The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

"Well, he has some sharp eyes." Said the dark figure with a deep and menacing voice.

"Indeed, what did he call it?" Said the figure covered in light with a gentle and light voice.

"Something like "all-seer", a pretty bold name for such a garbage."

"That so-called garbage almost blew our cover, Azezal."

"yaaa…..yaaa, whatever…but it seems we failed to take it out."

"Not me, you, failed. Don't point this to me you foul fiend and you almost killed him as well."

"Oh come on Razhael, you know I tried taking it out without harming him. 'Hee' was the stubborn one trying to possess it for himself."

"haaa….what should we do now? That celestial power isn't meant for mortals like himself. it will only grow to harm him later in the future." Razhael said in a worried tone.

"Why do we need to care about a mere mortal Razhael, we just came here to check on the seven sins. So one's already done, let's go."

"How can you say that, we spent millennia with these mortals, of course, I'm going to be worried?"

"He will be ok, for Hell's sake. He is the new Embodiment of lust and it helped suppress the celestial energy already, so calm the fuck down."

"umm….i hope so…... Ok, I will believe you on that then Azezal."

"ok….where were we, oh right. We were going to see the Embodiment of wrath. Who was it again? Was it a giant?"

"I don't feel like going anymore, let's go have some tea nearby?" Razhael said in a tired tone.

"You and your change of moods. Haaa…ok. I know a place near here. What was that place called again? Xander was it? They have some great tea. Let's go there."


They both started flapping their wings quicker than before, slowly rising up.

"oh, did you changed the name of the celestial energy inside his so-called system?" asked Azezal in curiosity.

"Of course, who names such divine power 'peace-aura'? He might be one of the chosen ones as the deadly sins but that naming sense is enigmatically terrible."

"haha….. 'specter aura' huh…like your's anything better."

"what? it's a great name. Don't you think so?"

"ya, ya…..I don't give a shit. Let's go and have our tea."

"let's go, my tongue is dry already."

Their wings started flapping even more promptly and after a few seconds, both of them vanished leaving a bit dark miasma and white sparkles behind.






Merchant area, Brown city, Fanxia kingdom.

Jena was getting ready packing everything. She was wearing her new maid dress, which looked elegant and gorgeous in every way. Her lace headpiece, her white half-apron with ruffle was making her already beautiful self even more dazzling.

After packing everything, she elegantly walked near the full body mirror, now visible from the morning light dazing from the opened window.

She looked at herself up and down, fixing small parts of her new dress, and smiled. It was a genuine smile. Not forced, not voluntarily but an actual smile, thinking she is now on the right track, after so many years of suffering she was free and finally knew what she needed and wanted to do.

Jena took the side of her long skirt with both of her hands and bowed elegantly like she was trained the past days in the castle with her other sisters. Life became more comfortable with the support of the princess. Nobody belittled her. Nobody eyed her in disgust, but the opposite. People started talking with her more commonly and the other day, the letter of her parents arrived asking for forgiveness.

She took the letter and smiled, covering it with her air symbol and sharpen the air right after, cutting it to shreds.


The door of her room suddenly opened but Jena didn't panic or anything and just looked at the small intruder with a lovely smile.

"I'm here!! To cut down every bad man!! Don't worry mommy, I will save you!!"

Ruby jumped near her mother and started swinging her stick around the floating pieces of the letter. She again jumped on the bed and swung her stick around in the air.

"Ok, Ok. My hero, thank you for saving me. Why haven't you changed yet? We are going to stay within the palace from today on. So you need to behave ok?"

Ruby again jumped from the bed, landing on the floor, and looked at her beautiful mother with a beaming smile.

"Ok, mommy. ….we are going to live at the palace…yay!!!"

She started wearing her new clothes in excitement. She had never worn such pretty and shiny-looking clothes explaining her over-enthusiasm.

Jena looked at her daughter and smiled. She thought she took the right decision listening to the princess and chose to live within the palace close to her. Now her daughter and she would be safe if her scum of a husband tried to do something stupid and she also heard Mr. Prince also came there to visit sometimes.

It was one of the main reasons she accepted Devy's proposal right away. She walked to the window and gazed at the tall towering palace.

"We will finally meet again." She thought

It has only been some days that they separated but she missed him very, very much nevertheless. Her heart missed him all the way through the day and her womb would miss him during the course of the night.

As she was looking at the palace with a smile. Someone was also looking at her with a creepy, lustful smile of his own from far away.

