The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Bela was walking to her private elevator, one of many dwarven techs she owned. She looked at her side expecting someone to be there but that someone was still back with Elsa, standing like he was disturbed by something.

"What are you doing? Hurry up!" She shouted.

Atlas came out of his stupor and looked at Bela with hesitation.

"I think I remembered something important. I will come by later. See ya."

Atlas turned back trying to cross the Entrance, but some force tried pulling him back and before he knew it, he was already slammed inside the elevator.

Bela looked at her mess of an assistant and smiled pushing the button to the 6th floor.

"If you had come up with a better lie, I would have let you go. So, why the change of mood so suddenly?"

Atlas rubbed his back of the head with a pained expression and slowly stood up.

"We aren't in that level of a relationship, to tell everything, are we?"

And gave Bela a naughty wink.

"Hmph!!!....Don't tell me then."

Hearing him dodging her questions, she just pouted and looked at the loading screen of the elevator. She felt suspicious that it was somehow related to the princess but shook that notion off as they both had never met in life until after the next two minutes.

The elevator door finally opened, both walked towards the guest room for VIPs with Atlas still being a little more behind than before. He used his aura concealing technique to its maximum, trying to hide his presence along the way not affecting the sharp women in front of him. As he completed his concealing, Bela stopped halfway, turning to Atlas.

"Did you do something?" Asked Bela in little confusion.

"What? I did nothing, can we already go. The guest must be waiting."


Bela walked towards Atlas and took his hand and placed it around her cheeks and took a long breath.

"I guess there's nothing wrong. For a minute I thought, something about you changed. Maybe I'm overthinking nowadays.

Let's go, can't let the precious princess wait for us."

"Yaa just stole the very words from my mouth."

Bela started walking towards the guest room again with Atlas at her back.

'Damn!!....that was close. Fuck!! She is soo god damn perceptive. I guess the only defect of this technique saved me here. It seems to fail when people get too close to me or even touch me. I guess it's that much powerful to conceal.

Thank god I realized its defect early on when Elsa, Devy, and even when Bela got close to me enough instantly attracting them during concealment. I wanted to solve this issue, but nothing seems to work.

This "Embodiment of lust" is really a mystery. The only little information I got about it was on my system data, which probably got recorded on our palace library. There's always something to do, isn't there?.....haaaaa... let's think about that later.

First I need to face the problem in front of me now, fingers crossed though, I hope nothing goes wrong.'

The female workers standing by the guest room bowed showing respect for their boss and opened the door for her. She just nodded and walked inside the room like a queen. Her posture, her charm, her ego showed it all to the princess sitting on the luxurious red with the golden-colored sofa.

And of course, after her Atlas followed suit, still wearing his mask and fully controlling his aura as much as he could.

The door finally closed as Bela elegantly sat on her sofa, opposite her guest and Atlas standing behind her.

" do I receive the honor to have such a...royal guest."Said Bela with sarcasm.

Devy was staring daggers at Bela with full-on rage. If looks would kill, this would really be it for her but she didn't flinch even a tiny bit and kept smiling like she was already used to situations like this. They both looked at each other with full-on aggression, sparks flying across their eyes, leaving Atlas totally behind.

"Bela...Diya....Flora....." said Devy with a grunting voice.

"Yes, That's my name."

Bela didn't like people she didn't like, using her name to call her but she knew Devy was trying to get under her skin, so she smiled like usual.

"Mind if you are telling me, what gave you the right to announce my so-called death, all over the kingdom."

"Oh.....who might have told you such fake information. We the "ATC" have no participation in spreading such deep information."

Bela implicated her company's name, telling her that if she really wants trouble with her then, you have to face the company itself and Devy clearly understood the meaning behind those words as she has also delved into politics with her father as they were royals with responsibilities, middling with politics most of their lives.

"I am quite aware of your merchant company's doings and none doings. I have no proof yet for this accusation but I have this."

Devy gestured her maid at her side with her right hand and the maid followed, giving her a piece of paper with due respect.

The paper given wasn't Normal. It was fireproof, wet proof, and was even more durable than other simple-looking papers. It was only used for writing important details and contracts for businesses.

Devy passed the paper to Bela with a smile. Bela looks at her grinning face, wishing to just throw away the paper and kick her out from her property but the reality was bitter and the princess with her father could hinder her plans in the future, so she had to give some face for now.

She begrudgingly took the paper and started reading all the details. She was surprised as she kept on reading and gazed at Devy with curiosity.

"The Royals are quick nowadays. Aren't they?"

"Yes, my father, the king himself already marked out all the items which used my name and pictures, so what do you say? Aren't all the number of items listed on the paper true to your sales?"

