The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 83

Chapter 83





"yes!!!" Atlas shouted, surprising both Lily and Amelia for a second.

Lily's hopeful eyes sparkled from the cheerful shout but looking at him still not finished. She came back with her mood. She was thinking if he had created another miracle but it was too soon to ask for.

Amelia gazed at his back, her cheeks flushed red. The temperature of her body gradually increasing from her inside. Her white panties. Becoming more and more, moist as his scent permeated around the room.

She would have attacked him right away but her legs were still numb, not being able to move a muscle. The strain and toll her body took from a minute of taking more power from the mother goddess herself.

Her body and heart were begging for Atlas but there was still some part that wanted Atlas to somehow heal John if possible. controlling herself, she didn't heal her body for that reason alone, her mana was back to full but if she healed herself, the little bit of control she had would be lost and she would surly interrupt him doing his best.

And that was the last thing she wanted. Feeling the muscles around her hand, she gripped her chest where her heart was. Trying to console to wait a bit longer.

[Be patient my daughter…..the time will come…]

'yes…Mother goddess…'

Atlas was still on his foot, gazing down at John's chest, his fingers, moving in the air like he was a puppet master with a wide smile plastered on his face, glad that the last lane came through, without damaging any part of his heart.

Now that was down, only the last part was left.

He incased the tumors with his mana with the help of the lane symbol one by one. He didn't want excessive damage so, patience was the key, but the white and blue light around his lungs and body was rapidly dimming down.

Her calm temper again changed, seeing he was running out of time. The blessing which was holding the blood flow was now slowly releasing, all the leaking blood, blocking his view.

His back was wet from his excessive sweat and so was his chest, which was still burned red. The salt pinched moisture. For a person, it would be even more painful, adding salt to the wound but all his focus and concentration was on John.

Looking past through the blood, channeling more mana in his eyes, he enchased his mana around the tumors around his right chest.

Observing the lights and the regenerative speed dimming down, he quickly stored both the tumors with small bits of lungs attached in his space.

While he was enchasing the third one at his left lungs, he viewed the area where he just took the tumors, the two gaping holes, now slowing decreasing in size, and in no time, his right lung was back to normal without any tumors.

'it's really effective huh…..I really wish I could get a sample of that one…'

It was only a wish but he focused back on his operation, properly encasing the third tumor and storing it in his space. Not leaving a single bit of their parts.

The hard part was the last one, which seemed too close to the heart. He had quickly taken the last three tumors with some bits of the lungs attached, doing not too much harm but this one was different. The blessing was running out and he didn't want the tumor and a chunk of his heart to be stored in his space.

He didn't want to give him a heart attack and if he did a single mistake, there was a chance that John would face a heart attack.

'Be quick and precise Atlas…' he said to himself, running his Celestial aura within his mind.

He slowly surrounded the tumor from the opposite side of the heart, covering every bit, his eyes, seeing it all. The beating heart, the inflating lungs, the blood gradually increasing in amount as the blessing was running its last course.


The second after, he stored the last tumor, hoping he didn't take any pieces of heart and looking clearly….thank god he didn't. He watched as the lung slowly regenerated, much slower than the previous.

'I guess, the power of the elixir was also running its last course. Thank god I finished it in time.'

He pulled his lanes back, causing less harm as he could.

'" it's done!!!"

He looked back, seeing the shocked reaction of Lily, and looked at her side to Amelia, who seemed to be awake with her face all red and breathing a bit heavily.

'Damn….she's down bad….what should I do now?'

Lily gradually stood upcoming closer.

"i…is he ok…now?"


"You are sure, right?" Lily questioned, coming even closer.

"I swear on my heart," he said, crossing his heart. "Ouch!"

Now that he was finally free, his attention was back to his body and touching his burned chest. He started feeling the burning sensation, the eventual pain, seeping in.

Amelia also slowly stood up, as she had already healed her own body. She looked at Atlas like a dish ready to be devoured but came near with patient steps, with a kind smile like usual. She looked at John, her eyes glowing white and to her surprise, he was...ok.

She wanted to ask questions about how he had healed him as a professional healer but something came first and that only involved her and Atlas alone.

