The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Son!!! Your mother and I are having another child."


Atlas was silent for ten-second straight, shocked and surprised. He needed time to digest what he just heard and his father knew, so he let him garner his mind first.

' I am gonna be a big brother. My heart is beating like crazy...Is this happiness of having a sibling, I never had a sibling before in my previous life. So that's how it feels...but..but infertility... luck must really be on my family's side.'

Atlas came out of his stupor and ran to his father and hugged him tightly.

"Congratulations Father!!!"

"Congratulations to you to Son!!! are an elder brother now!! might not know but, having a sibling is rare for a human family. So cherish your new to be born Sibling, ok?"

"Of course Father, you don't need to say twice."

"Now, let's go see your mother."

They walked side by side. To the king's chamber.

Another time. There were procedures to follow, just to meet his father cause the king was a person with a tight schedule....which shows enough, how much he properly takes care of his Country.

King Henry Don Roxwell of the kingdom "Xandar" mostly known as the lightning king. He has many other names: Thundergod, The flash, lightning, etc. His loyal subjects and people revere him, his enemies cower before him. There was a saying "if you are on the bad side of king henry, you might never know when lightning from the sky gonna end up on your head roasting you alive."

These were the stories atlas heard about his father. A good king and a fabled and fearsome warrior but here he was with jolly expression, walking on the royal red carpet with him.

They entered the king's bed-chamber, where his beautiful mother was resting. The morning sun shining from her silver hair to her green-blue eyes. Her thin red lips smiling towards Atlas. Making her gorgeous face even more beautiful. Her chest valley showing itself from her thin see-through night ware which was covering up to her thick thighs, showing all her bare long legs. She looked like a goddess as usual.

There were many maids taking care of her. All were the head maids of the palace. Anny is one of them who was softly massaging the queens back for proper excrement of what was left after her vomit.

When they both entered, all the maids knelt down to their king and their prince, then with the motion of the king's hand they continued what they were doing but the only difference was that now they were sometimes stealing glances towards the prince with red cheeks.

"My son is popular as always."

"You jest mother, I am who I am today because of both father and you."

Henry with a proud expression patted atlas.

"Well said my son, but truly you are pretty much popular within the palace. All the women adore you. Should I be jealous as the king of the palace or be proud as a father. I am trying to answer that question all year. Hahahaha...." Said Henry teasingly.

"Father, you have our lovely mother who is the most beautiful in the country and you still ask more."

Henry got his tongue twisted, from his son's word and thought Elizabeth would rage at him for thinking about other women but she was calm as ever.

'I thought I was gonna get scolded there, thank god.'

Elizabeth knew what her husband was thinking but didn't course into it. All her focus was on her son now, she didn't want to bicker in front of her lovely child.

"Atlas dear, come here to my side."

Atlas was a little reluctant, whenever they were together, Elizabeth wouldn't let him go for a long long while, snuggling, hugging, and kissing him all over. If he was an actual four-year-old from body and mind, he wouldn't have minded. But he was mostly 26 right now. It was hella awkward for him.

'But mom is in a delicate situation right now, can't run away from here I guess.'

"Coming mother..."

When he was near, she pulled him right away to where she was sitting and hugged him tightly like a lemon squeezer.


" oh sorry, dear.."

Elizabeth let his hand little lose.

"I always can't help it, you rarely come to see me. I know you have multiple training and tasks but come to meet your mother sometimes ok?"

'If I came, you wouldn't let me go....period.'

Atlas wanted to say those words but covered his thoughts and replied" of course mother, given your situation I am gonna spend more time with you from now on."

"Hahahaha...Right, you have to look after your mother and your future sibling. My son sure matured quick."

His father talked a little bit and kissed his wife goodbye and went to do his kingly duties, with the ministers and generals

And from his mother's clinginess, he has to kiss his morning training goodbye.

"So, what do you think mother. Is it gonna be a boy or a girl?"

