The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 454 - FOURTEEN YEARS OLD (5)

Chapter 454 - FOURTEEN YEARS OLD (5)

"What kind of law?" Hope asked eagerly. This conversation was getting more and more interesting. At this point she had forgotten that she just met them for hours. In Ethan and Rossie case, it was less than an hour to be exact.

However, Hope felt excited as if she had known them for years.

Finally, she found someone who could share this kind of thing and was able to see that most people couldn't see it.

This was kind of conversation that Hope really wanted, rather than talking about fashion and boys. Supernatural world was way more interesting for her since she had been living with them.

"No one is allowed to enter the forest, without permission of course. Both human and shifters or witches, vampires, well you name it." Ian shrugged. "You will get lost there."

"Because there were many people who entered the forest and didn't come back, people in this village thought that forest is cursed, thus it is forbidden to walk there." Rossie chimed in, apparently has the same interest of this kind of topic just like Hope.

"But, we, supernatural creature, know that there is another portal to go to another realm where missing people would go if they couldn't return to this village." Ian added.

"How all of you know about this? Have you been there?" Hope threw a suspicious look to Ian.

"Kind of trying to prove the story." Ian grinned.

"If human is forbidden to go there, but why it implies to supernatural creatures too? Isn't everything in there is from the same kind as you?" Hope didn't understand. It was understandable if human was not allowed there, but why shifters too?

"Because there is dark creatures resided there." Ian shrugged. "It is ironic that we take a shelter here near their realm because this is the safest place for us, rogue, since there are very few places that we can live, to stay away from those packs."

Why don't you join the pack then? That was the question that Hope wanted to ask, but she remembered that Ethan had said it was a family problem, hence she kept her mouth shut.

Moreover, Hope was not in better position too, if the definition of rogue was that, then she had two rogues at house.

And then, they were chatting a few more things about the law in this village and the forbidden forest, before the siblings filled Hope in with the information about werewolves and Lycanthropes.

Well, Hope learned a lot from this one hour conversation about the shifter world rather than living with two shifters and one witch for fourteen years.

"What is mate?" Hope asked curiously when Rossie mentioned about mate.

This time it was the little girl, who explained it to Hope with sparkle in her eyes. "It is your half soul, our kind believe that moon goddess had given all of the shifters in pairs, all we have to do is to find our own mate."

Hope raised her brows, she had never heard something like that. "Wow! How romantic…" Hope felt giddy when she heard that while the two boys rolled their eyes, this was the topic that girls liked after all. "How do you know your mate?"

"There are a few way to know your mate, but most of the case, it happened at the same time." Rossie loosened up with Hope now as she leaned over to tell her this piece of information. "Your mate scent is like parfume that only is made for you."

Hope blinked her eyes. Maybe for those shifters who had acute nose, it was possible, but for her who could barely smell another a faint scent, it was impossible.

But, again… Hope was not a shifter, so how she could have a mate? Stupid… she scolded herself for imagining thing like that.

What to do, the way Rossie mentioned it, it sounded very romantic and Hope wished to be able to experience that.

"And the way you look your mate eyes, you will feel the pull of mate bond that will make you to be near your mate forever." Rossie grinned giddily, but she had not yet done. "And the last thing…"

"What is it?" Hope asked again. Rossie made it sound like love at first sight and made one believed there were still true love in this cruel world.

"When you touch your mate, you will feel the spark that erupted from your skin to skin contact." Rossie's focus was solely on Hope now, though she was the very person who was reluctant to inform Hope further about their kind.

"Spark?" Hope furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you meant with spark?"

"I don't have idea about that because I have not experienced it yet, but from what I heard, it is like a tingling feeling that spread on your skin, like spark."

Rossie elaborated more detail about the spark that she mentioned, but all Hope could think was the same exact feeling when she touched Kace.

However, before Hope could ask further the bell rang and they had to be separated.


"How is your first day?" Lana asked when Hope closed the car door.

She was tasked to pick up Hope from her school and observed the situation here, if it was safe enough for Hope to be in this village. historical

"Good." Hope put her bag on her laps and buckled herself or else Lana wouldn't start the engine and they would never reach home.

Safety first. That was what Lana would say.

"What?" Hope furrowed her brows when Lana tried to sniff her and scrunched her nose afterward.

"There is shifter in your school." Lana stated, it wasn't a question. meant, she knew for sure about Hope's new friends.

"Really? I don't know." For some reason, Hope didn't want Lana to know about them, she didn't want to move again. Knowing Serefina, there was a high chance she would decide to choose that option. "How do you know?"

"I can smell it." Lana replied curtly.

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