The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

"What are you talking about?" Asked Bela in confusion.

Atlas looked at the women who knew and had most of everything that he thought couldn't exist, now confused from the term "bank".

To confirm his thoughts he closed his eyes and accessed his system and searched for anything related to banks, thinking it would had other names but no, He found nothing even similar to any facilities, other merchant companies or kingdoms manoeuvring anything systematic as banks.

He came back to his senses and thought as a person of this world, not his past one.

Only one thought came in mind.

'Why the fuck will all the rich peoples give someone money to be stored risking it would be stolen away?'

Many other reasons started to pop up on his mind but he didn't wanted to give away this plan as it will become actualized in the future one way or another. It was just a matter of time that somebody like Bela would have this idea and use their money and power to implement it.

"I have a proposel, Bela."

Bela, who was looking at his half covered face in confusion, now suddenly became sharp.


"You have your loan giving system right?"

"Yes, to merchants, property owners, some nobles here and there. Why?"

"Hhmm...Think for a second that instead of giving loans to normal people and small-time nobles. You can give loans to highborn nobles and kings and possibly the whole kingdom itself."

Bela was surprised for a second. She also thought about it, but it never stayed as the amount of money and risk required for that kind of idea was enormous in many ways.

"I know, what you are trying to say as I also had the same idea in the past. But we don't have the amount yet."

Atlas smiled, confusing Bela even more.

"What if those many kingdoms and many organisations give us the money themselves?"

"What are you on about? Why would everyone just give us their money."

"Because they would profit more, instead of collecting dust in their treasury. They can have free profit just giving us their money which they can rightfully take away whenever they choose it, with some restrictions of course. If that is achieved and we start giving more loans. Then this circulation will...."

"Continue on, profiting us in the process." Said Bela.

Bela contemplated as her instincts of a merchant were tingling like never before.

"It would be hard to garner such trust but if we execute it properly. The profit can be unimaginable, you are a genius!!!" Said Bela in excitement.

Bela stood up in joy and embraced him, forcing him to fall down with her.

"Ouch!!! My back!!! know it still hurts from your...."

Bela kissed him before he could complain and kept kissing him using her tongue to shut him up.

Atlas also passionately kissed her, hugging her waist as she was still on top. His hands slowly went down grabbing her soft voluptuous butt and started molding it like it was his favourite toy.


She moaned, but her voice was duped down with his lips and tongue binding her, after a passionate session She suddenly bit his lips making it litely bleed and escaped his addictive lips.


Bela stood up fixing her tight mini skirt and her black lady coat.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we?"

Atlas only nodded and stood up right away touching his bleeding lips and tasting it with his tongue in a seductive manner.

Bela gulped as she gazed upon him. Flaming her already burning lust within her, but she managed to control herself as usual and calmed herself down taking a long deep breath.

"So let's talk business."

"Of course, you are the boss here."

Atlas also stood up fixing his clothes and his tilting mask.

Both if they took their sits on the sofa. Atlas took a black lin charcoal and started writing on the paper right away.

"So, we start from the workers of the company, giving them extra benefits and then the people and after that start with the merchants advertising as much as we can then...

As they were discussing for the coming historic changes. There was another meeting going on at the shadows of the merchant area.

Beer tub, Merchant area, Brown City.

Inside a pub within the private quarters. There was a ray of thin light from a small broken window directing its light towards a person who was kneeling with panic and fear, wearing some dirty clothes and a smell of piss waving around him.

This person couldn't kneel properly as his one hand was bandaged around his cut off area which was still bleeding but not to a dangerous amount. Yes, he was Bret.

"So you got your hands cut off by your own women who just had a Basic bloodline, huh."

" my lord." Said Bret with complete fear and reverence.

" I came to bargain about your daughter. What will you do about your debt, Bret. The money I gave you when you had no money losing it all after heavy gambling.

How are you gonna repay me, tell me, Bret."

Bret kept his silence, saying nothing, still feeling the pain in his cutoff hand.

"Tell me!!!!!" Shouted the man who was sitting on a comfortable chair.

