The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 473 - NO!

Chapter 473 - NO!

"Hope, right?" Kace stopped in front of Oliver's table.

With his presence, all the conversation in that long table, immediately died down as their head turned to look at the new P.E teacher.

Hope didn't know if Kace would directly confront her like this, she thought it would only annoy him and he would scold her later.

"Yes." Hope's lips were slightly ajar as she could feel all the attention was directed toward her.

"Good, I need your help. Can you come with me for a while?" Kace asked with warm smile.

"This is lunch time," Oliver protested. He was still upset because of the incident a few days ago. It was simply embarrassing. "She needs to take a break too."

"Hope, come with me." Kace completely ignored Oliver's words as his eyes fixed on Hope's.

"Sir…" Oliver wanted to complain again, but Hope had put his hand on his shoulder to stop him.

This small gesture made Kace narrowed his eyes slightly, didn't like the fact that his mate was touching another male right before his eyes.

"It's okay, I will go." Hope stood up and looked at Kace. "Sir?"

Kace smiled softly and walked away from the canteen, he never gave a single glance toward Oliver or his friend as his eyes focused on her.

"What do you want? This is school." Hope followed behind Kace with light steps, trying to not look obvious that she was close to this new teacher.

"Saved you from the situation." Kace said lightly.

"What do you mean?" Hope didn't understand. "I was sitting with my boyfriend and his friend."

All of sudden, Kace stopped walking and turned his back, fortunately Hope has a good reflex, so she didn't need to bump her face straight to his solid chest.

"You can't lie to me, sweety." Kace nudged her nose softly with his forefinger and laughed when Hope's expression turned unsightly. "You don't like it when you have to sit with people that you don't familiar with."

He knew that? No one ever notice that.

Hope wanted to refuse his theory, but it would sound pathetic and she didn't want to give Kace another reason to laugh in front of her face.

"Thank you for saving me." Hope said it sarcastically.

"Anytime beautiful." Kace didn't mind it with Hope's attitude. "Where are you going?"

After saying that, Hope turned around to leave him. "Go back to my class."

However, Kace grabbed the hoodie on her jacket and dragged her. "I said I need you right? So, you have to help me."

"What?" Hope thought it was only an excuse. "No, let go." She hissed, looking around with worry, she didn't want to be the object of gossip of those female students.

However, Kace seemed oblivious with Hope's concern.


"Don't apply as a teacher if you are this lazy!" Hope was grumbling, staring dagger at the lycan beside her.

They were inside the indoor basketball court of the school building with Hope was checking the inventories there.

It happened that, every three months Mr. Wentworth would do the inventories checking, but since Kace was his substitute, thus it became his task.

Yet, this lycan was too lazy to do that.

"I am not lazy, I am just tired." Kace laid back in the middle of the court and used his arms as pillow.

This school building only has one indoor place for P.E, hence all the stuff for P.E was put there. No need to say that there were many things there.

"There are many things here." Hope complained. "I don't think I can finish it before the bell rings."

"It's alright, just do what can be done." Kace replied with soft voice with his eyes closed.

"You only used me." Hope grumbled and Kace chuckled. historical

"Feel free to get back at me."

And then there was a silence as Hope was roaming around that place and wrote on the paper on the clipboard.



"I thought you are sleeping."


"How do you apply as a teacher behind Serefina's back?" knowing Serefina, she would know it before Kace could step inside the village.

"She was busy and I have a great link."


And then silence again.

Just like what Hope had thought, the bell rang and she couldn't even finish half of it. With a sigh, Hope dragged her feet to come closer to the sleeping Lycan.

It had been a long time since the last time Hope watched Kace was sleeping peacefully like this.

She crouched down and stared at him, got lost in thought as she forgot that the bell had stopped ringing five minutes ago.

It was very strange when a man could appear very fierce, but also gentle at the same time. Possessive, but considerate, reckless but also knew his responsibility…

Hope stretched her arms to touch Kace's eyebrows and traced the bridge of his nose, his lips, his chin…

At that time, she saw something on his neck.

What is that?

A scar?

Hope leaned over to see clearly what the dark line on the back of his neck. Because Kace's hair was a little bit long, thus his nape was covered with it.

However, the moment Hope's fingertips brushed his neck, Kace opened his eyes and they were as black as the night sky.

Hope didn't have time to think when all of sudden her back hit the concrete floor and Kace had pinned her under his body with his canines elongated.

Hope gasped, it was terrifying to say the least.

However, before something bad happened, Kace regained his composure as his eyes slowly returned into his blue one.

"Hope…?" His voice came out very hoarse.

When Kace had snapped from his defensive state and realized what he was doing, horror filled his eyes.

"No! Hope… I am sorry, did I hurt you?" Kace moved fast from above Hope and helped her to sit down, his eyes scanned his mate body worriedly and felt terrible when he watched Hope rubbed her head.

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