subjects of the king as personal bodyguards. Any one of the four could destroy a country single-handedly. They were that much capacity and the only ones capable enough to withstand the royal bloodline's pressurizing power.

When the prince came near her, she finally kneeled not because of the pressure but for the respect towards royalty. If she didn't, it would be treason and ... off with her head. Preet simple.

But that would never happen and she was also his Battle instructor.

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