The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 429 - SEVEN YEARS OLD (3)

Chapter 429 - SEVEN YEARS OLD (3)

"No…" Hope threw her arms around Kace's neck and buried her face on the crook of his shoulder. "I love you all." She said softly.

Kace hugged her small figure tightly, but not strong enough to hurt her. "I know you do."

He cradled her like that for a few moments until her small voice broke the silence. "Why I don't have parents? Do they not want me?"

Kace rubbed her back as he leaned against the backrest of the sofa. "Of course they want you. They love you." He placed a tender kiss on her forehead as he could feel that fact had upset her.

The fact that she didn't have parents.

The fact that Hope didn't realize it until she enrolled in her school and watched that she was different. She knew Serefina wasn't her mother and Lana was not her sister, just like people assumed they were.

"So, why they are not here with me?" Hope raised her head and looked at Kace sullenly. "I had never seen them."

There was slightly frown on Kace's face when he heard Hope's words as he didn't know how to explain it. "I will explain it when you grew older, okay?" for the meantime, he would settle with that.

"But I am older." Hope pulled her lips into a frown. "I am big already."

"Yes, you are a big girl now." Kace agreed. "But, I will tell you when you are bigger than this. Okay?" until that moment, Kace would find a way to explain the whole situation to her.

Though Hope disagreed with Kace's idea, it could be seen from the way her eyes shone in dissent, yet she nodded anyway. historical

"Alright, are you still upset now?" Kace tucked her stray hair behind her ears and the little girl nodded again. "How about we go out to buy some ice cream and snack?"

"Yes!" just like the bright sun that appeared after gloomy days, Hope's smile bloomed beautifully.

"Change your dress first, I have to talk about something with Serefina first, okay?" Kace put her down and she ran toward her bedroom excitedly. "Be careful, or you will trip."

Yet, she still ran along the corridor regardless Kace's warning and he could only shake his head helplessly.

Kace stood up and walked toward Serefina's bedroom, but before he could knock on the door, the witch had opened it.

"What?" Serefina closed the door behind her and crossed her arms as she stared at Kace.

"I will bring Hope outside for a moment." Kace told Serefina about his plan. "She is quite upset because of what happened in the school, we will take a walk for awhile."

Serefina raised her eyebrows. "You will risk our situation."

"She had been locked for five years in her early life and now you have been locked her for another two years." Kace argued.

"She goes to school." Serefina said in matter of fact.

"Yes, but she needs to see the outside world too." Kace pulled his lips into a scowl. He didn't want Hope to be locked away from the world. That wasn't life that he wanted to show her.

"Alright." unexpectedly Serefina agreed. She shrugged and was about to enter her room again. "Come back before sunset."

Because after the sun had set, her magic would wear off, the magic that helped them to hide from unnecessary trouble and uninvited creatures.

"Don't worry, we will come back before that." Kace gave her a wolfish grin, but a second later his face turned serious. "Have you heard something about Gluttony?"

Kace lost the devil's tracks two months ago when he tried to escape from Jedrek's people. Until now, Kace still led them to the west side of this realm, made them believe if he was there.

Serefina thought about that for a little while longer before she spoke in concern. "Be careful. She is the determined one." But, then she added. "Well, the seven of them are very determined on their target too."


"I can't see it." Hope jumped a few times, but because of the crowd on the street, she couldn't see anything.

Apparently, it was the season for festivity and there was a long parade and carnival on the street. Hope was very excited because this was the first time she watched something like this.

"I want to see it." Hope used Kace's feet as her footing, yet it didn't help much with her height all she could see was only the back of people in front of her.

Kace let out joyful chuckled upon seeing his little mate futile attempt, he liked the way her eyebrows scrunched in frustration or the way she got angry and annoyed.

But, definitely Kace wouldn't ruin his precious little thing mood now, just to enjoy a look of annoyance on her face.

"Come here." Kace bent his body to pick her up as if she was weight nothing, well that was true though. Hope was like a cotton; fluffy, cute and pure, everything that Kace loved.

"WHOA!" The lycan picked her up and put her on his shoulder, let both of her legs dangled on the front side of his body as he held her h.i.p.s carefully and Hope grabbed onto his hair.

"Can you see it now?" Kace raised his head just in time to see how her face beamed in happiness and her obsidian eyes shone beautifully.

"Yes!" Hope laughed and clapped her hands, following the music from the parade in front of her. She was very happy, smiling widely, forgetting her missing tooth.

And for Kace, there was nothing else that he wanted in this world, he would trade everything in his possession only to see those dazzling happiness from her face.

Unknown to them, there was a pair of golden eyes that stared at them widely among the crowd. Her golden eyes too, shinning in delight as she licked her lips and gulped hard.

A wick devilish smile tugged on her lips. She finally found her…

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