"Hmmm.....I already have a great son like you. I hope it's a girl. But I am afraid you two will get close and forget about your mother."

" and your meaningless worries. I will always be by your side and never leave you. So don't worry."

Hearing his son said those words, Elizabeth was quiet for awhile and suddenly hugged him again.

"It's a promise right?"

"Of course mother. It's a promise. I couldn't leave my beautiful mother alone. Now could I?"

Elizabeth couldn't control herself again and smooch all over atlas...again. All the maids were at standstill and doing what their job entailed but there was also a tinge of jealousy in their eyes, mostly Anny.

' I wish I could kiss his highness like that. I want to push him and take those small juicy lips of his....'

Atlas wanted to stop his mother, but she was unexpectedly strong. She wouldn't even budge.

'My mom sure.. has a son complex.... I hope it lessens after I grow old enough. Otherwise, theirs gonna be some problems. It may be mostly because of the rarity of having a child, but mom, you have to control yourself. You are nearing my lips. I don't want to be my first kiss, my own mother.'

Elizabeth was hugging him tightly, knowing his usual behavior trying to escape. She put her hands around his back and her thighs on his legs.

'Atlas....oh my shouldn't say those sweet and kind words to your mother like that. I might just eat you up. Henry is mostly focusing on the fiefdom. Even now he hasn't much time for me but I understand that, as he is a king.

What I can't understand Is how my son is making me feel like this. His sweet voice, his kind gestures, his mature ideals...It isn't anything wrong.....I am not doing anything weird...(repeated 5 times) I have only one son. Of course, I would love him dearly.'

Atlas was getting even more embarrassed. So he tried to talk his way out of this.josei


Elizabeth stopped.

It was his usual tactic. If he called her "mom" instead of mother. She would get weak for a second and that was the time to escape.

'Now's the time.'

Atlas slipped past her hands from the side smoothly escaping her mother's clutches.

"What?...not fare atlas.."

Elizabeth pouted like a child puffing her right cheek.

"All is fair in love and war mother."

Elizabeth pouted but smiled again. And suddenly acted sadly.

"You know, I have this new child inside me and I need the company of my loved ones more than anything. Your father is busy and you are also mostly busy with your studies. I am most of the time always alone. Don't you think it would be hard on me?"

All the maids there were not surprised by the queen's child-like behavior. She always changes 180 when Atlas was involved. The ice queen beauty of Xandar. Her cold attitude and ice magic is known by all. Like the king, she holds the rare and powerful Rank 2 magic. It was said that the more she comprehended the ice element the more her nature changed to it as well.

But after having an arranged marriage with henry. She slowly opened up and when Atlas was born her final barrier broke. She is still cold to any other people, even to her personal maids but not to her family and mostly not Atlas. He was her pride and joy.

Atlas was in a bind here. His mother just used the I am pregnant I need help card.

'Uff... I am also an elder brother now. I need to at least manage this.'

"Anny, cancel my classes except Magic and physical."

" yes, your highness. Your highness is already highly proficient in most of the subjects. So professors wouldn't mind the absence. "

Atlas nodded.

'I already know more than them already. I was just pretending up until now. I don't want more attention than I already have.'

"So mother. What are we gonna do today."

Elizabeth smiled mischievously.

" haven't had a bath yet right?...your father must have brought you so suddenly."

Atlas was regretting his earlier decision.

"Come Atlas, let's have a bath together. We haven't had a bath together in a long long while. Let me help you wash your back again."

"But Mom isn't that the maid's job."

Atlas tried to talk his way out of it as usual but it didn't work this time.

"It's a mother's job to clean his child atlas. So come on. Be a good boy and Let's go."

Atlas didn't know how to react. When he was a child it was easy to cover his emotions with his baby face. But he was older now. If he sees her beautiful mother naked. He wouldn't know what to think or how to react.

Atlas was reluctant but Elizabeth already started dragging him to the Royal bathroom, near the sleeping chamber.

' peaceful days.'

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