The Longest Day in Chang'an

Chapter 98. Zizheng (00

Chapter 98. Zizheng (00:00-00:59) Part 5

Chapter 98. Zizheng (00:00-00:59) Part 5

Translator: DragonRider

A roar resounded through the whole ceremonial chamber. Blood was still flowing from Li Bi's nostrils. Never had he ever felt so angry. "Am I still the Sicheng of the Jing'an Department? Are you still a commandant?"

"Yes," Zhang Xiaojing replied deferentially.

"The orders I gave you were to stop the Termite's plots! Never did I say anything about ensuring your superior's safety, right?!"


"I'm okay with you taking my life, but you must save this city! The culprit is standing right beside you. What are you waiting for?!"

A sneer escaped Xiao Gui's nostrils. 'Did that shot send Li Bi soft in the head? Why is he still assuming bureaucratic airs in these circumstances?' wondered Xiao Gui. Zhang Xiaojing walked up at a gentle pace, unfastened the copper plate from his belt and respectfully inserted it between Li Bi's clothes and belt.

"Sicheng Li, I now request permission from you to resign as commandant. The man standing in front of you at this moment is no longer Commandant Zhang of the Jing'an Department but Big Head Zhang of the Eighth Regiment who used to fight bathing in blood on the battlefield, the General of the Indecent who once boldly murdered a Vice County Magistrate and was thrown into prison waiting to be executed, a mole who was once arrested by the Praetorian Guards Department, a convict condemned to death who's wanted by the whole city, and a veteran intending to make Chang'an pay for the injustices it inflicted on me!" josei

His voice kept rising as he stated his identities one by one and he was almost shouting at the end of his remarks.

Li Bi's face was dark with rage. He had an intimate knowledge of the reason why Zhang Xiaojing had been thrown into prison as well as what he had been through during the last couple of hours, and he knew even better how stressed and aggrieved Zhang Xiaojing was. And now the resentment that had been building up in Zhang Xiaojing all this time finally burst through his psychological defenses, his near-concrete ferocity so overwhelming that Li Bi could barely keep his eyes open.

Worse still, he was unable to find any words to contradict him.

After Zhang Xiaojing spat these remarks, his shoulders relaxed noticeably, if he had just rid himself of an extremely heavy burden. Xiao Gui standing on the side gave a gratified smile. In his eyes, Zhang Xiaojing's previous conduct had been absolutely synonymous with making a rod for his own back -- clearly he was brimming with hatred towards the Imperial Court, but he risked life and limb pursuing bubble reputation and illusory justice, which was so unwise.

Seeing Big Head Zhang had dismissed all his previous misgivings from his mind and also made an unmistakable attempt to kill his superior, Xiao Gui finally relaxed. He clenched his right fist to hit himself on the left shoulder with it, and Zhang Xiaojing followed suit. The two of them chorused, "To a regretless death."

For an instant, the two of them felt as if they had traveled back in time to the days when they'd been soldiers of the Eighth Regiment. Xiao Gui's eyes were faintly wet with tears.

At this time, Li Bi reluctantly queried, "Zhang Xiaojing, you promised me you'd seize the culprit. You're going to break your word?"

"No. Back then my answer was 'You're the one who chose me, and I'm the one who's making this decision. We both have to be responsible for our choices.'"

On hearing these words, Li Bi couldn't help but gave a mirthless smile. "You're right. I made the wrong choice, and I should take the consequences of my stupidity."

Zhang Xiaojing remarked, "You are not suitable for the position of Sicheng of the Jing'an Department. You should have chosen to practice Taoism: kowtowing to the Three Pure Ones (the three highest Gods in the Taoist pantheon) or the eleven deities from time to time, researching the Eight Diagrams, practicing divination, touring the Five Mountains (Taishan Mountain in Shandong, Hengshan Mountain in Hunan, Huashan Mountain in Shanxi, Hengshan Mountain in Shanxi and Songshan Mountain in Henan) -- any of these is better than working for the Jing'an Department. But if you want to take your revenge on me, I'm afraid you'll have to go to the bottom floor of the hell to find me."

Xiao Gui burst into laugh. "Well said. Hell is the only place people like us deserve to be sent to after death. I wonder whether your title of 'the Five-Honored Yama' would carry any weight or not when we're in there."

"This is all I have to say. Please think carefully, Mr Li." Zhang Xiaojing folded his hands in front.

Addressing Li Bi as 'Mr Li' was an indication that Zhang Xiaojing had thoroughly abandoned his post in the Jing'an Department, that saving Chang'an was no longer his responsibility in any way. After hearing this form of address, Li Bi finally gave up the idea of making any further efforts to convince him, his head down, silent.

Xiao Gui had Li Bi released from the column, instructed two guards to escort him, and then headed for the upper floor of the lantern pavilion with Zhang Xiaojing.

"Why are we taking him with us?" Zhang Xiaojing felt rather uneasy.

Xiao Gui replied, "Did I not tell you just now? He's needed elsewhere."

