The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

'Ooh….those four hours were so heavenly…my body is still twitching from all that…..even remembering it makes me want to cum, is he even a man? The way he fucked me to my womb felt like I was pounded by a God.' She thought, feeling his nectar-filled womb.

'hmm...I was gonna go home after gaining some info on king Bruce but….now I want to stay here for a while now. Really don't wanna miss these meet-ups between him and all the maids here, not after experiencing that… still feels like his massive cock is inside me. I didn't think my pussy could be stretched to this level. Is this how being a fulfilled woman feels like.

.....umm...ok, I have decided, I'm not going back for another month or so. All-father probably won't need my help handling the 'ATC'...wait, I feel like I'm forgetting something, what am I forgetting….hmm...'

"Oh shit!! I already called Sister Moana!" she suddenly shouted.

Realizing she had shouted, she covered her mouth in panic and looked around, all the girls still sleeping but one of them moved, slowly turning over.

'no no no no no no….did she woke up? did she heard my sister's name?....I don't want to kill her and escape again, not from this paradise…' she thought as panic overriding her brain.

The girl turned over, her eyes still closed.

"haa…..fuck me...fuck me more….." the girl silently murmured, talking in her sleep.

'haa...thank god, no wait!! I have to message her back. She will definitely ruin this place with my just found heaven and one thing is for sure, she will definitely take him, if she finds out how godly he is….haa shit! I shouldn't have called her.' She thought clicking her teeth.





Atlas was now at the rooftop of a tall building near the palace. His concealment technique, fully activated.

"hmm…..I'm sorry for Devy but I need to cripple this kingdom if not fully destroy it. Should I ask Bela? I think she has some history here, otherwise, I don't see a reason for a peak tier individual to stay in a middle-tier kingdom."

He gazed at the palace and all of the brown city. Its residents, doing their normal jobs like usual. He used his "all-seer" with observation mode.

To his surprise, the previous drug trafficking, illegal markets were nowhere to be seen. In many ways, the corruption was already mildly reduced.

"Valhalla was really behind it all huh. Are they running like this in Xandar too? Have to tell mom if I get the chance. I really don't want anyone to mess with our plan."

The air around him rippled, knocking on his black mask. It was a windy, nearing nighttime. The red sun shining on the palace and the city itself.

" I think I will search for Anny for now, she might be around the borders of Xandar by this time, if I bring her here, then it would be easy for me to do my stuff, ....its gonna be dark soon, so I guess I will start tomorrow.....its training time now for now."

With those last words, he again vanished.

Appearing in a dark place. He looked up and the marvelous views of infinite doors came to his vision. He gazed at his arm with the two black stars giving an eerie light. With the promotion, he also got permission to enter the root of Alibion 'Equade'. He wanted to visit some places within his reach to teleport there when necessary.

He looked upon the gates, with the two stars lighting its top. The gravitational pull being so low, he floated to the two-star zone. His eyes, observing all the doors.

'Where should I start? Hmm...I guess anywhere should be fine. All I need is areas with strong monsters and big cities. i also need to focus on money and what's the best way to earn money than selling monster carcasses.

For my plans to topple a kingdom, I can't just do it with brute strength. Wealth will also help in many areas and with my lavish habits ingrained in me from all those four years of luxury, my pocket will empty quickly if I'm not careful.'

He gazed upon a silver door, with a smell of a city hinting out. Using his pure mana as a support, he floated towards it when a sweet womanly voice echoed from behind.

"Hey rookie, where are you going so fast?"

Atlas stopped in his tracks, he didn't look back, he didn't do anything, he just stood there, floating near the silver door. He would turn back and reply to whoever it was, but, but it was a woman, a woman whose aura was powerful enough to put him in a standstill.

'no…….no… no no no….why is it always a woman, why can't it be a man and make it easier for me for once, and why is a woman with that much strong aura doing down here. I thought I was safe here, looking at all the men wandering through the gates.'

"Yes? How can I help you?" he asked respectfully, turning his floating body around.

"I saw you going without a permit, so just wanted to ask." She said.

When he turned around, the woman slowly came into view, she was tall reaching the same height as his. Her straight pink-brown hair flowing down like a straight waterfall. Her light blue eyes showcasing a warm feeling. Her pink lips, shining a bit reflecting the dim light coming from the door behind. Her eyes, her smile, and her posture itself protruded a motherly feeling he didn't know how to process.

