The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 36

Chapter 36





Bela put her coat on and gradually buttoned it from up to down. She looked back at her assistant's desk and chair, all wet with her sweat and love juice all over. The burning passion inside her had finally cooled down from the long and lustful session.

"I really did it, didn't I?. haaa…..I still have to wait for four days. Should I just kidnap him?. No, I don't have a proper understanding of his powers yet and I don't want him to hate me.

Aaaaaa….the thought of him hating me, my heart somehow hurts. Oh god, why did you make me fall for him so much."

For the first time after her inevitable rise, she felt vulnerable in her heart and in a good way, feeling blissful within.

It was past midnight already and she wanted to sleep but she had work to do, so sleep was for later now. She walked to her elevator, her legs wobbling a little along the way. The session earlier had already made her legs a bit weaker but it was not like she could not manage.

She entered her private elevator, being back to her usual self. She fixed her hair, her dress, and her tight skirt. She put her hands between her breasts and took out a long key. She placed the long key to a keyhole at the side of the elevator buttons and turned it.

The moment she turned the key. The elevator started going down not the usual way with a smooth pace but with a lot more speed and force. Making g's inside the elevator room out of balance but it didn't affect Bela at all. She was calm as ever like she was used to this thousand of times. It kept going and going for a full minute. It should have only taken less than half a second to reach the ground floor but she wasn't going there, she had other plans, somewhere else, somewhere sinister to go.

The door of the lift finally opened and there it was, a long alley, which seemed to be made from only steel and metal doors along the way. There was a guard near each door. All heavily reinforced with the best amour in the market. It wasn't like the two guards in front of the building but much stronger and imbued with greater magic.

All the guards started bowing down as she passed. She neither nodded nor gave them eye contact. She just walked past them like she didn't even know about their existence. She took a turn opening a wide soundproof door. Right after she walked inside, another alley came in view but with heavier l secure doors at the sides. There was another change around here than the section before.


"Pleassseee!!!!! Let meeee goo, i..i won't do it agaaaiiinnn!!!"

"It hurts, somebody, please somebody, it really hurts."

"Water, please give me water…..I will do anything, ju..just a drop is enough."

"Heeelllppppp meeee!!!!!.....haaaaa!!!!!, please with the love of god, heeelllppp meeee…."

"Madame...please Madame...I beg you, please let me out…"

"Please…..I have a family…..a small daughter…..let meeee OUT!!!!!!"






There were screams, whispers of despair, pain, and anger. Some of their voice sounded dry, some were loud to the brim. Some were smashing their door with all their force to no avail. How could they? Their room was fully locked, with no toilet, no bed, nothing. Mana absorbing metal all covering the entire room.

Some rooms were too cold, cold enough to slowly but painfully freeze the person inside. Some were too hot, so hot that it absorbed every drop of moisture around their body.

Some screams were from outright pain, as all they could feel was the blades piercing every part of their body only leaving their heart and the brain and after the said person reached their final breath. He or she has fully healed again with the most competent healing potion and the hell cycle continued.

Most of the people here were already broken. Their minds not handling the immense amount of torture. They all had to live inside their own shit and all they got for a portion of food was a disgusting haggard loaf of hard bread and all day and night they could only hear was the pain and agony of the people beside them for how long they didn't know as there was no sign of clock or sunlight to recognize the flow of time.

Bela walked along her lane not even flinching a single bit, rather she started smiling. A grin so evil and sadistic, turning her charming and gorgeous looks into someone who was only filled with malice and love for other's pain.josei

"oohhh… I missed these voices of despair." She said in a loving voice.

Her voice was heard by some of the nearby inmates and another session of the loud noise of pleading started to spread around.

"Madame!!!....please Madame!!!! I will do anything, anything. Please just let me out of this place, please, PLEASE…..PLEASE!!!!!!"



"Madame!!!!.....please!!! Just kill me, just kill me!!!!!….i will do anything, just kill me…."




"Let me ouuuttt…..let me oouuttt!!!!!!! Madame!!!!!! I plead!!!!"

Bela listened to the symphony like it was her favorite music. She smiled, even more, listening to the depraved voices all around her. She was still walking towards a large gate size door. With two buffed guards standing side by side.

When she was near. The guards with their huge arms started pushing the heavy door, when she was finally near, the door was already opened and the guards were bowing showing their utmost respect and fear.

As usual, she didn't care and went inside. The room inside was dark as the lights were off, only a widescreen of the window was shining white as she walked near it. Two people were already near the glass, watching what lied within.

One was a woman, another a man, both looked old enough, meaning they were already at the end of their life span.

When they both heard the footsteps, they immediately knew who was coming from their backs. They both looked back with respect and reverence. They weren't afraid like others, as they had known her from the time she was little.

Bela was surprised to see both of them here.

"What are you both doing here?"

"We have an important message Madame." Said the old woman.

"Oh! Is it soo important that you both needed to come here?"

"Sorry for the intrusion Madame, but it's a significant matter." Said the old man with a deep voice.

Bela didn't say anything and walked near the glass window and gazed at what lied behind.

There was a room, all white, lights everywhere. Inside the room, there were four peoples roped down on a chair with metal wires. The room wasn't all white as there was a pool of blood down every chair.

Some of these people had their hands cut off, some of their eyeballs taken out. Sharp blades piercing their backs and collar bones. Everyone sitting on the chair had not single teeth and nails whatsoever. If atlas looked at the guys and girls sitting on the chair all bloodied, he would surely recognize them. Not with their face as they were all now unrecognizable but using his "all seer" of course.

But he was lucky to not see the horrendous site about what lied here where Bela was watching without giving a single blink.

"What's the important news?" said Bela still looking at the five tortured peoples who were unconscious as their brain couldn't handle the amount of pain their bodies were feeling the past hours.

Both the old man's and women's eyes became serious all of a sudden.

"All-father has declared war upon us." The old man said with a calm but serious voice.

Bela took a long sigh.

"haaaaa....right at the moment when I was starting to enjoy my life a bit." Said Bela in a calm voice.

But her aura changed the second later with pressure like never before. All the prisoners started fainting, some guards fell down the floor, breathing and shaking heavily.

Both the old women and the man didn't seem to be affected at all but they also felt a bit of pressure, shaking their hands a bit.

"If they want a war then a war they will get!!" Bela said in a voice filled with deep anger and hatred.


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