The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 421 - THREE YEARS OLD

Chapter 421 - THREE YEARS OLD

"NO!" Kace's heart skipped a beat as he rushed toward a certain little girl, who was trying to climb the stairs the moment no one saw her.

Lana walked out of her room when she heard Kace cried and found the big guy was carrying Hope to get down from the stairs.

"Why she likes to climb the stairs?!" Kace tugged his hair in frustration as he saw Lana on the second floor, staring down at him and Hope.

"I don't know. She just likes it." Lana shrugged her shoulder and walked back to her room, there was something that she had to finish because Serefina needed it this evening. "I will be in my room if you need me." She said before turned on her heel and left the two people there.

"I want stairs!" Hope tried to wriggle her small body from Kace's grip, but it was definitely a futile attempt. "Bad brother! Climb!" Hope pounded her small fist on Kace's chest because he didn't let her go.

"No! It's dangerous!" Kace objected and carried her to the kitchen. He was making a lunch for Hope when the baby girl rushed out of the kitchen. "And I am not a bad guy."

"Bad! Bad!" Hope kept pounding her small fist on Kace and started to cry.

"You will fall." Kace sighed helplessly, he didn't like it when his baby girl was about to cry like this. "You have to eat."

"No eating." Hope covered her mouth with both of her hands and shook her head as her pigtail swung with her movement. "No eating."

"No, you have to eat." Kace put her down on her chair and brought the bowl that filled with cereal in front of her. "Eat, okay?"

Yet, the little girl frowned and stared at Kace with her teary eyes while pouting her lips, ready to cry her heart out.

"No. No. No. don't cry…" Kace became panic and squatted down in front of her. "Sst… sst…"

However, the more anxious Kace became, the more tears that spilled from her beautiful eyes until her cry echoed inside the kitchen.

"Lana… Lana…" Hope sobbed pitifully until her face turned red.

Seeing his mate was crying, Kace tried to coax her and wiped away her tears. "LANA! LANA!" Even Kace cried out to call the other girl.

"What? Why? What happened?" the sounds of Lana footsteps could be heard when she rushed down the stairs and ran on the corridor.

The first scene that she watched was; Hope, who was crying with tears streaming down her cheeks and Kace, who seemed about to cry too.

"What is going on here?" Lana was confused.

"Lana…" Hope raised both of her arms, asking the girl to carry her. "Climb…" She said between her sobs. action

Lana immediately approached the little girl and picked her up from her chair. "What happened to her?"

"She wants to climb the stairs… but, it's dangerous." Kace pouted and grimaced when Hope didn't even want to see him.

"Why is she like that?" Kace spoke pitifully. "Why she doesn't like me? I just don't want her to be hurt…"

At this moment, Lana really wanted to face- palm herself because she couldn't understand, how the legendary Kace Donovan, who managed to survive the great war and led their kind along with his two other brothers, managed to act all pitiful, childish and over sensitive like right now.

Just because the rejection of three years old child.

"Kace. Please. You don't live up your name as the great Lycan." Lana glared at Kace. This man was totally clueless about how to handle his little mate.

Well, Lana couldn't blame him. Kace was only allowed to meet with Hope once a year and every time he came, Hope would forget about him.

She was only a child after all.

And Kace over protective nature didn't help the case either. He would freak out about everything while Hope was an adventurous little child.

Lana could already see it when Hope would always be curious about her surroundings.

"Bad brother!" Hope cried on the crook of Lana's shoulder.

"Nooo…" Kace howled when he heard Hope's words. "No, baby no…"

Lana sent Kace a look that was saying; stay there.

Kace, who was about to approach Hope and explain why he did not allow her to climb the stairs, as though Hope could understand him, stopped on his track and stood still obediently, watching as Lana coaxed her.

"What do you want baby?" Lana caressed her back and nuzzled her head. The gesture that Kace envied.

"Climb." Hope raised her head and pointed at the direction of the kitchen door, she wanted to climb the stairs.

Indeed, this was her favorite now.

"Alright, but after that, you have to eat." Lana tried to compromise with her

"No." Hope shook her head and covered her mouth again.

"If you don't eat, then I will not let you climb the stairs." Lana's expression turned stern.

"Climb the stairs!" Hope pouted her lips, though her tears had stopped, but her long lashes still wet. She looked like a stubborn little girl now.

"No eat, no climb the stairs." Lana also didn't back down as she looked straight into her eyes. "Okey?"

Hope lowered her eyes and snuggled into the crook of Lana's shoulder as she replied sullenly. "Okey…"

That little banter made Kace's eyes wide in surprise. How Lana could have a conversation like that?

"Do you want to ride a wolf?" Lana asked again and gave Kace a look.

"Wuulf?" Hope raised her head again and bit her lips as she nodded excitedly before a smile bloomed on her face. "Hope wants wuulf!"

"You can ask him. He can show you a wolf." Lana nodded at Kace, who was looking at her eagerly. "He can give you a wolf."

Hope turned her attention toward Kace, thinking, while the later waiting for her reaction and the moment Hope raised her arms toward Kace, his heart swelled with happiness as he carried her.

"Wuulf for Hope?"

"I will give you everything, baby."

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