The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

"… hour ago. What happened? Your condition got even worse." she asked in worry.

He tried recalling what happened and the memories hit him as a house collapsed on him.

"The masked rookie!!!..."

He haphazardly stood up, his numbed body falling down the bed, surprising Amelia. His chest pained again but he didn't care, looking around for his sis, all in his mind was the incident and the poor rookie, stuck because of him.

Amelia quickly pulled him to his bed from the cold floor and strained his body pushing him down the bed with her push symbol.

"Where's sis? Ahem…..ahem….We need to save him…ahem… we can't just leave him there. He's stuck there because of us!!"

Amelia saw a clear panic and worry in his eyes. She knew about the situation where a rookie was stuck in the vault around the restricted zone.

"Calm down john. She is outside, communicating with other adventurers and the higher-ups…." She explained, healing his chest.


"Don't worry, we will take him out. We just need more people just in case. So don't worry, I am also here to help, so relax, relax..." she said, calming him down.

John slowly fell asleep, the sleeping effect coming into play.

"haa….." she sighed as she gazed at him. "Sorry, John but you need to rest…"

She felt a bit of guilt just dosing him with sleeping medicine but she knew he would be relentless and tried participating in the mission. She healed parts of his damaged chest where the disease was harming him.

It was only a temporary measure as only pain would be lessened but the disease would only grow later on, slowly growing in scope.

After fully healing his damaged lungs, she pressed her chest and closed her white eyes.

"Mother Goddess, please save your sick child. I pray thy for this boy's wellbeing and the healing of his body….."

With her final bows, she kissed her hand and placed her palm on John's brow. A white beaming light shone on her palm, gradually transforming onto his head and slowly spreading all over his body.

John's rough breathing steadily became normal. His chest protruding white light as he breathes in and out.

With a final pitied gaze, she walked out of the room. Closing the door, without creating a single sound.

"How's he?" Lily asked.

Amelia sighed, turning to her old friend. At first, she was shocked when she got an emergency call from the Alibion line and it was from none other than Lily, her long-standing close friend herself. She was only called from Alibion when there was intense healing required for significant people or needed mass healing for a great number of people.

She would also visit the Albion healing station from time to time when she had time as she was one of the heads running the station.

She was chosen by Alibion when she was still on the streets and looking at her potential in healing. She was taught, fed, raised here. Turning her to the Saintess she is now.

He turned to her shoulder, looking back at lily.

"He's ok….. For now…."


Lily punched the wall near him, the metal wall bending deep, fitting her fist. With the pure frustration gaping inside her mind, she didn't use any mana to cover her fist, only with her bare hand with her pure strength, she started thwarting on the wall. Her guilt overshadowing her pain, Amelia watched as Blood started oozing out of her fist, with every punch of rage and remorse, her hand only turned redder and redder.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!...

Amelia wanted to say something but she knew her words wouldn't change what Lily was feeling now. The sorrow of watching her brother slowly dying. It was a painful sight indeed and both lily and she couldn't do much about it.

"Lily…..stop….we still need to save that rookie….don't we?"

The thwarting on the wall stopped, her bloodied hand finally ending its rampage. She gazed upon the ceiling, her silk-like hair uncovering her blue eyes.

"Yes, you are right, thank you, Amelia…. for coming on such small notice. You must have been busy with your position as the Saintess...sorry…"

Her eyes were still on the ceiling, reminiscing the moment where she left the rookie just because the situation was at her disadvantage.

'there must have been away where I could save both of them but...I just ran away...pathetic...this shame...I will never let myself forget…'

For an Alibion adventurer, it was a sin to leave someone behind. A dark spot on their star mark. Even not for the guild, she herself felt bad in her heart as a human, calling him to join just to ditch him at the end, she would stay there punching the wall and feel guilty but no, she wasn't one of those people. It wasn't time for any remorse but time to act.

She stoned her heart, gazing at her asleep brother.

"Don't worry brother, I will save you and the rookie." She bellowed with confidence.

As she gazed at him from the window, she felt the familiar warm sensation in her hand, her pain slowly fading away.

"Thanks, Amelia…" she said, turning to her with a light smile.

"haa…..stop with the thanks already, we are friends before we are Alibion adventurers." She said, her cheeks puffed out.

"Amelia… are the saintess now, living in Xandar, an upper-tier kingdom nonetheless, you deserve at least some thanks, leaving all your responsibilities to heal my brother and to top it off, you still decided to come through the restricted zone negating the watchers order ….I still don't think you sho…"


Amelia's delicate finger shut her lips, discontinuing her for speaking any further.

"Say no further, let's go save him and get that blue dime potion for your brother. We shouldn't waste our time."

Lily eye's turned serious, she could only hope the rookie was safe, not affected by the deadly atmosphere. Plus, she also had many questions for him about this so-called radiation. How he knew about the explosion and its effect when many researchers and the watchers themselves didn't know.

But his life came first then her curiosity and with the help of the Saintess, one of the three peak healers of Alibion, it was now inching towards a possibility where they could save him and take back the tomb for the blue dim elixir.

"You are right, let's go…"

She marched forward, giving a last gaze at her brother, her eyes determined to complete this battered mission.

Amelia followed, a hidden smirk appearing on her red lips.

'Will I finally get to see him, Mother goddess?' she asked in anticipation. Her emotions running ram pate inside her heart.

[Indeed my child, follow her and ou…..I mean thy wish will come to fruition.]

'…?....ok mother Goddess.'

She was a bit confused but the excitement of meeting him gradually took her over, her white eyes beaming with eagerness and her body craving for something she oh so missed dearly. Her throat and tongue thrusting for his taste, His scent, his body.

'Yes…..the time will finally come….' She thought, her hands gripping her own shoulders, trying to control her body…





In the open darkness where there was nothing, a place of the infinite void, anywhere the eyes could reach there was only one shade and that was the darkest of black, but in this infinite void something was lingering, a sliver haired boy, floating around, his silver eyebrows enclose with his eyes.

His floating body suddenly stopped moving as a silhouette of darker starry bottom appeared beneath his asleep body.

[HMM…..WAKE UP…..]

The sudden loud roar, echoed in Atlas's ear, jolting him from his slumber. His mesmerizing eyes glazed around in panic, and all his eyes could gawk at was the darkness and darkness alone. Feeling his body floating like there was no gravity, he beheld down. Discovering a wide surface-like area, where small stars were shining like in the darkest night. He landed down, his eyes followed the starry surface, his neck slowly turning back and his eyes opened wide in shock and horror recognizing the shape of the starry floor he was standing upon.

"I…is this someone's palm, no…it's a hand and are those mountains? n….no they look like c..claws…what the….where am I…"

Knowing he was now standing on some gigantic clawed hand, his mind turned to panic mode. Fear creeping into his bone, why wouldn't he. Towards the owner of this gigantic hand, he was just an ant or even smaller than an ant, as he felt too minuscule to even compare. To his frightful thoughts, even a whole city would easily fit in this starry palm.

His mind slowly changed from panic to full-on collapse when his specter aura kicked in, calming his mind instantly, but the fear was still there.


'wait….reincarnation….does he knows about my…no this voice….."

His ear rang like a horn dialed up to nine eleven. But this over-the-top loud voice, he somehow recognized it. The voice which shacked his soul like never before after he's dead, wondering around the empty void, he wouldn't forget that moment, the conversation with him…

He turned around, trying to look upon the source of the outrageously deep loud voice but the starry floor started shaking like a seven magnitude earthquake was occurring.

With that violent shake he fell down on his ass, trying to stabilize his body and after a couple of seconds, it finally stopped.

[…..WE MEET AGAIN…..….]


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