The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

"Wait, isn't that too far?" Atlas asked in confusion.

" are an Alibion adventure now, nothing is far away from us.....some places are, but you will know about them later on. Now come on...wait, wait ,need to take care of this first."

Alina went near the sofa and bend down to take the knife, which was starting to shine purple once again but more deemer than before.

When she bent down, her tight one-piece dress which was just up to her thighs suddenly pulled up and he was blessed with her private showcasing.

'Oh...I forgot to put her panties on.' Atlas thought looking at her pussy which was still leaking a bit of his white semen.

Alina feeling a breeze of air to her bottom area suddenly stood up with surprise and looked back at him with a stare, pulling down her dress down.

"Did you see?"

"Alina, I have seen everything your body has to offer. Why the angry stare?"

"'s different than that, humph.."

"Haa...Ok, ok I'm sorry."

'Why are women really hard to understand?'

" should be," Alina said in an embarrassing tone.

She fixed her dress again and locked the knife within Joseph's locker, delicately placing it right where it belonged. After that, she took out a nice fresh panty. She tried to wear it but her legs were still a bit weak and less in control from his mind-blowing hard pounding a moment ago.

Atlas gazed at her difficult self, trying to wear a simple panty.

'I guess I was a bit too rough with her.' Atlas said with a sigh and walked towards her.

"Let me help."


She was embarrassed but, in a way, she was glad that he offered his help.

Atlas took her panties holding them down. She landed both of her legs inside with her face all red. It was the first time, someone helped her to wear her panty, and that someone was a male one at that.

Atlas gently pulled her panties up, feeling her thick and soft thighs with them. When she felt his hand slowly rising up with her new panty. She started breathing heavily, his single touch was slowly arousing her, making her red cheeks even redder.

After adjusting her panty to her waist. He fixed the dress for her pulling it down as she usually did and gave a soft slap to her fat round and soft buttocks.


"Ahh!!....wh..what was that for?" Alina said with a bit of arousal.

"Payment, There's nothing free you know," Atlas said with a smile.

Alina came near him as she already was, her two mountain tips touching his chest, and her pale dainty palms gently touched his mask with her dreamy eyes with a bit of sadness and lust.

"Don't worry, you won't need to do anything special to touch me. I'm already yours and you can have me anytime you want."josei

"Oh, really? Even though we are just friends."

Alina was again a bit sad, hearing him calling her a friend but it was true that they just met each other today and there was a long path for both of them to be in an 'actual relationship' but they were both parts of "Alibion" now, more time to know each other better and..

'.....and more time to close and intimate.' she thought with a smile.

She took a long breath and put both of her palms on his mask, side by side his mask.

"Yes.... we are just friends....just for now."

"....What do you mean just for now?..."

She didn't say anything and took her hands off of his mask and walked away to the broken door.

'Her eyes, I know that look, it has become way too familiar at this point. Haaaa.....let's see what happens....'

Atlas followed her from behind. They were now out of the office walking down the stairs and Alina was still in front walking with aura and pressure of her own showing the onlookers and all the adventurers who were the second in command.

"Look, it's Ms. Alina, she is so beautiful today too." Said the One man with iron-clad armor staring at her in awe.

"Yaa....she is always an angel. Oh, she wore her usual tight dress. I wish I could even just touch her beautiful skin." Said the one man with a longbow at his back.

It wasn't just them, most men around the hall were gazing at her with respect and lust. Most of them were really here to just sit and look at their second chief in command. She was the most utmost gorgeous woman with power and rank to back her up. Making her a dream for every Male adventurer there.

They wanted to get close but her aura alone was enough to make them shut up and what could they do but ogle her at every chance they get.

As they were walking, most people didn't saw Altas as he was fully using his aura concealment and also adding the enchantment of the mask, nobody would realize he was there, only the ones who went close enough would realize he was there walking behind there second in chief and that someone has to be a female to remain focus on him even after they get too close enough.

Atlas looked around and smiled that the women were not looking at him now, now that he already had his needed conversation, he didn't have to half-heartedly use his concealment technique, but someone was still looking directly at him.

Atlas again sighed looking at that certain girl who was standing at the corner, looking like she was taking a break, she was of course the blond receptionist girl he just met hours ago. That time he didn't learned much about his now strengthen lust aura, thereby not properly using his concealment technique during their chat.

'I'm using full concealment now right?'

Atlas looked around but nobody was looking at him, the only one was her, looking at him without a single blink.

