The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 1080

Chapter 1080: After the war (4)

Sterling walked into the bar to look for someone, the only person that concerned him the most for the last seven years.

His eyes skimmed briefly that almost empty room and found Leon instead. He was standing behind the table bar and was wiping a champagne glass.

"Where is he?" Sterling stopped in front of Leon and immediately asked him without saying a 'hello' beforehand.

However, the man understood, who was Sterling talking about and nodded his head toward the door at his left, without raising his head from the champagne glass in his hand.

Sterling then walked toward the door that Leon had pointed to him, with hurry steps. His face flustered red with anger.

How could this lycan be so reckless?!

Kace almost told to the whole world that he was a non- human! They had agreed that they needed to keep it down.

However, this stupid lycan showed his power and made a chaos in the town. Taking down ten people with ease as if he had just ate a bunch of steroid and became superhuman.

Damn superhuman! No one would believe that! Those stupid human would immediately assume he was one of the non- human existence.

No. Kace was a non- human existence and he just revealed that!

This stupid Lycan!

Sterling pushed opened the door and found that stupid lycan was sitting on a high chair, with a bottle of drink in his hand, like he could be drunk even after drinking all the bottles in this bar. historical

"The sun is still out there! What are you doing with that?! You just wasted those alcohol!" Indeed! There was no use of that alcohol for this lycan, but he still drunk it.

"It feels good in my throat," Kace said hoarsely and then gulped down the liquid. "I will not die anyway, so why do I have to hold myself back?"

"You will not die, but you surely will put someone into trouble." Sterling slapped the back of Kace's head and sat down beside him, taking away the bottle from his hand. "Stop drinking! What is the problem with you?"

Kace squinted his eyes in disgust, his hoarse voice was like a scratch on the wall when Sterling heard it. "Do you really ask why I am like this?" he raised his voice, but then shook his head. "Until when do I have to wait?"

Of course Sterling knew, who Kace meant was…

"It has been seven freaking years! I don't even know, whether I can get my mate back!" he roared in frustration and put his head on the bar table.

If Kace acted this way, there was nothing Sterling could do, except sighed helplessly.

In this case, knowing your mate had died and wouldn't get her back was way uncomplicated rather than waiting for the reunion that was not sure when exactly it would happen.

It almost felt like you were going through your each day soullessly…


Leon was still wiping the glasses in his bar, while his sister was sitting on the barstool right in front of him and did not stop talking about her nonsensical wish.

"Why he keeps waiting for someone that will never return when there is me?" She rounded her eyes in disbelieve, complaining to her brother about the way Kace treated her these past seven years. "Seven years! His mate will never return! She is dead!" she grumbled loudly and gulped down her drinks rather aggressively, as if that drink had wronged her in any way.

Meanwhile, Leon rolled his eyes dramatically when he heard that. "Don't let Kace heard what you just said earlier, he will run away from you and you will never be able to find him again." He shrugged his shoulder. "I don't mind if he runs from you. But, he is my friend."

"But, I am your sister!" Abby argued.

"I need my friend more than a sister like you," he answered her straightforwardly. "At the very least, he doesn't give me a headache like you do."

Abby sneered disdainfully upon hearing that statement. "He will not hear it. He is sleeping now." And then, out of instinct, her eyes looked at the door where Kace and Sterling were there. "He should stop waiting and choose me."

"Why he has to choose you?"

There was a voice that came from the entrance door that startled the two siblings. Out of instinct, Leon and Abby turned around to find a girl with a long black hair was walking toward them with confidence.

Her eyes zeroed in Abby's when she approached her and stood right in front of the witch.

On the other hand, Leon almost dropped the champagne glass in his hand when he realized, who was there. Who this girl was.

Of course they knew her.

This was the girl that they just talked about.

She was Hope.

"Why he has to choose you?" Hope repeated her question with hostility. The last thing that she wanted to see the moment she returned was the fact there was a fly around her mate.

Therefore, she would crush those flies if they tried to be closer than this.

Meanwhile, Abby gulped down hard and looked at Hope in disbelieve, forgetting the question that was thrown at her.

"Listen," Hope said viciously, her patient grew thin when Abby acted mum like this. "Don't flirt, don't hope, don't tease, don't talk to my mate, because that's all my job to do."

And then, without waiting for the answer, Hope had shifted her attention to Leon, who was still staring at her like he was looking at a ghost.

"Where is Kace?" Hope asked.

Yet, Leon's answer was interrupted by Abby, as she just snapped back to reality. "You shouldn't be here! You are dead!" her voice screeched painfully in Hope's ears. "You had gone for seven years!"

Hope then gave the attention that Abby needed before she said, "I have gone, but now I am back." She replied simply. "So, stay away from him, before I do something horrible to your ugly face. You know, right? I just returned from the dead?"

Hope glared at Abby fiercely and asked Leon again about Kace's whereabouts, without taking her eyes away from his sister. "Where is Kace?"

"He is inside that door," Leon replied, nodding his head at the door.

Hope glanced briefly at the door that Leon showed to her and walked there without hesitation with steady steps. There was a complicated emotion that swirled inside of her heart.

And the fact that Kace was still waiting for her even now and didn't give Abby a slight chance to come close to him, made her heart swelled with pride. That's his boy!

Hope stood in front of the door and took a deep breath before she twisted the handle and pushed the door open.

However, when she was about to step into the room, there was someone else, who opened the door at the same time like her.

It was Sterling.

The man looked at Hope in disbelieve. His eyes opened wide and his mouth formed a small gap.

"Impossible…" he muttered to himself when he watched the girl, who was standing behind the door. She was smiling and greeted him, proving that she was not only an illusion.

"Sterling, long time no see…" She said cheerfully and when the man before her eyes didn't give her any response, she hugged him. "I am real. I am here."

Only when Hope hugged him, Sterling snapped back to reality and reciprocated the warm hug to the girl. He kissed her forehead and said how grateful he was that she was there.

"You should check on Kace." Sterling glanced into the room and released her body. "He is a mess without you."

Hope giggled when she heard that and wiped the happy tears from her eyes. "I know."

Sterling smiled fondly at her, because seeing her now was a great assurance that Kace wouldn't do something outrageous again.

"Go and see him," Sterling said and then he stepped out of the room, closed the door to give the couple privacy.

The moment Hope was standing alone there, her eyes skimmed the room until she found Kace was lying on a couch with his arms over his face, sleeping, seemingly didn't realize that the person he had been wating like crazy had finally there.

With a slow and steady steps Hope approached her mate and sat beside him. She stretched out her hand and touched his cheeks.

"Hey, wolfie, wake up…" She nudged his cheeks until she got a response from him.

At first, Kace wanted to ignore this little disturbance, but then he sensed her scent and abruptly opened his eyes.

For a moment Hope and Kace just stared at each other, as the lycan was still thinking this was a dream that he had wished for long time, because when he touched her, he couldn't feel the spark.

However, Hope then spoke, "there is no mate bond between us anymore. Do you still want me?"

No mate bond?

Kace's mind spun in confusion and then found out that he couldn't mind- link her as well.

"I am just ordinary human with a long life span to be with you. Will you still want me?" Hope felt her throat tightened when her tears threatened to fall.

Especially when Kace stretched out his arms and pulled her closer, whispering to her ears the words that she had expected him to say, but it was still echoed in her ears beautifully and shook her entire soul nonetheless.


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