The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 392 - GOODBYE

Chapter 392 - GOODBYE

Aeon heard what Torak was asking to him and his demanding tone. He shifted his eyes to Raine and there was a sorrow in his eyes.

"I think it's time for you to go…" his voice was barely a whisper as he let go of Raine reluctantly.

Raine didn't even take a second glance before she rushed toward Torak and hugged him tightly, she buried her face against his chest and inhaled in his scent. There was something comforting about having a physical contact with him.

Raine had experienced more than once when she almost lost him. She was so scared and didn't want to let him go again.

This only made it clear for Raine the importance of Torak in her life.

"My love…" Torak did the same thing as he held his mate protectively. "Thank you for saving me…" yet Torak felt Raine was shaking her head and tried to say something, but apparently words had failed her, thus she remained quiet and nuzzled him.

There was a great pain upon seeing this scene for Aeon and he didn't realize how long he had held his breathe.

It wasn't only Torak who had been waiting for Raine for more than century, he did the same thing. He had done everything just to be with her again.

From selling his soul to the devil to this very moment, to the consequences that Aeon had to face. There was no escape from this.

Aeon had gone all the way just to find her, to protect her, the only thing that he didn't do it right was; he let Torak to meet her first.

To let Raine depended on the Alpha.

At this moment, Aeon wondered. Only if, if he met her sooner, would the end be different? Only if he showed himself, would he lose her again?

Aeon wondered…

Yet, there was nothing he could do now to change all of this.

Aeon remembered how he used to follow her from the shadow and ward off any harm that would fall upon her because she could see those supernatural creatures and how her blood invited more danger than she could imagine.

He had tried to protect her all the time, but Raine didn't have any slightest idea about that.

Aeon had watched every tears that fell from her beautiful eyes, he had watched how she grew up, how her fear turned her so timid, but he didn't show himself just because Aeon thought Raine couldn't handle it yet.

Aeon was waiting for the right time to appear before her eyes, waiting until she grew up a little bit more.

Regardless what he did, Torak took her away the moment he saw her, the moment he felt his mate presence.

Probably, Aeon should have done the same thing…

He shouldn't think…

After what he had done, Raine didn't even look him in the eyes. There was a self- deprecating smile hung on the corner of his lips and this sharp pain that Aeon felt, grew stronger and stronger until it forced him to kneel.

He clutched his chest where he could feel his heart became very weak, just like the exhausted wings of bird, flapping intermittently.

"My love, I think you should go to him…" Torak whispered when he witnessed Aeon's condition, the shadow warrior wouldn't last for long.

At first Raine didn't understand what Torak meant. She raised her head to see Torak through her teary eyes.

And then she realized that Torak was looking toward something, or… someone.

Raine followed his gaze as she turned her body and found Aeon had knelt on the ground while clutching his chest, his whole body was trembling.

"What happen to him…" Raine blinked her eyes, let her tears fell rapidly on her cheeks. But, she didn't want to move from his mate's arms until Torak caressed her head lovingly and whispered something weird in her ears.

"Go and see him, maybe this will be your last…" Torak said in understanding tone. It sounded very weird that it came from him.

Raine, hesitantly, let go from Torak and walked toward Aeon as she knelt in front of him too and stared at the shadow warrior, who seemingly in great pain.

"Aeon, what happen…?" Raine asked carefully as she brushed away her tears from her face. "Are you okey?"

Aeon raised his head to look at Raine. His face was so pale as if there wasn't a drop of blood in his veins, or maybe he hadn't.

"Are you injured?" Raine became worried, at the very least, Aeon had helped her a lot. He has the most credit this time. Raine wouldn't be able to find Torak if it wasn't because of him. "Let me see it."

"No…" Aeon shook his head tiredly. "…just let me see you."

Raine frowned and turned her body to look at Torak, who was standing two meters away from her. In normal circ.u.mstances, Torak would have stayed next to her. What happened here?

"What happened to him?" Torak must have known something, or else he wouldn't so generous to let Raine approached the shadow warrior, giving them space like what he did now.

"He is dying." It was Serefina who answered Raine, behind her there was Calleb and Raphael, walking closer to them. historical

"What do you mean he is dying?" Raine didn't see that he was injured, he was perfectly fine. "Are you injured? Show me." She turned her attention on Aeon, demanding for him to show her his injuries.

"What happened to him is not something that you can help." Serefina inched closer toward them as she stood next to Torak.

"What do you mean with that?" Raine furrowed her brows as she felt bad omen upon seeing how they acted.

Serefina didn't answer Raine's question immediately, she looked at Aeon with complicated gaze, before she spoke again. "I am sorry this happened to you." Serefina's voice was so deep and low. She shifted her green lime eyes toward Raine, "I think this is the time where you have to say goodbye to him."

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