It was after hearing this that Zhang Xiaojing recalled. Previously there had been a questionable point: why had members of the Termite taken great pains to abduct Li Bi during their attack on the main hall of the Jing'an Department? 'It must be because he could be useful to them in a particular way that they let him live, but what on earth is it?' he wondered.

Xiao Gui could tell that Zhang Xiaojing was confused. He let out a laugh and said, "Come on. I'll show you something. You'll understand after seeing it."

The group of people left the ceremonial chamber in single file. Zhang Xiaojing had just stepped over the threshold when Xiao Gui, with a suddenly change of his countenance, aimed a kick at Zhang Xiaojing's waist. Having never expected that he would abruptly come at him, Zhang Xiaojing instantly fell to the ground. At the very instant when he fell, a wicked-looking blade brushed past his scalp.

In Yuan Zai's head, there was an intense struggle ongoing. Leaning against a pagoda tree, he stared at the blood-spattered front door and didn't utter a word for quite a while.

That man who was like a killing machine had slipped away right under his nose, scaring him shitless, but that remark he had made before leaving had been lingering in Yuan Zai's mind all along -- 'If any of you still have a bit of your senses left, you should go to the square in front of the Xingqing Palace as soon as possible. All members of the Termite are right there.'

'Is this a trap or the truth?' Yuan Zai wondered. He wanted to believe that remark was untrue, but it was totally unnecessary for Zhang Xiaojing to tell a lie like this; if it was the truth, why would Zhang Xiaojing be so kind? Offering a clue of his own accord to people who had been hunting him? Yuan Zai was too sensible to believe this.

He had always been proud of his discernment, but faced with Zhang Xiaojing who was like a mystery, he was in utter perplexity, feeling that he might as well get himself a chrysanthemum, tore off its petals one by one and let the providence make the decision.

At this time, a squad leader of the Lubi Army walked up to him and asked in undertones, "Should we break into the house and arrest them?"

A while ago they had caught an apprentice fleeing from the courtyard, challenged him and been informed that the owner of this abode was Chao Fen, whose backer was Chao Heng. It seemed that there was also a seriously wounded Persian in the courtyard. Given that Zhang Xiaojing had specially come to this place, they believed he was no doubt in league with them, that arresting them was definitely the right thing to do.

At least a dozen soldiers of the Lubi Army had been downed in this courtyard, which was an unprecedentedly heavy loss, so they were anxious to take revenge.

On hearing this suggestion, Yuan Zai shook his head. He didn't care about the reputation of the Lubi Army, and neither was he afraid of Chao Heng. He just felt that this matter was not as simple as they imagined it to be.

His subordinates were unaware, but Yuan Zai knew it very well that Zhang Xiaojing was not a mole, that somebody had made this whole thing up so that they could find a scapegoat more conveniently. Using this to frame others was viable, but if anybody really believed this conclusion and took it as a lead they could follow to conduct investigation into this case, they would be going in the exactly opposite direction of the truth.

'The exactly opposite direction of the truth?'

Yuan Zai suddenly smacked his palm onto the trunk of the pagoda tree and his eyes lit up, making an instant decision.

"Form up. We're going to the Xingqing Palace!"

The squad leader of the Lubi Army was amazed, believing that he had misheard the instruction.

"We're going to the Xingqing Palace!" Yuan Zai repeated in a resolute and decisive tone of voice.

He didn't know whether Zhang Xiaojing's words were true or not, but his inborn intuition was telling Yuan Zai that the situation in the Xingqing Palace was a greater uncertainty.

A greater uncertainty meant greater risk, and greater risk meant greater opportunities.

Yuan Zai believed that the god of fortune hadn't thoroughly forsaken him yet, that this was worth a shot.

At the instant when Zhang Xiaojing fell to the ground, Xiao Gui let out an angry roar, "Fishgut! What are you doing?!"

Outside the ceremonial chamber, someone slowly walked out of the shadows, holding a narrow-bladed sword as short as the gut of a fish in his right hand, his left hand droopy. It was not until this moment that Zhang Xiaojing came to the realization that Xiao Gui had kicked him aside to rescue him from that deadly sword strike. He was now absent-minded and his senses were not as sharp as usual. If it weren't for Xiao Gui, he would probably have died to the sword of Fishgut.

"Like I said, I'm going to take Zhang Xiaojing's life with my own hands," replied Fishgut sinisterly in a hoarse voice.

Xiao Gui interposed himself between Zhang Xiaojing and Fishgut to prevent Fishgut from striking again. "Zhang Xiaojing is already one of us now. Your hostility towards him is not necessary any more."

"How do you know he's not faking his surrender?"

"You let me to worry about that!" Xiao Gui thundered. "Even if he's faking his surrender, our men are everywhere in this place. What do you possibly have to worry about?!"

Fishgut was totally unaffected by this explanation. "He humiliated me by breaking my left arm, for which he must pay with his life."

Xiao Gui had no choice but to stress once again in a severe tone of voice, "I'm going to say this one more time: he is one of us now. Whatever it was that previously happened between you two is not to be brought up ever again!"