Her white-blue shirt was somehow handling her Breasts, showcasing the deep valley forming in between. He wanted to keep staring at the abyss but controlled himself, he didn't want to be rude, even he had a leeway given from his mask.

Her tight pants firmly covered her beautiful long legs. Her thighs and waist having perfect curves. She was indeed gorgeous, gorgeous enough to come to his taste. He would look at her beautiful self but what took his attention right after was the long Golden-blue bow, which looked majestic in every way. the décor, the many expensive enchanted gems attached at its helm. The beauty of her bow itself was matching with hers'.

He had a sudden urge to steal the bow, but again, kept himself in control. The beauty of such craft was too much but his Specter aura came into play dissolving such petty feelings.

"Without a permit?" he asked in confusion.

"yes, you need a permit rookie. You a two-star Adventurer?"


"then show your permit then, the request paper with the stamp of your adventurer guild."


'what the fuck? Do you need that? Alina and Joseph didn't say shit about that. Am I in trouble or something?'

"you are taking too much time rookie." She said with a stern voice, the previous kind aura nowhere to be felt.

"umm…umm….I don't have one.."

"...hmm…a rookie trying to enter a gate without permit… then you have to come with me, rookie." She said, her hand approaching him. Her look was of a strict woman but a smirk escaped her lips as she garbed his shoulder.

Atlas wanted to dodge her approach but her aura was too strong to even make a move, he would use his teleportation but his symbols were automatically canceled out the moment he activated them.

'shit! I don't want another powerful woman like Bela getting obsessed with me…'

The moment she garbed his shoulder, Atlas thought he was done for but she was still there, and he could sense no lust forming inside her. Usually, he would sense the lust within the women in front of him rise like no tomorrow. He felt the same with all the girls he met until now and he thought it would happen again but to his surprise, he could sense nothing.

' didn't work?… or is she not affected? No, it's impossible. It even affected a priestess, protected by a Goddess herself. Why wouldn't she be affected, wait, is it because of this space…..shit…what the fuck…is it possible??'

"What are you doing roo…."

"Big sis, what are you saying? Permit? What permit?" the man behind her suddenly said.

"let's go already, it's late. Father would be fuming if he didn't saw us at our rooms."


" you were lying?" Atlas said in a stern voice.

The woman turned behind and slowly floated towards her idiot of a brother. Her hand was fully compressed in a fist. She inserted a little amount of pure mana around her knuckles and came closer.

"Big sis? Why do you look angry? Did I do something? I…..I am sorry if I did something wrong. Wait…sis…don't come closer with your fist. It…it re…really hurts you know. Sis sis si…"


The knuckles of her fist collided with his handsome face, a ripple spreading across his cheeks. The impact was devastating enough to push him down to the bottom floor like a falling meteorite. In a split of a second, he crashed down below. But there was no damage that occurred where he landed. The same old black floor, in the same old plane state.

'hmm....if she wasn't affected, then why did she come to me?' Atlas thought as she watched the scene. 'Apparently, my lust aura is sealed here (just a theory) and my face is also blocked, ohh….must be my charm level. It is hella high in comparison to others. But I thought I hide it well with my concealment aura.

Haa...she must be strong enough to bypass my technique like Bela and Joseph….. Why is trouble always following me? I just wanted to train and this shit happens.

Need to escape before she realizes.'

He turned to his gate as quickly as possible feeling he was no longer restrained but the same pale and delicate hand grabbed his shoulder again. Stopping him from moving any further.

'I was so close, just needed a single step…'

"where do you think you are going? I know about you. A rookie black star who cleared a three-star mission the day he entered Alibion."

"….it didn't take that long to be heard by such an honored person like yourself." Atlas said turning back. "what do you need from me? That trick you wanted to pull failed, so can I go? I'm only being respectable because your strength rightfully deserves so."

"Trying to be cheeky with me huh," she said coming closer to him. Her face, near with only a millimeter gap against his mask.

"I'm just curious. The moment I saw you at that time. Your presence just rowed attraction to me, trying to pull me closer and closer to you. So you know, I did some research and it seems you are indeed somewhat special. A Black nominee with the legendry 'Blink' ability nonetheless."


"so, I need some help from your 'Blink' ability."

"hm...I thought your brother said you were going hom….."

"One million gold. How about that? Do you feel like helping me now?" She suddenly asked.



Thank you for reading! The next chapter is free on patr eon (https://www.patr, eight chapters beyond that for three dollars, and many more for five dollars (five-chapter release a week at this tier).

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