The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

"umm… backs little hurting you know."

Bela didn't listen a word and kept hugging even tighter.

"Hello, Bela… back still is hurting."

Bela finally let him go, letting him out his painful misery and turned back to her original self, radiating the same aura as her original authority filled self.

"let's go, we can't just stay here dilli dalling. You have a lot of work to do my dear assistant."

"What… you were the one to…"

"You want to add a punishment on top?" said Bela with a sadistic smile.

"no madam!!"

"Good boy, now let's go."

Bela opened the door and went ahead and as always Atlas followed.

'She was soo cute just a moment ago but this is also fine. The ground work is complete and as time passes on, the main dish will be ready.'he thought with a smile.





Merchant area, Brown city, Fanxia kingdom.

Jena was cleaning her house which was decent in a way. Two floored house with a decent garden around. It was the perfect home for a normal family of three with a living room, two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen with a dining room attached.

As she was cleaning the floor, a small girl peeked from the corner. She looked four year old with the same beautiful facial features as Jena but with a purple hair instead, making her extremely cute, she had a slight scratch on her right cheek but it didn't block her radiating cute smile. She was smiling, looking at her beautiful mother as every child would, looking at their own parent. She slowly walked with silent and lite steps and came closer to her mother.



Jena got frightened and looked back to only see her child. Her freighted heart slowly calmed down and pinched her chicks with a lite smile.

"Why do you always do that my child? One day I will seriously have a heart attack."

"hahahaha...mommy always falls for the same trick."

She smiled even with the pinch on her now red cheek.

Looking at her smiling and mischievous child she also laughed. She was the only solace she had before meeting her dear Mr. prince. She was the only reason she didn't thought much about her suffering in this so called home.

"Why are you up so early, Ruby? It's still early in the morning."

"I want to help mommy. You always wake early and clean everything."

Jena smiled and patted her purple hair.

"When you grow up, surely child. Now you just need to eat and sleep and did you read the books I brought?"

"Yes mother, now I know how to write and count."

"Good, keep learning. Knowledge is the path to your own freedom. The more you learn the better."

"I know mommy, you always say the same."

"It's because I want to etch those words to your mind. It's for your own good my sweet heart. Now say those words."

Ruby puffed her chicks like a spoiled child but did what her mommy said.

"knowledge is..."


"the path….."

"the path?...."

"to yo..ur...."

"to your?..."


"good….. that's my girl."

Jena muffled her hair with a proud expression. She was really proud of her and wanted her to grow knowing things she didn't and grow up not repeating mistakes like she did in her past years.

Ruby smiled looking at her mommy being proud of her and became even happier.

"ok…. Go now, do your studies. I will come back later..."

"noooo… will leave again."

Ruby hugged her arm tightly, remembering the horror filled days when her mommy wasn't home. She slowly started tearing a bit. She wanted to not cry and be strong as her mother always said but her past days had made her fully traumatized, the moment she was alone she would remember those times, that's why she came running to her mother after the moment she woke up.

Jena looking at her child tearing up, hugged her and patted her head again. She remembered the day she came back to the house to find her child crying alone in her room with thin arms and legs, body all dehydrated and weak. She was shocked when she found her. She thought it would be bad, but she didn't think it would be that much worse and all this was "him" to blame.


The front door suddenly opened and there he came.

A bottle of alcohol fell down and rolled down the living room near the front door, spilling all the booze it contained. All the cleaning she had done was already wasted, the reek of alcohol spreading around the house.

'Speak of the devil,' she thought.

The man also had black hair, with a face which looked totally drunk and smashed. He had a big belly and short height with short legs which wobbled as he walked inside.

"Jena!!!….whore!!!...where are you…stupid pklkjijlk…."

He started mumbling with a drunk voice and entered the room where Jena was cleaning.

Ruby, scared out of her wits and ran back to her mother's back, her hand and feet trembling remembering the days how her father abused her making her every day like hell on earth.

Jena also trembled but…She strengthens her reformed heart and faced her drunken husband. She had been abused rest of her life after her daughter's birth. Marking her a whore by her own husband all because their child had a different hair color. Most of the child born in a family had hair color similar to their father or mother and one in a hundred thousand may have a chance to have a different hair color due to some form of mutation.