She came closer, passing Lily.

She was looking at his eyes until her vision went down, looking at his burned hands and burned chest. The lust which was raging within suddenly bloated down.

Her hands covered her mouth in shock, realizing her own fault. She only remembered the moment Atlas had done something to shake her up from her sacrificial blessing. She didn't know she had burned him with her Holy fire.

She quickly came near him, her green healing light spreading all over his bashed red body.

"sorry….because me….you had to…." she said, looking away in guilt.

Atlas saw her sad eyes, as she was healing him. New skin slowly appearing around his chest. The pain and the burning urged replaced by a warm feeling of easiness.

Being gentlemen himself. He didn't want to see any sadness and tears in the women around him. So thinking a bit more clearly. He came closer, to her ears.

"How about we talk privately about this…"

Amelia's eyes which were filled with guilt and sorrow turned to him, changing to a shock, a deep red blush appearing around her cheeks.

"y…you can ask for a…anything. I… I, at least owe you that much…" she said. Her red cheeks turning redder and redder.

Lily wasn't even listening to them, walking to her brother. The blue dime light and the white blessing were all gone but he was still breathing naturally like a normal person.

She didn't have eyes like Atlas or Amelia to gaze at him if he was ok or not but, she had known her brother for ages and at first glance when she saw John after the rookie's operation. She knew he was finally fine.

His body and his breath, finally in proportion.

'He really did it….' she thought.

He wanted to thank him right away but when she turned, he was gone and so was Amelia.

"…..where …did they go?"

She tried looking around for him when a voice entered her ears.


It was like a whisper but she heard it, loud and clear. She turned to him, running to him. Grabbing his hand.

"Don't worry, sis is here."

A smile appeared on his lips as he was still asleep. Showing he was finally feeling fine.

"Thank god…" she said, the tears now flowing down like a waterfall.

"Thank god….you….are ok…."

There was no one to hide her tears from, so she let it flow, crying and weeping as much as she wanted. Tears and cries of joy, echoing within the room.






Out of nowhere Atlas and Amelia appeared at the second-highest floor of the tall healing center. The private office of Amelia looked much grander than her hundredth-floor office at Xandar.

There was a small waterfall in the middle of the wide hall-like room. Many gardens with rare herbs glowing in different collars. The ceiling was cramped with many lights, lighting the whole place like the sun.

For Atlas, it was a whole different world than the busy packed lobby on the ground floor. He was taking in the view until he felt a pinch on his now healed chest.


He looked down, Amelia closed to him, his hands at her waist and her hands on his chest. Both hugging each other like a couple in love.

" are indeed full of surprises, Atlas. Are you really a five-year-old?" she said in surprise, looking up to his unmasked face.

"haha…..Would you believe that I reincarnated in this world with my memories intact.." he replied jokingly.



Amelia laughed, laughing so hard that her stomach started cramping in.

"haha…..were you this funny back then, my baby Atlas." She said, grabbing his cheeks. "come here, I need to fully heal you first."

She pulled him towards a small bed, surrounded by many glowing flowers but looking up close. Those weren't small, not small at all.

'What the fuck are those?'

"Ha-ha…these are my babies, they scan your body to your core so that I can know if my holy fire did any damage to your insides. Now, now, lay down here…." she said, with a kind voice.

Atlas did as she said, lying down on the bed and the moment he did, the thick steam of the glowing rainbow flowers started moving around his body, spreading a white powder all over his body.josei

Amelia watched as she observed the process, but her eyes were in the middle of his legs. the urge to just pull his pants, welling within.

The effects were still there, her lust trying to overwhelm her conscious but more than just satisfaction, she cared about Atlas the most and this was one of the ways to see he was really fine with her Holy fire, which had eradicated many people to their souls.

The information came to her, as she was connected to the plants.

'Wait, what? His soul is fine? Well…..I am happy but, how is this possible? It's only possible if he is a ce….'

Amelia back down in shock at the mere thought, the thought that the boy is so dearly loved was...not human.

'No that can't be true…..calm down, it may be some kind of coinciden…'


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