The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 432 - NINE YEARS OLD

Chapter 432 - NINE YEARS OLD

Serefina raised her eyebrows when she looked at Hope. The little girl was covered in blood and mud.

"What the hell happened to her?" Serefina crossed her arms. She didn't appreciate the sight of Hope right now.

"Mrs. Mason, please your words…" Ariel, Hope's home teacher, whispered to Serefina timidly. She was still afraid of this woman, even now.

"Oh, this is the way you talk." Mrs. Ramirez, Drake's mother, sneered at Serefina. She raised her chin and crossed her arms haughtily. "I will not wonder why your daughter is very rude."

Serefina shifted the attention of her green lime eyes toward the woman who was talking with hostility just a second ago.

Even that small gesture, managed to make Ariel gulped hard. She felt like she was watching a thriller movie, where the murderer was gazing down on their victim.

Probably, Mrs. Ramirez also felt the same chill that ran down her spine and wanted to lower her head to avert Serefina's eyes, yet her prideful- self made her glared back at Serefina instead.

Wrong move…

"Hm… nice analogy." Serefina hummed. "I will not wonder if your son is like a girl, since you are a woman, of course."

If that statement meant to be a joke, then it wasn't funny at all, but if it meant to be a sarcasm, apparently it was too blunt.

"Do you want to say that my boy like a girl!" Mrs. Ramirez blew up her top and was about to rush toward Serefina.

However, one hard look from the witch was enough to make her stop on her track. Those glaring green lime eyes were very terrifying, as if they were not from this world.

Which was half true… historical

"Please, calm down Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Ramirez." Mrs. Maya, the head principal tried to ease the tenses that started to build up in the air as he cleared his throat. "We will ask to the children first about what was happening."

Then, Mrs. Maya gave a meaningful look to Ariel.

"Drake, will you tell me what happened?" Ariel asked softly at Drake. She didn't know what was exactly happening because when they were fighting it was break time and there were only a few students there.

Most of them said that Drake had been bothering Hope by tugging her hair a couple of time. Ariel knew that Hope didn't like if someone touched her hair, she had experienced it since the first day of school.

"Hope ignored me!" Drake pointed his fingers toward Hope with accusation that burned in his black eyes. "I was talking to her, but she didn't reply!"

"I don't want to talk with you!" Hope shouted at him, her soft expression turned hard as she gritted her teeth.

Her hair was slightly disheveled, also her shirt.

"See?! She is very rude!" this time, it was Mrs. Ramirez who pointed her finger toward the little girl with accusation. "How this prestigious school could accept a girl as rude as her?!"

Serefina didn't say anything as she rubbed her chin with tedious look.

Lana was running some errand for her, that was why it was her, which should be there and dealt with the situation.

Hope glanced at Serefina, looking for comfort after being shouted, yet she didn't do anything and just stood there with boring expression.

"Mrs. Ramirez please calm down." Mrs. Maya's voice a little bit stern now. "You can't talk to a child in that way. Let's hear what Drake say first."

"There is no need for that! It must be this girl, who acted outrageous! Therefore, Drake taught her some lesson!" Mrs. Ramirez talked boldly.

"Mrs. Ramirez." Mrs. Maya sighed helplessly. "That is not the way we teach our students."

Mrs. Ramirez scoffed loudly. "Are you not ashamed to have a daughter like her?" she directed that question toward Serefina, because she had not yet said anything after that bold statement. "Well, I can see that she got that from you."

Unexpectedly, Serefina started with a chuckle on that statement, but then it turned into a mocking laugh. She covered her mouth and flashed harmless smile on the people inside the room.

Not to mention those people, even Hope was confused about why she was laughing now.

"You are talking about shame?" Serefina snorted in the end of her laugh.

The sound of it was quite enchanting in their ears, just like under the spell, Mrs. Maya didn't interrupt her like she did to Mrs. Ramirez.

"I will be more embarrassed if I have a child like your son." Serefina's flashed toward the little boy, who was immediately hiding behind her mother. "He was crying because fighting a girl? The girl who is smaller than him? Is he even a boy? Maybe you are mistaken his gender." Serfina gave a disdain look to Mrs. Ramirez. "Very embarrassing."

"Mrs. Mason, we can talk…" Ariel was trying to calm both parties, but unfortunately for her, Serefina had not yet done.

"If he is my son, I will definitely disown him after this," she sneered. "Crying after fighting with a girl?"

"You! How dare you talking to me like that!" Though her voice was very loud, but deep in her heart, she felt embarrassed because what she said was true. "You don't know me!?"

"The same question." Serefina tilted her head and gave her vicious smile. "You don't know me?"

And with that question from her, the entire room fell into silence.


"You used your magic." Hope was trying to catch up with Serefina when they walked out of the school building to the parking lot.

"Hm." Serefina didn't bother to hide the fact that she used her magic to make Mrs. Ramirez apologize to her and Hope.

"But, that's not fair." Hope grumbled.

"Why it's not fair? I used my ability."

"But, you are a witch."

Serefina rolled her eyes. "So, is that my fault that she wasn't born as a witch?"

That statement made the little girl giggled.

"Listen. Next time, if you want to punch him, punch him hard until he couldn't talk. Understood?"


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