The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

In the dark hall of Alibion's root, the green, two-star door suddenly opened, with three people floating inside the 'Equade'.

"so…looking at you completing the two-star difficult mission all by 'yourself', I would promote you to three-star right away but you being a newbie, it seems the only thing I can do now is to promote you to a two-star Alibion Adventurer. Is that ok?"

"well, I am new to this, so…..I will take anything I get."

"Okay…..give me your hand," Joana said, trying to go close to him.

"Wait, wait, what are you doing?" Atlas asked in caution.

He didn't want any women to touch him or get too close to him as his "Embodiment of lust" skill was in its stage two. He didn't know exactly how much it would affect other girls if they came close enough. His aura concealing skill doesn't seem effective when women came too close around him.

"haha….oh you are a shy boy huh," Joana said with a giggle.

"How about I ask Bela for this?"

"No…she doesn't have the right as of now."

"what? But she gave me the card."

"haa….she didn't tell you, did she? I won't say anything on that matter. You should ask her, yourself."

"I see, ok. Then I will ask Joseph then."

"Do you like men, perhaps?" Joana suddenly asked, seeing the boy taking no interest in herself at all.

"Noooo!!!" Alina shouted.



Both Joana and Atlas looked at her sudden outburst in surprise.

"hahahaha….I see I see. Oh, Alina so you finally found someone huh."


Alina was twirling her fingers in embarrassment, her face turning red every second, but who could she blame. From the time when she was little, she had a really low interest in being in romantic relations. Yes, she had a fling once or twice but that was it. Nothing more, nothing less.

But everything changed when he met the mysterious masked man who grabbed his attention right away. At first, she thought she would only relieve her intensely growing urges but holy shit, he fucked her to a level that she thought she reached heaven for a couple of seconds.

She wanted to keep being close to him but realizing her motives he only decided to be friends but now the feeling grew to a completely different. Her heart was now feeling a completely different emotion than before, it wasn't just lust, obsession and curiosity now. After what happened at the cliff. She wanted to do more than just satiating her carnal desires and be just friends. She wanted him to care for her, be with her, and hug her like what happened a moment ago where both of them were sitting, gazing at the stars and the bright moon.



"Alina!" Joana shouted.

"wha…what happened?" she said finally coming out of her thoughts.

"oh god, you have really fallen for him, haven't you?" Joana asked.

"...." Alina said nothing, looking down being shy, but suddenly she realized something wasn't right. She looked around and saw he was missing.

"Where is he?"

"haha….while you were daydreaming, he already went away. He said bye but it didn't enter your ears."

"What? I will go apologize for being so rude then." She said in a hurry and tried floating to the brown door nearby.

But alas she was grabbed by her collar all of a sudden being at her master's mercy.

"Where do you think you are going huh? Even though you fulfilled what was required from you but it's still true that you blundered, so no more assistant work for now. Your training will again begin. So let's head back for now."

"wh..what? c…can I go and take my stuff back at the least."


"what? why?"

Joana said nothing and dragged her to the top, floating to the five-star zone.

"Wait, wait, can I just say bye to him at the least." Alina pleaded.

"Don't need to say bye, you can meet him later, after your training of course" She said with a smile.


With that, they entered a wide gate made from white ice itself.

'haa....i hope he doesn't forget about me.' she thought.





Brown city, Fanxia Kingdom.

"Well, that didn't take that long." Atlas thought, coming out of the gate.

Now, even though he was one-star for now. He could open the door to "Equade" anytime he wanted. So no need to disappear like he was disintegrating like before. he now knew that it was done only to newcomers, coming to "Equade" for the first time.

He thought, his first adventure would take a day or two but he didn't properly realize until now, how strong he was compared to his fellow peers. Mostly his "all-seer" and teleportation. These both skills were op in their own way.

'I need to separate modes for "all-seer" later on. For combat and also for identification, both regulated by my system. I will also have to give some updates as well. The fight with the kamliozes taught me more things than I realize.

Real-life experiences in battle really do helps in many ways. Let's keep this momentum going, improving myself, improving my system, and be as OP as possible cause I know for a fact that 'father' will also be stronger as well, with his newly discovered symbols and that …'being'.'

The time was now early in the morning, but as usual, he didn't need any rest and walked out the weaponry, with his aura fully concealed.