'Did she already got affected? Shit, we just had a simple conversation for like four or five minutes for God's sake.'

She waved at him and he also forced himself to wave back at her. she seemed a bit sad, gazing at him with longing but he didn't know or ever wanted to know. He just walked behind Alina trying to leave as quickly as possible. When they finally went through the entrance gate leaving nothing but their shadow. Her face which looked gorgeous and innocent took an opposite turn, changing into anger and jealousy.

"So, he prefers that fucking slut, huh, why didn't he choose me, I'm more young and beautiful than that bitch. What's wrong with being with me. I'm too young he says. Men drool over my single look and bow down to me just with a touch.

And that Alina, fucking slut of a woman. I will make you pay, stealing my pray, wait until I tell "All-father", no, he wouldn't care right now handling the "ATC". I will call big-sis, for this.


"A...all-father....?" A receptionist girl nearby said with deep found fear.

"Huh....oh you heard, I thought I kept my voice low."

The blond girl used her finger to slice the air near her with the outcome being the poor girl's throat getting cut, with blood rapidly flowing down stenning her green uniform.

She was going to shout but her vocal cords being cut out of nowhere she couldn't yell for help or do anything. All the people didn't saw anything as they were in the far corner (resting area for workers).

The blond woman quickly took her by her shoulders and hands with a tight grip.

"Oh, you seem tired, Yuna. Let me help you to the changing room, you can properly rest there." Said the blond woman with a cute and innocent voice.

Yuna who was slowly losing her conciseness gazed at the blond woman who was supposed to be her friend and partner, with who she worked side by side for a whole year was now laughing at her dying self with the most sinister smile.

The blond women dragged Yuna's dying body to the changing room. When they both got there, she was already dead from blood loss. Her green dress all bloody red, soaking all her blood.

"Why are dead bodies so fucking heavy?"

She dragged the dead weight of a body near her locker and pushed her whole body inside and with a bang, closed it, locking it with her key.

"Haa...poor Yuna, she had to just be there at that moment. Now my cover is going down when they find her body. Sigh..... I wish I had my incinerator now, it would have been much easier. I guess I have to change my appearance again but before that, I will make use of this face for the last time."

She quickly went to the back door and ran to the main entrance. She tried to find both the mysterious man and Alina but they were nowhere to be seen. She saw a long-bearded adventurer walking inside the entrance and seductively walked near him.

"Hello, Mr, Have you seen Ms, Alina when you were coming." The blond girl asked with her most cute and innocent voice.

"Oh, yaa. They went to the weaponry of the guild house and by the way, what's ya doing tonight..."

The blond girl walked away Before he could say anything more.

" che,...girls nowadays...." the man lightly complained and walked inside the guild.





'Oh, found them. So here you are. Going to the elite weaponry? huh, aren't only A-tier adventurers allowed there. When he came in the morning, he looked like he was new here coming with his ca..., what was it again?.... Damn! why are my memories always so lose while spying within these stupid guilds?

Haa.....they already went inside, I will just mark him first, think later. You thought you will go away just like that Mr. Masked man"

She walked towards the elite weaponry room, showed her receptionist card to the guards, and entered easily.

She looked around the large room filled with many high-quality enchanted weapons hanging on the walls with hard enchanted glass covering. She looked everywhere but found no one.

"What the fuck??!! Didn't they just entered?"

She searched every inch and corner of the room, thinking there may be a hidden door or something but found nothing. She was getting irritated but her stubborn self wanted to know where they went no matter the cost.

She used many of her searching scrolls and lane magic symbols but found nothing.

After twenty-five minutes of intense searching, she heard the entrance door open.

"Why are you taking so long inspecting the weapons, Ms receptionist? " asked the guard in suspicion.

The blond girl finally gave up and went back fully irritated and annoyance and the moment she crossed the door, she felt strange like she was missing something.

She looked back to the guards.

"Why did I come here again?" The blond girl asked.

"Haha....did you really forgot? You were here to inspect the weapons." Said one of the guards.

"Oh, really? must have slipped from my mind. Sorry for the trouble."

She bowed with her usual naive and innocent act and went back.

'Did I really though? Haa....must be someone order me to. Why do I always feel like something is missing, working in these stupid guilds? Oh right I need to escape from here immediately and that mysterious person, I met before. He must have gone somewhere with that slut. heart, the feeling, the rush I felt within me, When he was right by my side, ohh...I want to feel it again. I hope we could have talked longer and marked him then and there. Next time we meet, you will be mine Mr. Masked man."


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Men of culture wanted:

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