But her husband blamed her thinking she had slept with another man, sullying her name around the community and the daily day of verbal and physical abused started. She wanted a divorce, but she couldn't take care of her child if she did. She wasn't literate cause of her arrogant childhood and also had no experience on most of the jobs as she was raised in a wealthy merchant family and got arranged married as she came of age.

She thought life would go on as simple as that but no, life hit her hard giving her a big lesson in exchange. For four years she got abused and her husband relished on that experience even more, her own family left her, thinking she was the person to blame ruining their family name.

She wanted to blame her child, but no, she couldn't do so as she was her own blood and just a baby child. So she suffered the abuse and ridicule saving her child from everyone.

But the day couldn't be worse when one day when she was looking for some herbs, she was suddenly kidnapped by not humans, not goblins but hobgoblins themselves which were rare and ruthless than any other with their high intelligence and barbaric behaviors.

But that misfortune came with a lucky encounter with someone special who slowly reformed her broken self and fell in love for the first time. She thought the God himself came to bless her and remove all her worries and tension away and during their journey from their first passionate meeting, she somehow started changing. Her mana, her body and most importantly her mindset. She started to think she was in some way special.

"I'm not the same anymore, you drunk fool." She said with little bit of confidence she had.

"what did you say? Hic!"

"I said!!..... I'm not the same!!!...Bret."

"what did you say??!!.. hic! whore!! think you know the princess hic!! And think you are some big shit. They don't know, hic! How much of a slut you are. After they know, they will abandon you too like your own parents,hic! Abandoned you leaving your pitiful self to me to handle."

Jena felt a shiver down her spine, her previous confidence dimmed down and worries started to take her over, thinking if her new sisters would think the same as all the other people she was close with like her own family.

The drunk Bret looked at her slowly backing away smiled. At first when he heard her wife came back alive with the princess herself. He was scared shitless, if they had become close enough she could just end him with the help of the princess so he went to the bar trying to drink away his problem. There he met his mates and got drunk and listening to their advice as usual he fully smashed himself with alcohol and went to his house when he heard she was back home.

'You are a pathetic whore, hic! And always will be. Hic!'

He slowly walked near her and with his every step Jena took a step back, her feet and heart still shivering. Her past memories of hell slowly taking over her mind. She could smell the stench of alcohol as he came near her and when he was finally near her. He grabbed her hair.

"yes….Shiver…. Be a good dog and take my abuse, hic! As always and don't ever tell the princess, cause, hic! You are a whore and always will be, and you don't want them to know that, do you?"

Jena wanted to say no but she didn't want her new friends or even more her new found love to know, she looked at her child who was also shivering like her slowly coming between them trying to protect her mother.

"noo….mo..mmy.. no..t a..hole……my…mommy!!!."

The man listened to the shivering child and laughed.

"I guess, hic! A week with no food and water didn't give you a lesson huh. You bastard of a child. Hic!"

He let go of the mother thinking she was already done for and aimed her attention to the child trying to beat some sense to her like she did to her mother.

He grabbed her purple hair with disgust.

"I should had listened to my mates and, hic! Sell you to the noble who visited us. Would had made a quick buck at the le….."

He couldn't finish his sentence as somehow, he suddenly froze. He couldn't move an inch as his whole body felt a sudden pressure. A pressure so powerful that he felt it to his core like he was some kind of insect. It was the same feeling like he got from the nobles with higher bloodlines.

As he was lost in his fear, he felt a sudden pain on his right arm, which suddenly fell to the ground. He was confused what just happened but the pain finally hit him.


He fell down in pain grabbing his bloody cut off hand and finally looked at the proprietor of his bloody hand and his eyes couldn't believe who was responsible.

The one was his wife who almost shat herself from fear a moment ago but she looked like a completely different being. Some strands of her hair turning silver and her hand bonding with the wind itself looking like a sharp blade. Her eyes filled with rage and authority. He couldn't see the naïve weak women who he always abused.

"You will not touch my daughter!!!" she said with full of authority.


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