Fishgut shook his head. "It doesn't matter which side he's on. I just want him dead."

Instantly, the atmosphere outside the ceremonial chamber came weird. Zhang Xiaojing had just switch sides a while ago, yet he had to face an internal strife.

"This is the ninth thing I want you to do -- do not touch him!" Xiao Gui's voice was so loud that he was almost yelling. He jerked aside a corner of his robe, raised a length of red thread on which two copper coins had been strung, took off one of them and tossed it to Fishgut.

Fishgut caught it in mid-air and queried in astonishment, "You are doing this for an enemy?"

"Did you hear my words or not? Do not touch him," replied Xiao Gui.

"Fine. But know this, after you use the last copper coin, this constriction will be no longer valid," Fishgut emphasized. "The day when I finish the last thing for you will be the day he dies."

Zhang Xiaojing took a step forward. "Fishgut, I promise you I'll have a fair duel with you after all this is over, one only one of us will survive."

Fishgut stared at Zhang Xiaojing's eyes. "How do I know you'll keep your promise?"

"You have no choice other than believe me."

Fishgut kept silent for a few moments, probably believing that the chance of him killing Zhang Xiaojing right here was slim. Finally, he inclined his head. "All right."

Fishgut's figure soon disappeared into the dark and with that a voice came from somewhere. "If you go back on your word, I'll kill Wen Ran instead."

Xiao Gui furrowed his brow, twisted his head around and said to Zhang Xiaojing with an apologetic face, "Big Head, this asshole named Fishgut is somewhat different from others. He's willing to follow orders but at the same time he maintains a certain degree of independence. I'll handle this matter after the big plan is carried out. I assure you it won't be a trouble for you."

Keeping a stiff upper lip, Zhang Xiaojing responded, "I can take care of myself, but Wen Wuji's daughter can't."

Xiao Gui huffed, "If he dares to harm Wen Ran, I'll finish him with my own hands!"

They ascended the stairs outside the ceremonial chamber. On their way upstairs, Xiao Gui briefed Zhang Xiaojing on the background of Fishgut.

Fishgut had grown up in a Shouzhuo city near Lingwu, and nobody knew anything about his parentage. The only thing most people knew about him was that whoever offended Fishgut would end up becoming a corpse ditched in the wilderness with an extremely narrow slit in the throat. The local Shouzhuo Mercenary branch had recruited Fishgut but soon found this guy too difficult to keep under control and thus decided to eliminate him. Unexpectedly, Fishgut took the initiative and counter-attacked. He assassinated several high-ranking officials of the Shouzhuo Mercenary branch and almost took the life of their leader. Senior management of the Shouzhuo Mercenary were infuriated and launched an extensive hunt. Fishgut was surrounded and seriously wounded in a fight and would have died long ago had Xiao Gui not shown up in time.

Zhang Xiaojing thought, 'No wonder this Fishgut guy is so proficient in impersonating a Fire-master. It turns out that he has history with this organization. If it comes to the knowledge of the Shouzhuo Mercenary that the assassin they nearly seized that day was Fishgut, things might have been a lot more complicated.'

Xiao Gui resumed the story. Fishgut had not been highly grateful to him after being rescued. He'd merely strung ten copper coins on a thread and given them to Xiao Gui, telling him that he would do ten things for the Termite, and then the two of them would be even, which was why Xiao Gui had said that Fishgut was willing to follow orders but maintained a certain degree of independence, that he was difficult to control.

Now Xiao Gui had used nine copper coins already and had only one left.

"I'm sorry to have wasted one of your copper coins."

Xiao Gui replied, "You don't need to apologize. How could this be a waste? Besides, there's only one thing that I need Fishgut to do for me. After that, I won't need him any more..." He ground his teeth with a cruel smile which was soon replaced by a concerned expression.

"Big Head, we need to be more careful from here."

Zhang Xiaojing cast an upward glance and found that on the ceremonial chamber was the attic of the temple. As they reached the top of the stairs of the attic, they entered the bottom of the main body of the lantern pavilion. Zhang Xiaojing and Li Bi greeted by the scene in front of them couldn't help but hold their breath.

Above his head was a magnificent dome as complicated as a giant spider's lair. The whole Taishang-xuanyuan Grand Lantern Pavilion consisted of a skeleton, which had been built with thick criss-cross bamboos and wooden beams, and a cover made of colorful brocade and satin. The space inside it was amazingly huge. Thick deal planks had been placed on crossbeams in a criss-cross pattern, forming countless fairly unsteady bridges spiraling upwards. There were also a lot of ropes, gears and wheels hanging nearby, the functions of which were probably known to none but masters like Mao Shun or Chao Fen.

Along those bridges made of planks, they kept climbing upwards spirally. At the height of around twenty-five meters or so, a gust of night wind suddenly blew by the skeleton of the lantern pavilion. Zhang Xiaojing could distinctly felt the whole lantern pavilion rocking slightly, giving off a creaking.

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