The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 449 - THIRTEEN YEARS OLD (13)

Chapter 449 - THIRTEEN YEARS OLD (13)

The moment Kace opened the bedroom door, totally darkness greeted his eyes, yet he let it be, as he could see his mate just fine in this kind of condition.

Hope's small body crouched down under the blanket that covered her whole figure, pillows scattered around her, if it wasn't because her uneven breathing, she was perfectly hid on her own bed.

Kace walked inside the room and sat down at the edge of her bed after shoving away a few pillows, so he could take a closer look at the bundle beside him.

Extending his eyes, Kace gave pats on Hope's head but didn't say anything.

They kept quiet for long time with only her occasion sobs and Kace's breathing that could be heard inside the dark bedroom. action

It happened until the little girl decided to come out from her hiding place and regarded Kace with her teary eyes.

Hope thought Kace wouldn't be able to see her in this darkness, but Kace could see her regardless, even the faint strain of streaming tears on her cheeks or her wet lashes. He could see it all.

"Serefina erased my friends' memories about me." Hope's voice came out hoarser than she thought, but it didn't stop her from complaining to Kace. "She didn't need to do that, right? Is it the way she punished me?"

Kace couldn't help it as he scooped Hope's body and placed her in his laps, cradled her in his arms and patted her back to soothe her dejection.

It worked well when Hope stopped sobbing and nuzzled her face on his chest, looking for another form of comfort.

"Serefina did not punish you, it is her way to keep you safe." Kace said in soft voice, he could hear Hope scoffed against the fabric of his front shirt and this made him laugh. "I agreed with you that her method looks very cruel, but she means good, yet don't know how to show that side of her emotions."

Kace knew what he was saying right now was true. He has known her for centuries now and even when they were still in their realm, before the great war happened, it was always him who was able to get along well with her during her stay in the castle.

If he thought about it, he should be proud of himself because not many people could stand her sharp tongue and quirky remarked.

"She is so mean!" the little angel in Kace's arms bit back, didn't like when he defended the witch and he could only grimace upon hearing Hope's sharp voice.

"I know. I know…" Kace patted her head to appease her anger.

"They will not remember me." Hope was sobbing again and kept rumbling about the memories that she had created with her other friends for hours, venting out her frustration while Kace would only let out a hum to acknowledge her complains.

"I tried to attract his attention and we are getting close now, but he will not remember me again after this…" Hope's rumbling reached the point where she talked about the boy in her class that she had crush on him.

"Wait. What?" The hand that pat Hope's back stopped as his body stiffened. Kace found himself was gritting his teeth. "What boy?"

As if she was just awaken from her long reverie, Hope was startled, she didn't know why she felt very comfortable and blurted out that story about Ian.

It was only Alyssa and Rena who knew that she had a crush on him and also helped to create opportunity for Hope to talk to him during their break. Ian was a senior, he was only two years older than them.

"My senior…" Hope said timidly, biting her lips. She didn't know why suddenly she felt nervous to let Kace knew about this.

It was only normal right for the girl around her age to have a crush on other boy, right?

Hope was unsure if Kace agreed with that logic based on his reaction right now.

"And you what? You like him?" Kace asked incredulously. Oh, Selene…

You did not only give me a drooling baby as my mate, but now as she grew up, she actually likes a teenage boy? It is too hard for him…

How the lycan could compete with the boy that barely reached the age of fifteen? Fifteen years were nothing in his world. That amount of time would fly by in a blink of an eye.

The worst part was because Kace couldn't tell Hope that she was his and she was his mate, the person that he dedicated every single breath and every single beat of his heart for…

What a cruel reality that kace had to face…

And now he was forced to hear his mate complained about another guy without him could do nothing!

Where was the mate- bond that all of the mate shifter would feel it? Couldn't she feel it too? Was it only him that could feel the pull?

Oh, right! Serefina had mentioned it, it would only him who would feel it and the mate- bond only worked on him not on both sides.

In another way, Hope could fall in love with other men as her heart pleased and for him? Kace would be doom…

At this moment of time, Kace was glad and had the sudden urged to thank Serefina for what she had done.

Well, the sympathy and sadness that he felt for Hope had evaporated into thin air since Hope mentioned her senior, Ian.

"Hm. I wish Serefina did not only erase his memories, but also his existence." Kace grumbled when he heard Hope was rumbling about that boy.

Hope raised her head, "what?" she was not sure with what she heard from Kace.

"Nothing." Kace shook his head, trying to get rid his jealousy that started to root in his chest. "Happy birthday my angel."

"Oh, right! Today is my birthday!" Hope spoke excitedly and Kace leaned over to kiss her forehead.

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