"What are you implying, princess?" Said Bela with an irritated voice.

Devy smiled and put her leg on top of another.

"What I'm implying is that I, princess Devy Phoenixia, own fifty percent of all the earnings as my identity and name were used. I hope you understand that much Mrs. Bela."

Bela frowned and lined back on the sofa to think for a second.

'Hhhmmmm.....I can't ignore her words on the copyright claim. It is one of the iron-clad rules among merchants.....haaaa....if only I had enough time.....What done is done, can't let it bother me anymore.

From the list, my all night work paid off as half of the items are not on the list and she thinks, she can have fifty percent profit. How laughable.'

Bela was going to order her new assistant to get the documents about the princess project, but he beat it to her, already taking out the required documents from his storage ring.

She didn't give her orders yet and the documents were already in front of her eyes. She was surprised at first but hid it with her usual smile. She checked the papers and gave them to Devy.

"These are the costs for advertising campaigns, materials, and of course the manpower behind it all. I hope you won't ask of your fifty percent right, I believe."

It was now Devy's turn to feel irritated as she read all the documents. From the analysis, she could have her fifty percent profit, if she was really dead or got lost for a whole month but she came back just after a week making the profit a lot less.

She was infuriated by all the planning done to profit just from her death alone. It sickened her to the core. She wanted to protest against this all, but she didn't have the proper leverage. The only thing she could do was talk to her father changing a few rules to the kingdom, to never let this happen again. Now she could only look at the women in front of her with nothing but hatred.

"You merchants really don't have a heart do you?"

Bela only smiled, taking it as a compliment.

"Haha....Yes, Dear Princess, I hope you remember that from now on. So what do you say? According to the merchant and the kingdom's rules. I can only give you five percent of the profit."josei

"Twenty-five percent," said Devy with an irritating voice.


"Twenty percent!"

"Seven percent."

Devy felt her blood pressure rushing through her brain.

"Fifteen percent!!"

"Eight percent...."

"Ten percent.....Deal!!! Or No deal at all!!!!"

"Eight percent is my fin....."

Bela was going to bargain a bit more, but she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. Instantly calming her mind. She looked back at her assistant with calm but confused eyes, to which he only gave a nod.

She was hesitant but gave a nod back.

"Ten percent, it is then. I hope you are happy with this deal, your royal highness."

Devy only gritted her teeth trying to calm down and tried thinking about her only beloved touching her lower belly and remembered her time last night. His white semen was still inside her as she plugged her scared reason right after she woke up. As always, thinking about him made her calm.

Just after she had imagined her man, she realized somebody standing behind Bela, whom she initially thought didn't exist all this time. He looked familiar as she started concentrating more and more on him. His silver hair and those rosy lips reminded him of Mr prince, but the aura was totally different, So she ignored him right after as his presence was that much thin and turned her attention to the one and only Bela who was like the exact opposite, raging with an aura of absolute authority.

At the first meeting, she was overwhelmed but now she was used to it, as they cross paths many times.

"I wouldn't say, happy but I'm satisfied at the least."

The contract was already ready, and they both signed it with their personal signatures and shook each other's hands begrudgingly.

Bela was smiling as the deal had gone her way with more profit than a loss but her mood suddenly changed as she came near Devy to shake her hand.

She smelled something familiar as she came close to her, curiosity taking over her, she came even closer, sniffing a bit. Devy, who was trying to let go of her hand, couldn't as Bela was gripping it tightly.

"What are you doing? Let go?"Said Devy, struggling a bit.

Bela let her go with bewilderment and confused expression plastered on her face.

Taking a copy of the contract, Devy started walking away with her maid looking at Bela as she was acting weird.

"I hope to see my money on my palace treasury within this day."

And they finally left closing the door behind them by her maids leaving her and Atlas in complete silence. Atlas finally relaxed releasing his concealment with a breath of fresh air.

Bela, who was still confused, smelled something similar with her sharp sense and looked at Atlast. Now she finally knew why the god damn princess smelled so familiar. Rage started to boiling inside her, there must have been some form of reason as they have never met but the single thought of the man she targeted going around with another woman didn't sit well in her heart.

The early suspicions started coming to her mind and rage boiling every second.

Atlas immediately felt the pressure around him starting to get heavy, when he slowly looked at the source, he suddenly got slammed on the hard wall, equipped with a strength scroll.

His forehead was tightly grabbed by Bela like a claw, with her mana strengthen the hand. He was going to teleport right away as his mask was slowly breaking but the next words of Bela stupefied him right there.

"!!!...on...the god damn princess???!!!"


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