"I see, so they are the package, huh. She looks tasty." Said a lean bald man.

"We are going to have some fun with your wife, Mr. Bret. Don't mind us." Said a young man with a wicked smile.

"yo…you all can do whatever you want. I.. I just w…want my freedom," Bret said pitifully.

"hahahaha….what a kind husband, sharing his wife. People sure are amusing thes…."

"We are just here to kidnap the daughter, nothing else," said one of them with a deep voice interrupting the bald man.

This someone's face was half-covered with a black mask, showing eyes staring directly at the bald man. The bald man gulped saying nothing as he could say zilch from the pressure he was feeling from the masked leader in front of him. All the extra energy and lust vanished right after hearing his deep voice.

The masked man looked around to warn all the men near him with just his looks and aura alone, demonstrating he had a higher bloodline than any of them here.

"You, you and you. Handle the mother and you baldy, young lad, Stay hidden in the garden to inform if something unexpected happens. I will kidnap the daughter in the meantime.

Remember, no Noise, no attention, everything should be done smoothly as possible, otherwise.

The masked man released a bit more of his aura making all the men around him shiver. As they were going to actualize the plan. Someone knocked on the door of their hideout.

Everyone was surprised but the masked leader didn't even waste a second and went near the door with a hurried pace and opened and knelt right after.

"Lord, why are you here?" asked the masked man.

All the men inside the hideout also bowed in surprise and reverence, showing their utmost respect to the man who just entered without saying anything, he slowly walked inside with a creepy smile, showing his golden teeth. He was walking near Bret who was shivering even more listening to the heavy footsteps of his lord coming near him.

He looked up to see why he came close to him, only to see a knife in his hands.

"M..My lor…aaa…"

He couldn't even finish his words when he felt a cold sensation inside his heart. He touched his chest to feel, what just happened was true or just a dream but he saw his red blood in his hands and felt the pain growing inside his chest, still not believing what just happened, his heartbeat stopped and he fell down half-standing crashing right on the floor.

The killing was swift, without a single bit of killing intent. He had already killed him but the onlookers around him somehow didn't want to believe, the man was dead. They only confirmed when the red blood was slowly spreading around the floor, touching their feet.

In a way, it was scarier than any simple murder. How can anybody actually defend yourself when your own mind and body don't realize you are in danger even after you are impaled and near death's door.

"Cancel all the plans, we are going back." Said the man cleaning his knife on the shirt of the bald man nearby.

"What about the child?" asked the masked man with confusion.

"We can't handle the princess and the king here when we are busy with the "ATC" Itself."


All the men were confused, listening to their lord's words just now.

"Didn't you hear me!! We are in a war with the "ATC", so pack up!! We are going to our turf. All-Father is waiting for all of us.

If we stay here any longer, Madame's not going to show any mercy, and you all know when she captures someone. There's no return."

Everybody felt a shiver, a shiver so cold that their stomach started to churn and their backs wet with cold sweat.

The man with the golden teeth started walking away, toying with his sharp knife, spinning it within his fingers.

"She already knows most of our hiding regions and our territories here and I know for sure that, she must be planning to wipe us all out as quickly as possible plus she has someone who is proficient in space symbols now…."josei

The man looked at the window observing the purple hair child being carried by her mother.

'Lucky brat….'

"And that space symbol user can use 'blink'….So I warn you all. Be as quick as possible."

"what??!!....a 'blink' user"

"Aren't we just going to die??!!"

"We are just waiting like ducks, standing here."





The man placed his knife around his handle and came closer to the masked man, close enough to reach his ears.

"Kill all the nobles and merchants, we have any kind of relation or engagement in this city." He whispered.

The masked man only nodded understanding the situation. He was the only one who could stealthily kill all the merchants and nobles with quick succession but after the deed is done. It will be too late to escape. It can even be titled impossible. In the end, his death was imminent, but he didn't falter and accepted the job right away.

"All for the father." Said the masked man without any fear of death.

"All for the father."

The masked man went away concealing his presence along the way. The golden teeth man sighed as he was already gone.

"haaa…..another good soldier, dead."

All the men were already gone doing their stuff, panicking and mumbling like their doom was coming.

The man pulled out a chained clock that looked old and silver in color. He watched the mechanical clock ticking every second within the broken glass screen.

"What are you thinking All-father?"


Again...I know...what's up, guys. ....I want to say that only a small percentage of you guys that read my novel had added it to your library. if you end up reading this novel please consider adding it. it's free and you can always remove it, thanks.

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