The man and everything behind him were kept in darkness as the small ray of light couldn't reach it keeping the man fully hidden, only his cranky voice indicated that he was there sitting in front of the man known as Bret.

"I...I ha..have no..nothing lord." Bret said with a quivering voice.

What he said was true. He literally had nothing. His house was soon to be confiscated from high amount of debt he had on his head. He wanted to give away his wife and the bastard child at the least but his wife was suddenly gone and the child won't leave her room without seeing her mother.

He wanted to somehow give away the child at least but the guards and security were getting tight from the wild fire event of the missing princess.

Because of that, the night was even more secured from the continuous flow of soldiers and guards around the area. If she had shouted even a little bit when he dragged her from the house. He would be found out and taken away by the guards eventually. So he didn't give her any food or water in the coming days to make her weak enough but he got even more unlucky as his missing wife came back along the princess herself.

So he tried to raggle his wife out of her confidence and bring her and the child here but somehow he failed miserably.

Now, he could only kneel to the man in front of him with nothing but forgiveness.

The man on the chair looked at the piss smelling ass with disappointment and contempt.

"At this rate, You know where you will end up right?"

Bret who was shivering, trembled even more. He remembered the hellish place where he saw hell itself which was shown to him as a reminder. No matter what, he didn't want to go there. He would be happy to just die than going to that hell.

"Ple...please no..not there, I pl..ead, not there. I will do anything, Any..anything you say. I wi..will give my to you, so please."

The man in front of bret smiled.

"You are fucking worthless in my eyes. What I need is that child of yours. I was hoping you could bring her at the least but I guess I was wrong trusting a pissing baby like you.

But I will give you a last chance."

Those last words rang on Bret's ears. He was given some hope. The only hope to not get driven to that hell hole.

Bret slammed his head on the floor, kneeling to show as much sincerity as he could.

"I will do it. I will do anything. Just not there, not that hell hole."

The man on the chair gave an evil smile showing his teeth, which some were made up from gold itself.

"I will give you some powerful men. Looking at your hand. The princess must have given something to that woman.

I need that child no matter what, If you fail me know the consequences."

"Yes, yes my lord. It will be done. No matter what."

Bret felt relieved to gain some man power. He was still afraid of the dominant power his wife had show at that night but that hell. That place, where it should never exist in this world was more terrifying than her.

He would prefer death. Yes, death itself looked heavenly in front of that gore filled torturous place.

He walked away from the room, still shivering and smelling like piss.

When he was finally nowhere to be seen inside the room. Suddenly another enigma appeared out of nowhere behind the man on the chair.

"Is it worth it going against the princess?" Said the unknown enigma.

The man only smiled showing his golden teenths.

"Who do you think we are? We can't be scared of a naive princess, Who doesn't know how this fucking world works and for that unique brat. It's worth it."

The unknown man only gave a long sigh.

"It's your territory, so I won't get involved. What's the news on the new assistant "Madame" brought."

The smile on the man disappeared instantly.

"... He is really a total enigma. Don't know who he is, don't know where he came from. I didn't even get his fucking name. He just appeared out of fucking nowhere.

I only know that he is living on the "ATC" area. The old house of that shitty woman and is now working as her assistant. Nothing else."

"Nothing?" Asked the man in the back with confusion.

"I'm really being fucking serious. We found nothing on him and what irritates me the most is that because of him, the business at the "ATC" area is thriving even more."

"Hhhm...that's concerning, we can't have a dark horse out of nowhere. Get rid of him as soon as possible."

"Don't need to fucking order me.....I'm already on it. It will be difficult but it seems, he works three days a week. I can manage him when he's not near that devil!! of a woman."

"Be careful, if"Madame" gets even a hint. You know what will happen."

The man on the chair felt a shiver on his spine.

"....I know....I will be careful not to link it to us."

"Ok then.....all for the father!!"josei

"All for the father!!!"

The enigma on the back just disappeared as he was never there.

The man on the chair finally breath a sign of relive.

"Fucking fuck face, always giving me a damn heart attack showing out of nowhere.

He took out a picture of a silver-haired man with a mask on.

"Take your last breath. You piece of shit. Your end days are coming."


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