He thought there would be fewer adventurers in the morning but when he entered the main Adventurers hall, to his surprise there was double the number than he saw yesterday. Most of them, gathering at the receptionist area.

What got him even more curious was that, there were also some guards from the palace. He carefully passed through all people, whispering and talking which he didn't listen to, and went straight in, entering the restroom of the workers.

To his shock, there was Joseph and some fully armored guard with the golden insignia of the phoenix, both of them looking at a dead body of a girl, who seemed like a worker within the guild. The moment he appeared inside, Joseph looked in his direction.

"Oh! you are here early." He suddenly said, surprising the armored guard, and turned back where he was looking, but found no one.

"who are talking to?" he asked in confusion.

"Me," Atlas said suddenly appearing beside the dead body.

"wha..what? who are you?" the guard inquired, taking out his sword in caution.

But before he could fully unsheathe his sword, Joseph pushed his hand down on his sword, surprising the guard even more.

"I know him, so if you don't mind," Joseph said in a calm manner. But in that calm voice, the guard could feel the deep pressure of his aura, making him fully sheathed his sword again.

"so….sorry, didn't know that." He said his hand shaking a bit.

"it happens, so you already got the report, why don't you all bugger off from my property," Joseph said, still with a kind voice.

The guard wanted to say, it was not his but the king's property but refrained himself and walked back out the door.

"o…ok...make way, this isn't a sight show. We got what we needed, let's go." He said to his underlings walking out the hallway.

"haa....the higher nobles gonna chew me after this," Joseph said.

" did this happened?" Atlas asked, looking at the corps of the innocent-looking girl.

"Well, it was already like this when I arrived, so I ain't got that much info on me. Hey wait, where Alina is?" he asked.

"Her master said she needs a bit more training so she took her."

"oh, Joana, that woman, and her training antics. I imagine how she must be suffering now."

'I guess they know each other.' Atlas thought.

"Oh damn, now I have to manage all the paperwork myself. Oh right, hey, do you want to be my assi….."


"I hate you, you know that. Ha….. have to ask Liyana again." Joseph suddenly said.

"Well, I'm a busy person and I have things to do. Oh, right I almost forgot." He said turning to him

He gave him a piece of paper, recommending him for a promotion. Joseph took the paper and gazed at it with surprise.

"what? it hasn't even been a day after you joined and you are already eligible to be promoted?…..well, you did possess a black card and Joana herself signed this for you, but damn she is a strict one you know that? How the hell did you get her sign and if she was there why didn't she promote you herself and like what really did....."

Atlas sighed, as Joseph started lashing his uncontrollable tongue.

"....Joseph, we are talking near a corps and there are still people around here." He said.

"oh! Right, yeah, forgot about that for a second. So you want my agreement for your promotion." He said with a smile.

'I feel like he cooking something.' Atlas thought looking at his crooked smile.

"How about, you handle this case and only after that you will get your promotion." He said pointing at the dead girl.

'What?!! this fucking piece of shit wants me to do his job….haaa…should have Joana promote me, even taking a bit of risk but I already said no, can't ask Bela as she is somehow not eligible and the only one I know is him, fuck!!'

Atlas sighed and gave him a nod.josei

"Ok! I will take that as a yes. Come to my office when you are done. Your precious promotion will be waiting on my table." He said folding his paper.

'This piece of shit.'

"you can curse me all you want after this task is complete, so go on," Joseph said walking out the room.

"Oe, you lot!!! This is not a show here!!! Get back to your work!!" Joseph shouted to all the adventurers still gazing at the murder scene.

All of them dispersed immediately giving way to their leader. Atlas looked at his back and the reaction of all the people who were just here, just leaving and doing their work like nothing major happened.

'haa….this world is reminding me again and again that it's not the same. A worker murdered right here and no one gives a shit after a couple of minutes.' He thought looking at the now dead girl.

"ha….I don't know you but I hope, you are in a better place," he said closing his eyes.

After staying silent for a full minute, he opened his eyes, but with a yellow different light on them.

"Ok, let's channel my Sherlock energy." He said as he activated his "all-seer".


Thank you for reading! The next two chapters are free on patr eon (https://www.patr, eight chapters beyond that for three dollars, and many more for five dollars (five-chapter release a week at this tier).

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